Saturday, May 14, 2016

The Frantic Finish Begins!!

Yes, it appears that the frantic finish to another school year at YISS has begun.  So much going on and so much to do!  I have to keep reminding myself, "One day at a time; one step at a time.  It will all be accomplished!"  I would really appreciate your prayers for our faculty, staff, and yes - for me - as we take part of numerous concerts, athletic events, final report cards/comments, etc.  In addition, I continue to work on packing my belongings and preparing for my new experiences and responsibilities at ICS - Pyeongtaek.  Thank you for your encouragement and prayers.

My week began and ended with high points!  Early in the week, I was surprised with a visit from my wonderful friend, Matthew!  Matthew was one of the first middle school students I began building a relationship when I came to YISS for the 2010-11 school year.  We have come through a lot together and it is so exciting to hear of how he has grown during his freshman year at California Baptist University in the Los Angeles area.  Then on Saturday at the YISS International Bazaar, I was surprised again with a visit at the Bazaar from Matthew and our mutual friend, Boem.  Boem had taken a year off and will begin his university studies this September.  I am delighted that these two have become such good friends.  During our visit on Saturday at the Bazaar, I learned that Matthew ended his freshman year with a 3.86 GPA!!  Thank you for continuing to pray for Matthew as well as Boem as they seek to stay strong for the Lord as well as pursue a balanced university life.

Early in the week in my office with Matthew!  So proud of him and excited with his growth!

At the International Bazaar on Saturday with Boem and Matthew!

Wednesday was "Around the World" day in the YISS Elementary School.  Students were encouraged to come dressed in costumes from their home country as we prepared for the International Bazaar on Saturday.  Many came in their country's traditional dress, but I was very busy with being the "Headmaster" for the day since all other administrators were away for a planning day at a hotel in Seoul.  I was asked to be "on call" as needed during the day.  No major emergencies came up for which I am grateful! :-)  So in the busyness of the day, I only was able to get one photo of the "Around the World" dress day.

Here is our 1D teacher, Mrs. Thomas, with some of her 1D students on "Around the World" day!

During the Wednesday morning YISS staff devotions, the High School Chaplain, Billy Fisher, had leaders of our GWAM (Guardians with a Message) teams present the highlights of each of the trips.  I was excited to hear how our students got so involved in ministering and serving in so many needy places.  What I was most impressed with was the growth of our middle school and high school students in their own lives during these trips.  Some of the trips are open to students who are not Christians.  These trips are service trips, but during the trips, it was exciting to hear how many of the non-Christians were asking all sorts of great questions about faith in God and Jesus because of what they were witnessing. Please continue to pray for all of our students as they seek the Lord and come to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Ms. Kara Minor sharing with the YISS staff about her GWAM trip!

Ms. Debbie Gronski shared concerning her group's ministry at a school in South Korea.  They went to teach music.

Ms. Erica Fritz sharing about her 6th GWAM trip to The Philippines!

Ms. Lynn Greaves also sharing concerning her GWAM team's ministry and service!

Thursday evening was the first of three elementary music concerts at YISS.  Our first concert was presented by our Grade 5 students under the direction of Ms. Tori Palmer.  They did a very nice job sharing a variety of music with the theme "Composing Through the Years."  I was especially impressed with the 5th Grade Beginning Band.  Before they played several pieces, Ms. Palmer shared the recording of their first notes at their first rehearsal back in Quarter Two when we offered Beginning Band for Grade 5 students for an After School Activity.  It was a rather nasty sound! :-) The growth in the skills of this group through three quarters was so excellent!  I really enjoyed their performance.  Keep praying as Grades 1 and 2 and then Grades 3 and 4 present their concerts this next week.

