Sunday, October 11, 2015

Quarter One Final Frenzy Amid a Welcomed Respite!

It is difficult to believe that Quarter One will finish on October 16!  Even with all of the changes during this past quarter, it seems like we began Quarter One couple weeks ago.  This week Korea celebrated Hangeul Day on Friday, October 9.  YISS joined other international schools and public schools in Korea in taking the day off to celebrate, relax, and refresh! Hangeul Day or Korean Alphabet Day is a national commemorative day marking the invention and proclamation of Hangeul (also Hangul), the alphabet of the Korean language, by the 15th-century Korean monarch Sejong the great.

Our teachers and administrators were delighted to have this respite during this very busy and crazy time of ending Quarter One.  Many of our staff participated in the annual Staff Retreat at Daecheon Beach on the Yellow Sea.  I still had work to complete on Quarter Two After School Activities so I stayed back in Seoul in order to complete everything that needs to be ready for Quarter Two.  I still had a brief respite and enjoyed some time alone.  It seems that I can accomplish much more work when I can work without frequent interruptions that often occur during the regular school day.  Your prayers would be appreciated as I send out information letters and emails to parents on Monday and Tuesday with Quarter Two ASA details.  Online registration begins on Monday, October 19 at 8:00 AM.  I am trusting that all of the technology works as it's supposed to that morning! :-)  We are offering 29 after school activities for Quarter Two.  And the great news is that the elementary gymnasium is to be finished over this weekend and ready to go on Monday, October 12th!!  I continue to pray that this will actually happen! :-)

Monday is a day off for students as YISS will have some professional development seminars, as well as Self Study committee work for our accreditation visit in March 2016.  I will also continue work on Quarter Two ASA stuff in order to have all of the many lists ready for teachers and the Business Office!  Teachers will also be working on Grades and Comments for Quarter One Reports as they prepare for parent-teacher conferences on October 23.

Coming up this week is also the annual PTO Fun Fest on October 16!  This is always a special event for our families at YISS.  The kids go all out for this and there are so many games and activities as well as lots of delicious food.  Lots of fun and fellowship! More on that next week.

One of my highlights this week happened on Thursday morning.  One of our ELL (English Language Learners) teachers, Mr. Lantz, brought four of his students from Grade 2 to the elementary office. Mr. Lantz is doing a great job with many of our students who need extra assistance in learning the English language.  They have been reading the book, The Wolf's Chicken Stew and after listening to it and interacting with Mr. Lantz about the story, they prepared their own little books.  These four cherubs came to our office to read their stories they had been working on.  I was so impressed with the growth in English skills demonstrated by these young ones!  They had written it in a little book form with very fun and creative illustrations.  They were beaming as they read their stories to all three of the elementary principals!

Here are four Grade 2 students sharing their books with the elementary principals.  They were soooo happy to have this audience.  Mr. Lantz is at the far right - just in case you though he was a second grader.  He seems very proud of his cherubs!!

My little Vietnamese buddy, Sushi, is reading his book to us while the others intently watch and listen.  I was so proud of him!

This week I also wanted to show you some more pictures of some of our after school activities that will finish this next week for Quarter One.  I always enjoy going from activity to activity to see our students actively engaged in their respective activities.

   Quarter One's Girls' Basketball (Grades 2-3) with their coaches!

Our Sports (Grades 2-3) ASA with their teacher.

Our 4th & 5th Grade Girls' Basketball class with their coaches!    

Some of our Ceramics (Grades 2-5) students working on their projects!

      I love this little man in Ceramics class.  He is very intent on 
                                      finishing his project!

Master Kim with his Taekwondo class in Quarter One!  These guys love Master Kim.  He teaches them discipline while gently but firmly teaching them Taekwondo.

Our 4th & 5th Grade Boys' Basketball class with their coaches!   

Here is the Boys' Basketball (Grades 2-3) class!

Sunday was another delightful day at New Harvest Ministry.  Our pastor has been doing a series on the beatitudes from Matthew 5:3-11.  I have been challenged and encouraged by his messages.

After church on Sunday, I was able to enjoy a special time with JiSang, my dear friend and former SYME student.  He continues to call me Daddy and continues to be quite the thinker - sometimes thinking too much! :-)  We enjoyed a wonderful time at lunch at a new restaurant for both of us located very close to my new apartment.  It is a very nice Chinese restaurant called MAO.  We enjoyed a great dinner with lots of catching up.  After our Chinese dinner, we took a walk through a section of my neighborhood that I didn't even know existed!  It was very crowded and so many little shops and stores!  So much fun!  Then we headed to Everything But the Hero, a coffee shop that is right beside my apartment.  I had stopped once when I moved in but this was the first I really sat down and enjoyed this delightful little coffee shop.  It roasts its own coffee and makes little dark chocolate squares that they give you with each order.  I had to buy a box of eight to take home.  It was a great afternoon with my dear friend.  Please continue to pray for JiSang as he seeks to serve the Lord.

GGG and JiSang preparing to feast on a yummy Chinese dinner at MAO!

One of the napkins at MAO.

Looking down the street back off of the main street
 near my apartment.  Lots of people out today and
enjoying this wonderful little street I did not know

JiSang enjoyed this huge Cotton Candy creation by one of the vendors on this street!

The Everything But the Hero Cafe beside my apartment!

On the left is our very tasty cheese cake and dark chocolate treats and our hand-dripped coffees!  On the right is a close-up of the dark chocolate "melt-in-your-mouth" chocolates.

I was able to have a very profitable meeting with our headmaster, Mr. Johnson, concerning some issues I had been struggling with that concerned all of the many changes that have been happening during Quarter One.  I am feeling much better at this point.  I would still value your prayers as I finish well in Quarter One and move forward into Quarter Two.

Thank you for being such an encouragement to me.  I appreciate so much your notes, emails, packages, love, care, prayers, and support.  Enjoy October!

Love, Gregg

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