Saturday, August 29, 2015

We're in Full Swing in the YISS Elementary School!

Such a full and busy week at YISS, especially in the Elementary School!  I will try to let the pictures do the talking.  Some very long days as teachers and administrators were involved in many regular classes and activities.  The we added our Elementary School's Open House on Tuesday evening and the PTO Elementary School Newcomers' Coffee on Thursday morning.  There was a "Fun Day" for Elementary students and staff on Wednesday - "Say Goodbye to Summer" dress down day!  Ms. Weir and Mrs. Hooper organized and carried out our first New Student Social Event after school hosted by the group of Grade 5 students who are our Guardian Ambassadors this year!  After School Activities began its first afternoon of activities on Friday.  What was really cool was that the weather forecast called for no rain on Friday.  So Gregg relaxed and I said to myself, "Great!  I won't have to worry about bringing the Sports (K-1) activity inside and try to find a place inside for their activity!" At 2:00, it began to rain!  Gregg got nervous!  I asked our elementary secretary, Mrs. Yoo, to pray along with me that I would stay calm and be able to find a Plan B. I found that the New MPR was available at 3:10 so I booked that.  I saw also that the High School Gym was available on the calendar so I thought that would be a better place.  I went to the Athletics Director and he looked sad.  He said he had booked a high school group in the HS Gym after school just yesterday and forgot to put it on the calendar.  At 2:45 PM the rain came down in torrents.  There were huge puddles all over the Courtyard where the Sports (K-1) activity was scheduled.  I found the instructor for Sports and told him that he would have to be in the New MPR.  After all the bus students had been dismissed at 3:15 and were on their way home, I looked out and the rain had stopped!  The sun was shining!  The puddles were gone!  Sports (K-1) had its activity with 20 delightfully happy cherubs! I would ask each of you to pray that I would continue to stay calm Monday through Friday for the next 7 weeks so that the rain would not hinder our outdoor activities OR that alternative plans would be available as needed!  Thank you, Lord, for this lesson on Friday!

Monday was a day of final preparations for After School Activities as well as our Elementary Administrative meeting and then our Elementary teachers' meeting after school.  Lots to do to prepare for the many activities and events of the week.


This year we have moved our Chapels and OASIS Assembly times to Tuesday so I was involved in both of those in the morning.  It was our kick-off for our annual Walk-A-Sock-A-Thon that will happen on October 2.  I was getting the kids excited about collecting their 100 Won coins for the Agape International Missions in Cambodia, an organization that is fighting the human trafficking of children and teenagers.  The kids are all excited!  Last year they raised nearly $12,000 by just collecting 100 Won coins!

Chapel singing time is one of my favorites!  Here are some of the
           students singing "One Way" in Chapel on Tuesday!

Another picture of a group of students singing during Chapel.

And another picture from Tuesday's Chapel!               

This little man in Grade 1 captured my attention during the song time.  He did all of the moves and motions and his facial expressions were so expressive.  He always has a smile for me.

In the late afternoon I had a visit from one of our former Middle School students at YISS.  I was surprised to see my friend, Patrick Han, come to my office!  He has been back in Korea and is getting ready to return to his private boarding school in Massachusetts.  He wanted to stop by and see me and talk about what has been happening with him as he prepares for his junior year.  So great to see Patrick!

GGG and Patrick outside my office at YISS on Tuesday!

Tuesday evening was our annual Elementary School Open House from 6:00 - 8:00.  There were many parents who came out for this night!  Teachers had prepared long hours for this evening and it was fun to go from room-to-room to see many of their creative ideas to get to know the parents in their classrooms.  It was a great evening!

Here are the three Elementary Administrators visiting one of the classrooms right before Open House began.  Left to right: Mrs. Roll, Mrs. Willetts, and GGG.

The four teachers on the grade 1 team had prepared
  a Curriculum Overview for parents and had each 
   child write a little letter with drawings for their 
                  parents!  Parents loved this!

This was in one of the second grade room.  I loved the "All About Me" Alphabet Book!  There was important info about the Raz-Kids reading enrichment program, the upcoming Walk-A-Sock-A-Thon and a letter from the student.

Another idea or two: A "Back to School Classroom Handbook" and a letter from the student. Parents were to then write a letter back to their student.


