Sunday, May 22, 2016

Concerts, Willems, Paul, and JiSang!!

Happy Sunday to you!  This is going to be a late post and perhaps a quick one!  As we close down another school year at YISS, and as I gear up for my new experience at the International Christian School of Pyeongtaek, the days seem to get busier and crazier.  Just praying that I will be able to get everything accomplished.  I hope you will forgive me for the brevity of this post.  It will mainly be pictures with a few words to let you know what has been happening.

*  Special Concerts - Tuesday evening was the 1st and 2nd Grade Spring Concert "Spring Forth With Joy!"  There was a packed house to enjoy these cherubs perform  a magnificent concert under the direction of Ms. Shauna Weir.  This was Ms. Weir's final concert at YISS and I had the privilege of closing the program for this final one.  Shauna did an amazing job and she is following the Lord to go to Cambodia to work as Principal of a school for girls who have been rescued from human trafficking.  I know she would value your prayers.  The audience gave the cherubs and Ms. Weir a standing ovation at the close of the concert.

Ms. Weir and GGG following the 1st and 2nd Grade Spring Music Concert!  Please pray for Shauna as she plans to go to Cambodia!

Grades 1 and 2 performing on Tuesday evening!

Ms. Weir chose four first grade conductors to assist with this song, Out My Window.

Second Grade student, Grant, welcoming the audience to the concert!

Friday was the 3rd and 4th Grade Spring Concert "Spring Into Jazz" under the direction of Ms. Tori Palmer.  It was another grand evening of music.  I especially enjoyed the 4th grade's jazz selections. I was so impressed with the soloists and narrators in both grades!  It was a great way to end the elementary concerts for another year.  Here are a few pictures of Friday's special concert.  Please look for some additional video clips on facebook later.  I just have not been able to get the time to post them.

Grade Three students performing on Friday evening!

Grade Four students singing at Friday's concert!

Here I am with Ashton!  Oh man, he sang a jazz solo in the selection, Basin street Blues, that had people amazed!  This young man is going to be a great singer!!

After the concert with three of my buddies, Ashton, Max, and William!

*  Another Reading of Mo Willems' The Thank You Book - I was asked by one of my favorite groups of cherubs, Grade 2A, to come and read this final book (in the Elephant and Piggie series) and to let these young ones know that I would be moving to ICS-P.  It was another very wonderful time with these special children and their teacher, Ms. Minor.

The 2A kids are so excited about this Willems' book!  They had heard about it but I was the first to get a copy and come to read it to them!

They loved seeing every page of this book and were so excited and started to think about who Elephant and Piggie were going to thank in this last book in the series!

I love reading to this group.  They are always so focused and always enjoy when I come to read.

*  Middle School Basketball Game - My former discipleship student in elementary school, Paul, came to me and invited me to come to see an important basketball game the YISS Middle School boys were playing against Chadwick International School on Tuesday evening prior to the music concert.  We have been talking a lot this year even though Paul is in 8th grade.  I just love how he has grown physically, emotionally, and spiritually!  I did not realize that he was the captain of the team and how well he is playing these days.  It was so great to spend time with him before and after the game.  It was a tough one - back and forth - with Chadwick winning by one point.  I thought Paul and the team handled this tough loss very well.  So proud of him.  Please continue to pray for Paul as he continues to grow in his walk with the Lord.

Before the big game with Paul! He is growing into such a fine young man!

Another young man, Andrew, who continues to meet regularly with me.

This is Paul, driving in for a lay up in practice before the game.

Another MS buddy of mine, Francis!     

Saturday I was very busy with Mr. David Benedict (Grade 5D teacher) and his wife Leah.  They will be moving into my current apartment and are very excited about it.  It is much bigger than their present apartment.  They brought several loads of furniture, clothing, and other belongings to my apartment to store since they are leaving for a summer break before I leave my apartment.

*  JiSang Comes to my Aid!  -  After church on Sunday morning, I met my dear friend, JiSang, in Itaewon to celebrate his birthday (from back in April) plus he drove his car so that he could come to my YISS office and pack all of my books and office stuff to bring to my apartment.  The moving company from Pyeongtaek will only come to one place, so I chose my apartment.  I couldn't believe all of the books I have collected during my six years at YISS.  Maybe I will start a small library!  You will see the pictures below the number of boxes we packed (mostly JiSang, since I was packing office stuff).  After packing, we went to my apartment and unloaded the boxes carrying them up two flights of stairs to my apartment.  JiSang also brought a surprise birthday gift for my birthday.  It was a really nice pair of Nike sneakers.  He knows the problem I have with my toes and shoes so he asked me to try this pair.  I think they may work.  They feel good right now, but we will see.  I had a great time with this dear friend, who is always ready to assist me - as are so many of my former Korea SYME students.

JiSang preparing to enjoy his OPH feast!  He LOVES
                        their thick cut bacon!!

I am working on my sausage and eggs with pancakes!

Here we are after a satisfying brunch and ready to go to work packing my boxes in my YISS office!

       Almost finished!  This is JiSang!  He is one tired puppy! :-)

Here I am with all of the boxes ready to be taken to JiSang's car.  I still can't believe how many books I have!  (And this is not all of them!  I had 3 more boxes - bigger ones - already packed at my apartment!) :-)

JiSang's trunk is almost full!!                            

More in the back seat!

At my apartment, relaxing in my new shoes!  JiSang
                        wanted to get a photo!

Before I close, I need to tell you another surprise I had at OPH on Saturday after helping the Benedicts move their belongings into my apartment and after I had done some shopping.  I went to have a late lunch at the Original Pancake House.  The place was packed!  I put my name in on the Waiting List and went and did a few more errands.  When I came back, the owner's wife, MJ, said my table was ready.  I went to the table and as I sat down, our Grade 4C teacher, Ms. Greaves, was seated at the table next to mine and she jumped.  She was with one of the new teachers who will be at ICS-P this next year and they were chatting about "Mr. Garman." :-)  Then I showed up!  We had a delightful conversation.  I am really excited that Amanda will be our First Grade teacher at ICS-P! Please pray for Amanda as she prepares for this excellent opportunity!

Here I am at OPH with Amanda and Ms. Greaves!  What a delightful time we had!

OK, I need to finish this and get it out to you.  Thank you for your prayers and encouragement - especially these last few weeks!  So much to do this next week and I would really appreciate your prayers!  Thanks, always, for your love, encouragement, prayers, and support.

Love, Gregg

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