Sunday, May 29, 2016

Graduation Brings an Extraordinarily Final Week to a Close!

I didn't think life could get any busier, but I was wrong!  It seemed to be never ending this past week. Thanks for your prayers.  I definitely needed them this week.  Teachers had deadlines for Quarter Four Comments and Grades, Elementary VBS began, the PTO Appreciation Luncheon AND "Principals of the Day" in Elementary were on the same day, many "hasta la vistas to parents and students, and the final week of After School Activities for another year.  There were many more events -  and MANY more will happen the first three days of this coming week, our final three days for students.  To add to the busyness of the week, we enjoyed a wonderful graduation of the Class of 2016.  I was there to send off a number of young men who I have built relationships with throughout my six years at YISS.  As I get older, it does not get any easier to say "hasta la vista" to those with whom you have become close.

I'm going to try and just give you some pictures and brief comments of the week since I still have preparation for VBS on Monday and Tuesday as well as many farewell meals and events in my final eight days at YISS.  And yes, the movers come on Saturday, June 4 at 9 AM to pack and move my belongings to Pyeongtaek.  I have been told that I only need to supervise. :-)  I had already completed some packing, both at my YISS office and in my apartment and will probably do some more if I get the time.

Principal of the Day - Thursday was the day selected to have the three students who earned the Read-A-Thon awards as Elementary Principal and two for Assistant Principals, to actually have their day of administration.  They were so excited.  On Monday, we had met with them to find out their ideas as to what they would like to do.  They came up with the following: Ice Cream at the end of the day for each student, no Homework on Thursday night,  an extra recess for each grade, and coffee or tea on Thursday morning for all elementary staff.  They also wanted to read some books to the Kindergarten classes.  It was a great day and they enjoyed their day as a "principal."  Enjoy some pictures:

Above are the YISS regular principals with the RAT Principals-of-the-Day in their planning session in Mrs. Willetts' office!

   Principal Jayden reading one of his stories to Kindergarten B.

At the close of his reading time with Kinder B, the children posed for a fun picture with their "Principal."

All three principals preparing coffees and teas for all of our elementary staff.  They delivered coffee or tea to all teachers throughout the morning and gave them a Thank You note for their hard work.

The three principals greeting one of our Elementary Art teachers,
Mrs. DeHart and giving her a coffee and thank you note.      

Assistant Principal Upasana making an announcement over the P.A. system to the elementary students about extra recess!

Assistant Principal Mohammed reading to Kindergarten A with
              a little assistance from their teacher, Ms. Regnier.

Assistant Prinicpal Mohammed at "his" desk (mine) preparing to 
take his books to Kindergarten A to read!  He loved sitting at my 

Here we are at the close of a busy day! Mrs. Roll with Upasana; Mrs. Willetts with Jayden; and GGG with Mohammed!  Such a fun day!

Final PTO Appreciation Luncheon and Board Meeting - It appeared that communication had been confused and suddenly we were informed that we would need to be at the PTO Luncheon on Thursday to share our thanks and appreciation from the various schools within YISS.  It all worked out and I was not going to go, but the Headmaster said, "You need to be there." :-)  Since "I needed to be there," I asked if I could say a few words to say my "hasta la vista" to this excellent group of volunteers.  Following my little farewell gratitude speech, mixed with joyful tears, the PTO Co-Presidents presented me with their speech for me as well as a beautiful traditional wall hanging.  It was a wonderful time with many tears from many because of my departure.

GGG sharing his "hasta la vista" and gratitude speech to the PTO volunteers.

The co-presidents are explaining the beautiful wall hanging to me.  It is the Korean version of a quilt that is made up of individual squares of various persons' garments.  It is wrapped in bubble wrap for my move so I left it on for now.  It will be in my ICS-P office.

Here is where all three of us (as well as most in the audience) began to really tear up. Mrs. Kang was telling me how much I was going to be missed and thanking me for loving and caring for all of the children at YISS.  Her final comment was this, "You are...and always will be the heart and soul of YISS for many of us."

Below is a link to the video that was prepared by the YISS administration to thank the PTO for all they do for us.  The singer is our Grade 3-5 Music teacher, Ms. Tori Plamer.  Clink on the link! Hope it works!


