Saturday, April 4, 2015

Quarter Four Begins!! "It's Friday but Sunday's Coming!"

The week began with drizzle and rain, but ended with some nice weather!  After a week of Spring Break, Quarter 4 began with a flourish!  We welcomed back the GWAM teams and five new elementary students.  Quarter Four online registration went smoothly on Tuesday and Wednesday with only a few minor glitches with technology. I am so happy with the improved Apps that Google has developed that makes registration for After School Activities SO MUCH better with not nearly as much stress for the old man. :-)

My week was pretty much taken up with all of the details that go along with the ASA registration and making sure that confirmations are received, GIRO payment slips are processed, Signature Lists for each class are prepared, Bus Lists prepared for each day of the week, and the list goes on and on.  It actually has become enjoyable although it does involve lots of work and organization.  I had some late evenings at school + working most of the day on Good Friday (YISS had the day off).  It is amazing how much work one can get done when there are no interruptions! My office had GIRO payment slips, Liability Forms, and Signature Lists all over my desk and other areas.  Everything is set for Monday for distribution to the students.  Abby Williamson and I will need to add the Swimming Activities' GIRO slips around Noon and then distribute to each of the 22 classrooms so that students can take them home to parents.  A few activities will begin next week, but most will begin the week of April 13.  Thanks so much to all of you who remembered to pray for me this past week.

My desk on Friday as I began organizing the GIRO payment slips, liability forms, and Signature Lists.  Over 420 GIRO payment slips for 29 activities for Quarter Four.  This is the most activities since I have been heading up the ASA the last 3 years!  

In addition to the After School Activities registration-related projects, it was also the week when teachers were to have Quarter Three Comments and Grades completed.  In between the ASA registration I was checking the comments and grades for the eight sections in Grades 1 and 3.  I always enjoy reading the comments that teachers prepare for each of their students.  Everything was ready in time for our Elementary Secretary, Mrs. Yoo, to email on Thursday all of the report cards to each of the parents of our cherubs in Kindergarten through Grade 5.

Wednesday was the day that all of the children on the Yellow House Team could dress down and wear their yellow shirts and other yellow clothing.  It was in honor of the Yellow House Team edging out the Blue House Team (my team) for the most points in Quarter Three.  They enjoyed their day - especially when they can beat the Blue Team.  One more quarter and then the House Team with the most total points for all four quarters will have special recognition.  Here are the totals for Quarter Three only:  Yellow - 3261; Blue - 3211; Green - 2770; and Orange - 2734.  The over all totals for all three quarters so far shows the following totals:  Blue - 6549; Yellow - 6371; Orange - 5394; and Green - 5327.  Should be an exciting quarter with the final results announced after our Annual Elementary Field Day in May!

I love Spring in Seoul!  I have been enjoying some brisk walks lately and have been really enjoying all of the Cherry Blossoms and many other trees that are demonstrating their beauty once again.  Here are several pictures from various walks.

A scene from one of the parks (I forget the name) in Seoul!

A photo from a walk this past week!

The above pictures are from in and around Itaewon in Seoul.  I love Spring!!

I took this picture from my 4th floor apartment in Seobinggo after returning from my walk on Saturday!  It is right below the balcony of my apartment!

When you receive this post, it will be Easter Sunday in much of the USA.  I have always said that Christmas and Easter should be celebrated every day of the year.  When I say that, I don't mean celebrate as the world celebrates.  We have Christmas to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.  And His birth was a very significant event!  We have Easter to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Jesus was born so that He could die and make it possible for everyone to have their sins forgiven and receive new life through Him.  His resurrection from the dead is so key! If He stayed dead, there would be no hope of eternal life.  But He rose and conquered death and sin, and because He lives I know He holds my future and I can live each day in and through His power over sin and death! I was present many years ago when Dr. Anthony Campolo  gave a very moving message entitled: It's Friday, but Sunday's Coming!  Here is an abbreviated version of his message.

“It’s Friday… Jesus was nailed dead on a cross.
But it’s only Friday; Sunday is coming!
It’s Friday… Mary’s crying her eyes out ‘cause her Jesus is dead.
But it’s only Friday; Sunday is coming!
It’s Friday… The disciples are running around like sheep without a shepherd.
But it’s only Friday; Sunday is coming!
It’s Friday… Pilate’s strutting around washing his hands ‘cause he thinks he’s got all the power and victory.
But it’s only Friday; Sunday is coming!
It’s Friday… People are saying “as things have been so they shall be – you can’t change anything in this world.”
But it’s only Friday; Sunday is coming!
It’s Friday… Satan’s doing a jig saying, “I control the whole world.”
But it’s only Friday; Sunday is coming!
It’s Friday… The temple veil ripped from top to bottom -the earth shook- the rocks split and tombs opened. The centurion screamed in fear, “Truly, He is the Son of God!”
But it’s only Friday; Sunday is coming!
It’s Sunday- “The angel, like dazzling lightening, rolled the stone away exclaiming,
“He is not here! He is risen!   
It’s Sunday! It’s Sunday! It is Sunday!” 

Happy Easter!  Thank you very much for your continued prayers, love, encouragement, emails, cards, notes, and support!

Love, Gregg

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