This was our first "Fun Day" for our elementary cherubs.  It was a Dress Down day with the theme, "Say Goodbye to Summer."  Here are a few pictures of some of our young ones in their summer outfits.  It was rather interesting that after several weeks of very hot and humid weather, Wednesday was a beautiful cool day! (The rest of the week remained nice and cool!  I didn't have to use air conditioning at home for the first time in several weeks!)

Our Elementary Administrators on "Goodbye to Summer" Day.  They wanted me to wear pants like they had.  I said I will do my shirt but not the pants! :-)

    Some fifth graders saying "Goodbye to Summer."

More fifth graders!

Some fourth graders near their lockers!            

Some grade 5 girls!

                       Some fourth grade boys!

Grade 1D cherubs with their teacher and teaching aid with their "Crazy Pose."

Grade 1A students saying "Goodbye to Summer."           

       Elizabeth in her summer Hawaiian outfit!!

Max with his MAX hat and MAX T-Shirt he got  
this summer in Manhattan! Max is quite talented
in Chess and will be going to Greece to compete
in a tournament in September or October!     


Another very busy day!  The morning began with our annual PTO Newcomers' Coffee for new parents in the Elementary School!  I always enjoy these events as I get to meet the new parents and just enjoy getting to know them while enjoying some fruit and goodies.  Parents are introduced to the Elementary Administration and learn about the PTO and ways they can get involved!

Taste treats, juice, and coffee for the new parents to YISS!

    President of the YISS PTO, Jackie Kang, welcoming parents!

Some of the parents at the Newcomers' Coffee! (More Dads than usual this year!)

Mrs. Willetts, Elementary Principal, welcoming parents to the   
Elementary School and introducing Assistant Principals.        

One of the parent's drawing of her super power!  This was one of the Ice Breaker activities.  Everyone had so much fun!

In the afternoon, I was invited by Ms. Kara Minor, Grade 2A teacher, to come to her classroom to read a book to her cherubs.  I decided on a Mo Willems' book and had a delightful time with her class.  Ms. Minor has quite a lively group this year and she has been working hard on getting them to listen.  She had been working on a new technique and planned to practice it while I read the story. At a particular funny point in the Willems' book, the kids were laughing very loudly and all of a sudden, I heard this huge sneeze from Ms. Minor.  Immediately the kids stretched out on the floor and were ABSOLUTELY quiet.  I was very impressed and the kids were very pleased with themselves.  Both Ms. Minor and I are hoping they continue in this direction!  Such a great time I had!


After school, Ms. Weir, coordinator for the Guardian Ambassadors (a group of 5th grade students who are selected to help our younger children during recess times - along with teacher monitors) and Mrs. Hooper, Elementary Counselor, had invited all new students in Grades 1-5 to a social event after school to learn about the Guardian Way Code of Honor and to welcome them to YISS.  It was such a fun event with our Guardian Ambassadors coming alongside a new student and explaining some of the unique things at YISS.

  Ms. Weir sharing with one of the groups of new students and a 
  group of Guardian Ambassadors at the New Student Event this 
                                   past Thursday afternoon!

Another picture of one of the New Student groups on Thursday!   


This was the first day of After School Activities and I explained about the main situation above. There are three additional activities meeting on Friday: Taekwondo, String Performance Ensemble, and Friday Swimming.  All went well and it was fun to see the kids' expressions as they were picked up by parents after their activity.

Friday evening after I was finished at YISS, I went to meet my wonderful friend and former SYME student, Nam Gyu (David) Baek.  Nam Gyu is working on becoming a full-time missionary with Word of Life and has some decisions to make on Sunday.  We enjoyed a great dinner at Left Coast Burger while chatting about the various options he and his wife Victoria need to make.  He wanted to meet to get my input and for prayer before making his decision.  It was so good to see this wonderful young man who longs to serve God!  I know he would value your prayers.

GGG and Nam Gyu at Left Coast Burger!  Please pray for Nam Gyu as he makes important decisions!

I keep forgetting to let you know that one of my former SYME students and very good friend, Erica, is now working in the YISS Secondary Media Center!  Erica studied at Moody Bible Institute in the area of counseling and came to YISS as an intern with our High School Guidance Department last Spring.  I am delighted that she is able to work for us at least part time now in the Media Center! Please pray for Erica as she seeks to follow the Lord.

Erica and I at YISS!  This was a quick "weefie" and Erica said her arms weren't long enough to take a good picture! :-)  Sorry that it is blurry!  Please pray for Erica!

