Sunday, August 9, 2015

Almost Ready for the Students!!

Already August and Monday, August 10, is coming!  Last week we completed a week of All Staff Orientation and concluded the week with MS and HS new and returning student Orientation sessions for students and parents on Thursday.  Then on Friday we had two sessions for new and returning students for the Elementary School.  In between teacher orientation sessions and parent and student orientations, I have been able to complete most of the work needed to begin After School Activities for Quarter One.  Many long days this past week and the weekend will be busy as well so that everything is ready for the ASA Letter to Elementary parents on Tuesday so that they can see the website and begin to choose which activities they would like for their son/daughter.

This past week we also took our annual YISS Staff photo with our new Team YISS polo shirts emphasizing our theme, "Reaching Forward!"  Here we are, a sea of red, on one of the elementary playground areas this past week.  Perhaps you can use the photo to remember to pray for us (145 + faculty and staff) as we begin another school year at YISS.

Can you find me in the sea of red?  Our YISS staff for 2015-16!!

This post will have many pictures of our week of orientation.  I think I will let the pictures do most of the talking and just share briefly about some of the pictures.  Below are some pictures from various orientation sessions with staff throughout this past week in the midst of another very hot and humid week in Seoul.  SO thankful for air conditioning!

Our new Elementary Chaplain, Meridith Johnson, put together this excellent group of musicians from among the YISS staff to lead worship each morning during Staff Orientation!  I wasn't able to get all of the musicians in one shot from where I was seated. :-(

This is a picture of some of our elementary staff during our second 
                           day of orientation this past week!

Later the same day, the grade level team leaders met with the elementary principals for some orientation details!  This is a great group of leaders!

Another picture of the Grade Level Team Leaders' meeting!     

On Friday we had two orientation sessions our parents and students in the elementary school; one for new and returning students (Grades K-2) and their parents in the morning, and one for those in Grades 3-5 in the afternoon.  They were well attended and it was so good to meet and greet students and parents.  I always love these times!  Here are a couple pictures of orientation and I am including pictures of our elementary staff.  Some of you may want to sue these to pray for our staff this year.

This is one of the two groups of parents and students who came on Friday for Elementary School New and Returning Students' Orientation.  It is always so much fun to meet parents and students!  Here our new Elementary School Counselor (a new position this year), Mrs. Lauren Hooper is sharing her responsibilities and goals for the year.

I was going to post the various pictures of the teams of teachers in the Elementary School here, but I will post them at the very close of this post.  I love the wonderful people God has brought together to serve in our elementary school.  I hope you will take a few minutes to view the pictures and pray for all of us as you can!  (Take a look at the close of this post.)

After the busy day of orientation, some of us in the Elementary Office paused to celebrate the birthday of Krista Roll, one of the Elementary Assistant Principals.  We enjoyed some very tasty cheesecake with Oreos and chocolate sauce + some laughter and fun after an exhausting week.

Here we are in the Elementary Office Suite.  Left to right: Sara Willetts (new principal), Krista Roll, Lauren Hooper (new elementary counselor), Karen Henspeter (elementary media specialist), and GGG. You will notice Mrs. Willetts' little girl, Aubrey at the bottom left! :-)

Look what I was able to secure this week!  One of the teachers at YISS was looking for a home for this electric piano/keyboard.  I couldn't resist since I enjoy playing in private!  This one came equipped with headphones.  I can play and listen to my own mistakes without disturbing neighbors!  I am excited for this new addition to my new bigger apartment.  I should have brought back some of my music books and sheet music. :-(  Perhaps my sisters, if they are reading this, will send me a book or two or some sheet music?  Not too difficult now!)

     My new addition!!  It is in my bedroom! Love it!

Another view of my new piano!!              

Oh yes, I found another new delightful eating establishment!  One of our YISS parents recommended the new restaurant that was added over the summer to the many in Itaewon.  It is called TOSS & TURN and I finally was able to stop and check it out on Friday after a long day at YISS.  I enjoyed the Tuna Salad Wrap along with a very yummy Apple-Cranberry Salad with Feta Cheese!  I got to know some of their very friendly staff - Paul, Chad and Ted.  I believe I will return here often! :-)

My delicious Tuna Wrap and Apple-Cranberry Salad with Feta Cheese!!

