Saturday, October 31, 2015

Happy November!! Returned from the Heat of Bangkok to the Very Cool Weather of Seoul!

Happy November to each of you!  I will try to keep this short and sweet since I have just returned on a red-eye flight from Bangkok at 6:30 AM on Sunday.  There were about 13 of us from YISS who attended in the EARCOS (East Asia Regional Conference of Schools) Leadership Conference from October 28 - October 31.  It was a time packed with numerous seminars and workshops; some very helpful!  I was able to attend several sessions on Standards-Based Grading and some excellent seminars on Digital Citizenship.  A lot to reflect on and put into practice as time permits.  Enjoy some pictures from the quick trip to EARCOS and Bangkok.

Here are 11 of our 13 YISS staff at our first dinner together at Mozarro's Thai Restaurant in Bangkok!

    This was my selection: Chicken and Cashews!!

I liked this sign hanging on the wall near us at Mozarro's!

Part of the 1,200 delegates assemble in the Ballroom for our Opening Session each morning!

We had morning breaks and afternoon breaks.  This was the set up at one of the morning break stations!

A close-up of the chocolate treats!

                            Night time view from the hotel!

Another evening picture taken on my walk!

Another shot on my walk around the river area!!  

The swimming pool area at night at the Shangri-La Hotel!

Right before I left for Bangkok, I visited Dr. Park, the doctor I found last year who has been able to give me some relief with my feet, especially several toes that really hinder my walking.  I went to have him do some slicing of the corns and a nasty callous on several toes and between two toes.  I was at least able to enjoy walking in Bangkok.  I will be back to see him this week.  The pastor at the church where I fellowship is also going to introduce me to a Sports Orthopedist that has helped his son with his feet.  Thanks for your prayers.

Last week was the close of two of our After School Activities from Quarter One: 4th & 5th Grade Boys' Soccer and 4th & 5th Grade Girls' Soccer.  The last two weekends these four teams have done so well at two Soccer Jamborees hosted by two international schools in Korea for Elementary students. Mr. Resende and Ms. Prater, our Phys. Ed. teachers do a great job with these teams and I am so proud of how the students demonstrate great character qualities - especially when they compete with other schools.  Here are the four teams for this year!  Great job!

Our four teams (two girls' and two boys' teams) who participated in the YISS Elementary Soccer ASA in Quarter One!

Friday was the official beginning of our After School Activities program for Quarter Two.  One of the activities that is led by one of our great Teaching Assistants in Kindergarten, Ms. Kathy Lee, began and the kids always love the activities Kathy leads!  This time she is working with second and third grade students in an activity called Draw & Paint & Print.  Below is what she sent me in Thailand from her first class with these cherubs!  A great beginning!  Monday begins a full week of Quarter Two activities.  Thanks for your prayers.  Here is the picture Ms. Lee sent me:

First ASA class of Draw & Paint & Print with Ms. Lee!

Right after I returned from Thailand, I went home and slept a little.  Then I went for some yummy breakfast at one of my favorite places, The Flying Pan Blue.  As soon as I had placed my usual order, the one server came to tell me that the manager wanted to give me one of their hats they gave to special customers on Halloween.  I was very humbled.  They workers always look forward to me coming.  I think it is because I am one of the few people who goes to the kitchen after each meal I enjoy there to thank the cooks and dishwashers for their excellent and hard work.  They always smile and bow.  The one young man who has been there for some time is leaving in a few weeks to begin a job in creation and design.  He always wants to talk and said that he wants to stay in touch even when he leaves.  If you can remember Han as he begins his first position, I know he would appreciate it. Hopefully, I can get a picture of him and me this week or next.


Thanks so much for continuing to encourage me and pray for me.  I would really appreciate your prayers as I have a big decision to make this week.  I will be telling more about what develops in the days ahead.  Thanks for praying.  Thank you for your love, encouragement, prayers, and support.

Love, Gregg

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