Well, if you made it this far, thank you!  Thanks so much for your encouragement, notes, love, prayer, and support.  Enjoy the last couple days of August!

Love, Gregg

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Short and Sweet!! :-)

This may be the shortest post I have written with probably the fewest pictures! :-)  I know!  Quit smiling!! The week was definitely not short!  But in the middle of many technology changes and curriculum changes at YISS at the beginning of this year, I was able to have a very profitable and encouraging meeting with the headmaster to clear up a few issues concerning policies that were unclear concerning the After School Activities.  That was a big answer to prayer!  YISS still does not know when the Elementary Gymnasium will be able to be used, but I continue working on various plans so that activities can continue.

In addition to the meeting with our headmaster, I received a very beautiful and encouraging card and note from one of our classroom teachers! It made my day when I was feeling a bit low in the middle of this last week.  It was especially meaningful coming from one, who has been so exhausted with so many changes and trials these past several weeks.  I also received a number of encouraging emails from many of you at just the right time this past week!  Thank you.

Another very encouraging note came to me through Facebook as a private message from Stanley, a friend from way back who I had not heard from in YEARS.  He had not idea what I was experiencing at YISS, but his comments made me think God had given him the push to write some very encouraging words at just the right time!

On Friday evening I also met a new friend, Min Sik Yoon.  Min Sik found about me from a former SYME student and friend in Korea, Jae Hong Park (Dr. Fred).  Jae Hong and Min Sik are high school friends and are now 29 years old.  Jae Hong is studying in Australia and told his friend, Min Sik, about me and that he should connect with me to learn more about English and the Bible.  We met on Friday at Holee Chow, a wonderful Chinese restaurant in Itewon.  What a great time we had over dinner with lots of great food, fellowship, English learning, laughing, and remembering great stories about our mutual friend, Jae Hong!  Just what I needed to finish the very exhausting week!

Min Sik and GGG at Holee Chow preparing to eat a very tasty feast!

Right before I met Min Sik, I was working at YISS until 7:15 PM on the preparation of over 400 GIRO Payment Slips for those who had registered for Quarter One After School Activities.  In Korea, almost all bills are paid using GIRO Payment Slips.  They are actually quite convenient and I do not have to touch any cash.  Bills are paid at ATM machines or at a bank using the GIRO Slip with the individual's Payment Slip number and the school's bank account number.  Registration went smoothly except for a number of parents who were in a rush and did not read the material that was sent to them about ASA registration procedures.  Here are some pictures of my office on Friday evening.  Rather messy! :-)  I still have several major things to accomplish before After School Activities begin this coming Friday.  I am sure everything will get done, but maybe some long days.

My desk in my office on Friday afternoon/evening - from my view!

The credenza behind my desk with GIRO payment slips and other ASA material for classroom teachers for distribution on Monday.

Another view of my desk during my delightful evening of organization
of ASA material.  It is actually relaxing for me!  I know I am a sick man!

I wanted to share with you the more formal photo of the YISS Team for 2015-16.  I had shared one with our sea of red "Reaching Forward" polo shirts, but here is the official more formal staff photo.  I think you will be able to find me much quicker in this photo! :-)  I hope you will use it as a prayer reminder.

2015-16 Team YISS!!

The following image has nothing to do with YISS.  I just thought I would share it for some of my friend who love Math!  I know a few of you may have some comments for me after viewing it! Enjoy! (If you are reading this Reichy, I think you will enjoy!) :-)


Thanks for all of your encouragement which you demonstrate to me in so many ways.  I really am so grateful for your love, encouragement, care, prayers, and support!  Please enjoy a great week! August is coming to a close!

Love, Gregg

Saturday, August 15, 2015

And We're Off and Running!!!

Monday, August 10, was the beginning of another school year at Yongsan International School of Seoul!  Once again, a number of changes welcomed teachers and students!  We began the year meeting in the main lobby of YISS in a huge circle to sing and pray for the students as they entered for their first day of 2015-16.  Teachers did a great job in the midst of changes, but I know they ended the week very tired!  It was an exhausting, yet exciting, week!

Left half of the circle of YISS faculty and staff singing at 7:25 AM on our first day of school for 2015-16 in the main lobby of YISS! Ms. Johnson, our new Elementary Chaplain leading!