Saturday I met up with my wonderful friend and former SYME student, Yeongmin.  We hadn't met since I returned from the summer so it was great to see him.  He brought Sungmin and Soohee.  This is a couple I met through Yeongmin and have enjoyed getting together with them.  This was the first I was able to see their beautiful little baby, Siyoon!  (In English, you would pronounce his name: Shee-yoon.)  We went to VIPS Restaurant in Daebang and had a great time at of delicious food and conversation together!  So great to see them!  Thanks for praying for all of them to accept Christ.

Here we are at VIPS!  Clockwise: Sungmin with Siyoon, Soohee, GGG, and Yeongmin!

I really liked this saying on one of the walls at the VIPS Restaurant!

A special treat from Soohee!  Soohee made me a Tiramisu Bingsoo!
   Such a refreshing treat!!  You should come and enjoy Bingsoo!!

Daddy and Mommy with cute little Siyoon!!

Love this picture of Siyoon with Yeongmin!!    

When I first held Siyoon, he began to cry for his Mommy.  Soon he calmed down but he still wanted to be with Mommy! :-)

Thanks for reading this far and I just want to say thank you so much for all of your love, care, notes, emails, packages, encouragement, prayers, and support!  I hope you will enjoy a great week.  I always enjoy hearing from you.  Again, take a look at our amazing Elementary School staff after the closing.

Love, Gregg

Below are the pictures of those with whom I serve in the Elementary School at YISS!  I am so excited to partner with them as we seek to love the delightful cherubs this year at YISS!

Kindergarten: Ms. Lee (Teaching Assistant), Ms. Regnier (KA teacher),
Ms. Han (KB teacher), Ms. Chae (T.A.), Mrs. Bongiovanni (KC teacher),
                                         and Ms. Kim (T.A.)

Grade One: Ms. Song (T.A.), Ms. Kim (1A teacher), Ms. Chae (T.A.), Mr. Adams (1C teacher), Mrs. Thomas (1D teacher), and Mrs. Miller (1B teacher).

Grade 2: Ms. Buster (2B teacher), Ms. Gronski (2D teacher), Ms.
Stair (2C teacher), and Ms. Minor (2A teacher).           

Grade 3: Ms. Corbett (3B teacher), Mrs. Hannah 3D teacher), Ms. Sitton (3C teacher), and Ms. Roberts (3A teacher).

Grade 4:  Mrs. Lynch (4D teacher), Ms. Sarmiento (4B teacher),
         Ms. Greaves (4C teacher), and Ms. Dean (4A teacher).

Grade 5: Mr. Benedict (5D teacher), Ms. Creecy (5B teacher), Ms. Moncada (5C teacher), and Mr. Williamson (5A teacher).

Elementary Substitutes:  Mrs. Palmer and Mrs. 

Elementary Counselor: Mrs. Hooper and Elementary Chaplain: Ms. Johnson.

  Related Arts: Mr. Chan (Elementary Ed tech teacher), Ms. Weir
(Music K-2 teacher), Mrs. DeHart (Art 2-5 teacher), and Ms. Spiers
                                         (Art K-1 teacher).

Music and Phys. Education: Ms. Palmer (Music 3-5 teacher), Mr. Resende (P.E. 3-5 teacher), and Ms. Prater (P.E. K-2 teacher).

Elementary Media Center: Ms. Suh (Library   
Assistant) and Ms. Henspeter (Librarian/Media   

English Language Learning: Ms. Swift and Mr. Lantz (teachers).

         SLC Reading Specialist: Ms. Sundquist.

World Language:  Ms. Wei (Mandarin) and  Ms.  
Kim (Korean).  Ms. Kim is new this year.  Her first 
name is Soyoung.  I told her I could easily remember
her name because she is Soyoung and I am so old!! :-)

Elementary Admin:  Mrs. Roll (Assistant Elementary Principal), GGG, Mrs. Willetts (Elementary Principal), Mrs. Yoo (Elementary Admin Assistant), and Mr. Johnson (Headmaster).

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