Sunday, August 23, 2015

Short and Sweet!! :-)

This may be the shortest post I have written with probably the fewest pictures! :-)  I know!  Quit smiling!! The week was definitely not short!  But in the middle of many technology changes and curriculum changes at YISS at the beginning of this year, I was able to have a very profitable and encouraging meeting with the headmaster to clear up a few issues concerning policies that were unclear concerning the After School Activities.  That was a big answer to prayer!  YISS still does not know when the Elementary Gymnasium will be able to be used, but I continue working on various plans so that activities can continue.

In addition to the meeting with our headmaster, I received a very beautiful and encouraging card and note from one of our classroom teachers! It made my day when I was feeling a bit low in the middle of this last week.  It was especially meaningful coming from one, who has been so exhausted with so many changes and trials these past several weeks.  I also received a number of encouraging emails from many of you at just the right time this past week!  Thank you.

Another very encouraging note came to me through Facebook as a private message from Stanley, a friend from way back who I had not heard from in YEARS.  He had not idea what I was experiencing at YISS, but his comments made me think God had given him the push to write some very encouraging words at just the right time!

On Friday evening I also met a new friend, Min Sik Yoon.  Min Sik found about me from a former SYME student and friend in Korea, Jae Hong Park (Dr. Fred).  Jae Hong and Min Sik are high school friends and are now 29 years old.  Jae Hong is studying in Australia and told his friend, Min Sik, about me and that he should connect with me to learn more about English and the Bible.  We met on Friday at Holee Chow, a wonderful Chinese restaurant in Itewon.  What a great time we had over dinner with lots of great food, fellowship, English learning, laughing, and remembering great stories about our mutual friend, Jae Hong!  Just what I needed to finish the very exhausting week!

Min Sik and GGG at Holee Chow preparing to eat a very tasty feast!

Right before I met Min Sik, I was working at YISS until 7:15 PM on the preparation of over 400 GIRO Payment Slips for those who had registered for Quarter One After School Activities.  In Korea, almost all bills are paid using GIRO Payment Slips.  They are actually quite convenient and I do not have to touch any cash.  Bills are paid at ATM machines or at a bank using the GIRO Slip with the individual's Payment Slip number and the school's bank account number.  Registration went smoothly except for a number of parents who were in a rush and did not read the material that was sent to them about ASA registration procedures.  Here are some pictures of my office on Friday evening.  Rather messy! :-)  I still have several major things to accomplish before After School Activities begin this coming Friday.  I am sure everything will get done, but maybe some long days.

My desk in my office on Friday afternoon/evening - from my view!

The credenza behind my desk with GIRO payment slips and other ASA material for classroom teachers for distribution on Monday.

Another view of my desk during my delightful evening of organization
of ASA material.  It is actually relaxing for me!  I know I am a sick man!

I wanted to share with you the more formal photo of the YISS Team for 2015-16.  I had shared one with our sea of red "Reaching Forward" polo shirts, but here is the official more formal staff photo.  I think you will be able to find me much quicker in this photo! :-)  I hope you will use it as a prayer reminder.

2015-16 Team YISS!!

The following image has nothing to do with YISS.  I just thought I would share it for some of my friend who love Math!  I know a few of you may have some comments for me after viewing it! Enjoy! (If you are reading this Reichy, I think you will enjoy!) :-)


Thanks for all of your encouragement which you demonstrate to me in so many ways.  I really am so grateful for your love, encouragement, care, prayers, and support!  Please enjoy a great week! August is coming to a close!

Love, Gregg

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