The only students who did not come by 7:50 AM were our kindergarten cherubs.  YISS has a little tradition where we host a "Boo Hoo Breakfast" for our Kinder children and their parents!  It is always a highlight for me!  I get to meet the new Kinder students and their parents and enjoy a nice breakfast in our cafeteria.  Then we take each Kindergarten section to the Courtyard where we take photos of students and teachers and then with their parents.  After that picture, I tell the parents it is time to say "Hasta la Vista," "Auf wiedersehen," "See you later," etc. and give final hugs and kisses as the kinder cherubs head off to their classrooms to begin their year at YISS.  Always a wonderful time!

      Some of our new KA cherubs at the Boo Hoo Breakfast!

Some of KC's new kinder children and their parents!

Some of the KB parents and their Kinder children! 

Parents enjoying the J & J Cafeteria Breakfast Buffet at the Boo Hoo Breakfast!

KA's photo with Kinder cherubs, parents, and teachers!

Kinder children and parents from KB - along with their teacher and teaching assistant!

KC's group shot with children, parents, teacher, and teaching assistant!

A picture of some of our parents saying their final Boo Hoos after
                               the picture was taken. :-)

Another picture of hugs and farewells before kinder children went 
to their classrooms.                               

Elementary students with their teachers gathered in the auditorium around 10:00 AM for our Opening Assembly.  We had a time of meeting all of the teachers, singing, and going over some of our expectations with the students.  It is always great to see the students and see their excitement!

Ms. Johnson leading our elementary students in an opening song!

Opening Assembly in the YISS auditorium!

1C teacher, Mr. Adams, leading our elementary cherubs in another
great song during our Opening Assembly!              

Another picture of our children and teachers singing in Opening Assembly!!


Monday was an Early Release Day!  With over 450 elementary students at YISS, it is always an enormous task to make sure each child gets to where she/he is supposed to be for dismissal, and then make sure each child gets safely home.  That is one of the times that I pray a lot since I am in charge during dismissal and need to make decisions very quickly at times.  This past Monday went very well, considering it was a half day and the first day!

One of the changes in the elementary program this year is that we will have our Chapels and OASIS Assemblies in the main auditorium on Tuesday mornings!  Teachers and students handled the change well.  There are a few bugs to work out, but I believe it will be great to have only two sessions in the main auditorium rather than four sessions on Friday in a much smaller Multipurpose Room.  I always love hearing our kids sing and share motions and dances with our Chapel and OASIS songs.  It was so great to see and hear them sing on Tuesday at our first Chapel and OASIS times!  Ms. Johnson, our new Elementary Chaplain, did a very good job of putting together a wonderful introductory time to our Chapels and OASIS assemblies for this school year.  I was able to share briefly about the Guardian Way Honor Code which has been a big help in helping our students to see how they should be living each day.

Ms. Dean, Grade 4A teacher, leading a song with motions in her
        wonderful and unique style during OASIS Assembly!

OASIS children singing during their first assembly on 2015-16!   

Above is a shortened clip of a video of the kids singing one of their favorite songs during our Opening Chapel on Tuesday morning!  Grade 4C teacher, Ms. Greaves, is leading the song and dance with some of her fourth graders!

There were many long days for teachers and administration in the elementary school this week as we were all working on some of the changes in the use of two new technology tools that will be used for communication with parents and students.  I was working on After School Activities.  Parents received letters  and emails of information about the program and questions began coming to me - especially from our new parents.  Your prayers would be greatly appreciated as online registration will begin on Monday, August 17 at 8:00 AM.  It is always a hectic time, but has gotten better each year.  

Two elementary students a bit surprised seeing this teacher in the fat clown suit.
  Our new Elementary P. E. teacher, Ms. Prater, owns this suit and everyone 
                    loved it.  She was one of the big hits on Friday!

Here is our resident clown with one of our MS students!

These four brought lots of smiles all morning as kids entered the school.  From left to right: Ms. Swift (ELL teacher), Ms. Prater (our resident clown), kneeling is Mr. Lantz (ELL teacher), our YISS Guardian mascot, and Ms. Speirs (Art and ELL teacher).

I love this picture of our Guardian mascot greeting a mother and her two little ones!!

