Saturday, April 18, 2015

Alone, Yet NOT Alone

This week's post is a little different.  There are only several pictures.  Just sharing a bit of what God has been teaching me these past few weeks.

I am often asked: "Are you lonely, Gregg?" or "Don't you hate being alone and not married?" Usually, I am quick to respond that I am quite content with my situation in life.  But during the last several weeks I have spent some time pondering loneliness and being alone.  Yes, at times I long for companionship. I look at friends and say to myself, "It would be great to be married and have children."  I dearly miss my family and friends back in the USA and throughout the world.  There have been times, especially during the past several weeks.  I really felt like I was on a deserted island somewhere longing for those times of not being alone.

Thursday morning, in the middle of a very busy week at YISS, I was feeling really down and lonely and on my own.  Our elementary school staff meet together for devotions on Thursday mornings and I really didn't want to attend.  I was having a pity party for Gregg and thinking how great others have it and don't have to be alone.  Grudgingly, I went to the devotions in Room 216 at 7:20 AM.  I sat down in a corner of the room hoping to be left alone with my little pity party.

One of our Elementary Art teachers, Mrs. DeHart, was leading the devotion time.  As Pam shared about the experiences of her life and family, she said that there were often times when she felt alone in her journey with the Lord.  She then showed a video clip that had Joni Eareckson Tada sharing about her life.  I knew about Joni but was especially challenged by her encouragement from her experiences and the Word.  Pam shared a couple video clips that spoke directly to me as I was having my pity party.  I didn't realize the impact the one clip would have until Friday evening.

Friday evening, my wonderful friend and former SYME student, Jungmin (Chris), came to my apartment following his work day and we spent several hours together sharing with one another about "being single" and "being alone."  We had a very refreshing time and then I went to my bedroom and got in bed. As I prepared to fall asleep, I began reflecting on the amazing family I have enjoyed throughout my life.  I thought about the wonderful friends I have been blessed with in the USA, in South Korea, and throughout the world.  I reflected on the family I enjoy each day at YISS.  My days are filled with people beginning around 6:00 AM and going until 6:00 PM (usually).

Just this past week at YISS I was happily involved in the following:

*  the beginning of the largest and busiest quarter of after school activities since coming to YISS, involving relationships with YISS teachers, outside instructors, elementary students and parents;

*  teacher observations within classrooms and meetings with each to share feedback;

*  numerous opportunities to invest in the lives of elementary school, middle school, and high school students at YISS; and

*  continued opportunities to meet and share with former SYME Korean students as well as new friends I've met throughout Seoul.

As I reflected on the beautiful relationships I enjoy each and every day, I began to fall asleep.  Then I remembered the song Mrs. DeHart shared at our Thursday AM staff meeting.  I got out of bed and went to my computer and clicked on this beautiful song that we heard on Thursday morning.  It was a video clip of Joni Eareckson Tada singing this song, Alone, Yet Not Alone!  Just what I needed so I listened to the words as I fell asleep thanking God for the many relationships he has allowed me to enjoy.  I share it with you and trust you will be encouraged.  You see, all of us (married or single) have those times when we feel all alone, BUT we are NOT alone!  Click on the following link and listen, reflect, and be encouraged!

Click on this link:  Alone, Yet NOT Alone!  Try copying and pasting the following link if the previous link does not work: .

When I woke up Saturday morning, I went to one of my favorite coffee shops in Itaewon to reflect some more and then at 11:00 met my dear friend, Gunmo Kim.  And once again God used Gunmo to come beside me and we were able to enjoy some sweet fellowship!  What a tremendous time we had on Saturday as we talked and enjoyed some very tasty Budae-jjigae at a new restaurant in one of the back alleys of Itaewon.  We continued our great conversation at Sweet East where we enjoyed some coffee and shared a Cookies and Cream Funnel Cake.  And once again, God used a great brother and friend to let me know that I may be alone, yet I am NOT alone.

Here I am with Gunmo and the owner of this small, yet very busy, Budae-jjigae restaurant.  She was so excited that we found her little establishment. I am sure I will be back often to enjoy one of my favorite Korean dishes.  (The lady taking the picture accidentally got her finger in the way; so sorry.)

Here is a picture of our very yummy Budae-jjigae!!

Another shot of GGG in front of the Budae-jjigae and some of the side dishes!

Gunmo preparing to serve the tasty Budae-jjigae!!

The Cookies and Cream Funnel Cake we enjoyed at Sweet East! This is the small one. :-)

I want to leave you with three special verses that have always been a huge part of my life:

Hebrews 13:5 - “Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, “Never will I leave younever will I forsake you.”

Joshua 1:8, 9 - "Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.  Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."

Thanks so much for being so faithful in encouraging me, praying for me, loving me, sending me emails and notes of encouragement, and supporting me.  Please pray for the very busy weeks ahead at YISS.  They are greatly appreciated.

Love,  Gregg

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