I am so sorry. :-(  I thought I had taken a few others + a video of the 5th Grade Beginning Band, but I can't locate the pictures and that particular video won't download on this personal computer. :-(

In between teacher observations, individual meetings with some parents, my exit interview with our Human Resource Director, working on some minor issues with after school activities, etc. ,etc., I received my Mo Willems' final "Elephant and Piggie" book.  Mo Willems has written 24, I believe, books in this series.  Our kids (the younger ones especially) LOVE his writing and his simple, yet excellent, illustrations!  The kids are not real happy that this is his last book in this series, but they were sooooo excited that "Mr. Garman has Mr. Willems' last book!"  It is simply titled The Thank You Book.  I was asked to read it to Grade 1C on Friday and other teachers have been asking me to come and read it to their classes as well.  It was so much fun!  The kids in 1C were so excited and so involved as I read.  Many of them know that if the Library does not have a copy of one of Willems' books, they can come to the office of Mr. Garman and borrow one of his. They tell their friends, "Mr. Garman has ALL of the "Elephant and Piggie" books!"

Here I am introducing The Thank You Book to cherubs in Grade 1C!

They were all so excited about being the first class to hear me read Mo Willems' final book in this series!  They were also rather sad that it was the last.

I love this picture that the Teaching Assistant, Ms. Song, took while I was reading The Thank You Book!  They are loving the illustrations and the reading!

Another picture of 1C and their teacher, Mr. Adams, listening to 
the interpretation of The Thank You Book.                  

When I finished reading, this was the scene.  The kids wanted me to stay and read more books so they tried to block me from getting out of the chair! :-)

The weather on Saturday was perfect for one of my favorite days of the year at YISS - our annual International Bazaar!  An amazing group of volunteers from the YISS PTO put this event together and numerous teachers and staff volunteer to take various time slots at various booths at the Bazaar. There is food from all over the world.  There are fun activities for the kids!  There are cultural performances throughout the day!  It is a great day where the YISS families get together as a community to celebrate the many cultures represented at YISS!  Many pictures and videos are posted on my facebook page so I will not be posting a lot of pictures here.  It was a great day and hard to believe that is was my last as a staff member of YISS. :-(  But I am sure I will return in the future to enjoy this event once again!

The two pictures above show some of the crowd that had gathered on this beautiful day for the IB!

After my two volunteer stations, I decided to eat some yummy food.
Very tough choice!  So many delicious cultural foods were available!
I chose the Rice & Lamb dish from Uzbekistan.  I loved this family 
              and their assistants and the food was soooo tasty!

My favorite dessert cafe', Sweet East came and sold funnel cakes and cheesecakes and other treats!

Mr. Roll preparing to enjoy a funnel cake topped with whipped cream!

This is G-One, the manager of Sweet East, handing me my cheesecake with whipped cream!  She knows I LOVE whipped cream!

One of my buddies, William!  Notice his eyes.  He has such great
                               expressions with his eyes!

This is my friend, Lethabo.

Ms. Greaves has been very interested in the Mountain Child     
organization and here she and her assistants are selling treats and 
bracelets with the proceeds going to help this organization!    

The Soccer Field was set up with games for the kids!  There was a Water Zone, a Crazy Hair booth, Bouncy Bounce, and many more!

                 Kids waiting in line for the Bouncy Bounce!

This little lady was having so much fun!!

Two different age groups had fun shooting apples off of the cans!

As I close, I will show you a picture from the week.  Our Grade 2D teacher, Ms. Gronski, has one of her students leaving on May 24.  She came to the office to get a picture of me for the scrapbook she is making for Jeffrey.  She actually wanted me to pose wearing the pair of glasses I sometimes wear. They are a pair of glasses that have this large scary eyeball in the one side of the frames.  I couldn't find that pair (I think they were at my apartment) so I found this Christmas reindeer pair.  She said that pair would be fine.  So here is that photo. It just so happened that I was wearing a new suit and tie that day and I was eager to look so professional! :-)


Thanks so much for your continued encouragement, love, care, emails, notes, packages, prayers, and support.  More will be coming about all of the things in which I am involved in planning to head to ICS-Pyeongtaek.  I am in the process of clearing out things I will no longer be using, as well as packing and working on the renewal of my Visa, etc.  Your encouragement and prayers at this time are so important!  Thanks so much.

Love, Gregg

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