The Korean government announced just about two weeks ago that Friday, August 14 would be the official day of celebrating National Liberation Day this year.  The Korean name for this Liberation Day is Gwangbokjeol, which means "the day the light returned."  It is officially August 15.  It commemorates "Victory over Japan Day," which liberated Korea from colonial rule.  This year is the 70th anniversary of this day!  So YISS decided to have an early release day to join in the celebrations.  From my front windows in my new apartment, I was able to view a grand display of fireworks from Namsan Tower around 9:00 PM on Friday!  You can check out my video of that on facebook.

Front page picture of the Korea Herald on Friday morning!  Korean children celebrating Gwangbokjeol!

During the week I was able to capture a couple photos of Seoul.  One of them is a photo of Namsan Tower at night!  This picture was taken by me - again from the front windows of my apartment.  The other photo is a picture of the sunset on Thursday evening in Seoul.  This was taken by my colleague and wonderful friend, Shauna Weir.  Enjoy!

Namsan Tower at night!  

Thursday evening sunset in Seoul!  Photo compliments of Shauna Weir, our K-2 Music Teacher!

Saturday was a full day for me. I was able to meet a former student from SYME and a great friend, Chang Yong.  I always enjoy meeting this wonderful young man.  So excited to see how God is working in his life.  We met in Itaewon and had a wonderful time together over lunch at Los Amigos.  Chang Yong wanted Thai food or Mexican food.  When we went to the Thai restaurant, there was a wait of over an hour, so we decided on Los Amigos.  What a great time we had eating, talking, laughing, and just enjoying catching up.  After lunch, we headed to sweet East Cafe for some iced coffee and more fellowship.  Chang Yong will be quitting his current job and studying for the electrical engineer's exam and then looking for a new job.  I know he would value your prayers.

Chang Yong and I preparing to eat lunch at Los Amigos!  So great
              to see this young man's awesome smile once again!

After we enjoyed our Quesadillas and Enchiladas, our server, August,
brought us this service gift of Mexican Churros and ice cream!     

Saturday evening was our first Elementary Admin Team family gathering.  We are planning a number of these throughout the year.  It is just a time for a lot of fun and fellowship surrounding a certain theme in one of the apartments of one of the administrators.  Our first one was at the apartment of  Lauren Hooper, our Elementary Guidance Counselor.  Lauren and her husband are in their second year at YISS and we are delighted that Lauren is qualified to take the new position of Elementary Counselor.  Lauren chose the theme of "Super Bowl Party" for our first fellowship party this year!  Lots of yummy football-type food was enjoyed by all.  Lots of great conversation and laughter + entertainment by Aubrey, three-year old daughter of Mrs. Willetts.  Those in attendance Saturday evening were: Ms. Henspeter (ES Media Specialist), Ms. Johnson (ES Chaplain), Mrs. Willetts (ES Principal), her daughter, Aubrey, and Mr. and Mrs. Roll (Krista is Assistant ES Principal), our hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Hooper (Lauren is our ES Counselor, and GGG. I am sorry all of my pictures didn't turn out so well so I don't have pictures of everyone in attendance.

So much food for us to enjoy!  Some very yummy dips - one a bit
                               spicy, which I enjoyed!!

Left to right: Ms. Henspeter, Mrs. Willetts, and Mrs. Roll.

Aubrey enjoying her audience!  Mr. and Mrs. Roll looking on!  

Mr. Roll, Dr. Hooper, and Mrs. Hooper eating and enjoying our little entertainment form Aubrey!

As I close this week, I would like you to particularly pray for two items this week:

1 - One of our second grade teachers, Ms. Debbie Gronski, was taken to the hospital on Wednesday afternoon.  She was experiencing gallbladder pains.  After many tests, it was determined that there were problems with her gallbladder as well as her pancreas.  She had minor surgery on Thursday and is expected to have more surgery at the beginning of the week.  Debbie is in a lot of pain right now and I know she would value your prayers.

2 - I would ask you to remember me specifically for a very difficult and complicated situation within the After School Activities program as well as the use of our elementary gym.  Some decisions that were made without input from me concerning the ASA elementary program have been a bit hurtful to me.  I need wisdom as to how to confront in a biblical manner those involved.  I just really need to give it to the Lord, but that has been difficult.  That's all I can say presently, but God knows the situation.  Thanks for your prayers.  I am praying that I will be able to get some rest this weekend.

The weather is still hot and humid.  So thankful for air conditioning.  Thank you so much for your continued love, encouragement, notes, emails, prayers, and support.  I trust your week will be a good one!

Love, Gregg