Three-Day VBS Began on Friday - Our Elementary Chaplain, Ms. Johnson, kicked off the annual VBS for the Elementary School on Friday afternoon.  It takes place from 12:25 PM until 2:45 PM on Friday, Monday, and Tuesday.  There is music, worship dance, Bible lessons, character lessons, games to go along with the theme, crafts, and a Think Tank with each teacher leading various groups. I will be presenting the Bible lesson on Monday on Jesus Gives us Courage and then on Tuesday I will be giving the OASIS character lesson on Wisdom for Direction.  I would really value your prayers as I need to get some quality time before then to put everything together.

Above is Ms. Greaves, one of our 4th Grade teachers.  She is an amazing teacher and also teaches Worship Dance in our After School Activities.  She and her Hip Hop Dance group began our 2016 VBS with their rendition of Joyful Joyful We Adores Thee.  She asked several teachers and me to do some lip-sync some of the parts!  This version was taken from the movie, Sister Act II.  Some of you may remember it.  I am going to try and post the video of the performance here, but if it does not work, you can find it on my facebook page.  The kids loved it!  Even our elementary secretary, Mrs. Yoo, was one of the dancers! Click on the link below.  I hope it works. ;-)


Special Visits and Treasures - I had several visits to my office this past week from former students and current students.  They came to encourage me as I prepare to depart YISS and head to ICS-P.  I had some really special times!

Last week this young man (now finishing 8th grade), Paul Oh, came to my office with a gift and Thank You card.  I have been investing in Paul's life since I met him in 3rd grade.  I had not fully realized the impact I had on him until I read his Thank You card.  I am so excited for this young man and how he has grown.

Above is the Thank You card that Paul wrote and gave me.  It was a powerful encouragement that I needed this past week in the midst of the busyness!  Thank you for praying for Paul.

Another visit from a grad from last year.  So good to see Fred Nam and catch up on how God is using him at university.

Here I am with another young grad from last year, Joseph Yi.  He is studying in America, but had returned to see his brother graduate from YISS on Saturday.  Always good to see him.  Please pray that Joseph will not get caught up in all of the temptations that hit him every day.

I love this picture of two visitors from our kinder classes.  Ms. Regnier, Ms. Han, and Mrs. Bongivanni had their kinder cherubs prepare thank you letters and drawings for me as I leave.  These two little men (always smiling) stayed a little while to read some of the letters to me and show me the drawings.  I love this book.  It is pictured below.  (Art work by the Kinder TA, Ms. Kathy Lee)


Class of 2016 Graduation - Saturday at 10:00 AM was graduation time for our seniors.  I always enjoy this time and Saturday was no exception.  I think the easiest way to share some highlights is through some photos and brief comments under them.  I hope that you will pray for all of our graduates as they depart for colleges and universities throughout the world.  There will be some who are taking a year off and then heading to college.  They would value your prayers as well.

The formal photo of the YISS Class of 2016 - taken by me from the balcony!

This is the valedictorian for the Class of 2016: Jun Hou Shin.  I was very impressed by his speech on one of the three core values of YISS.  He spoke on Excellence and did an outstanding job.  I had not gotten to know Jun Hou and learned something today at the close of his speech.  He ended by thanking the faculty of YISS "for helping me to change from an atheist to an agnostic to a Christian."  Please pray for this bright young man who is heading to the University of Pennsylvania to pursue his undergraduate studies.

  Here I am with Tomas after graduation.  He and I began a great 
 relationship and I would ask you to continue to pray for him.  He
        will be studying Hospitality at the University of Surrey.

This is Josh!  So proud of him.  He spoke on our value of Truth and gave a clear testimony to the graduates and audience about what/who is truth!  He will be studying at Bard College!

This is Joseph Yi's brother, Daniel.  Please pray as he heads to the
University of California, Los Angeles.                  

This is Jin Woo.  He is always smiling.  A great soccer player and a true gentleman.  We have had some great conversations.  I believe he is going to be going to the University of British Columbia.

This is my buddy, David In.  We met one day after he had lost his
wallet for the third time.  It became a little joke and allowed us to
     get to know each other.  Pray for David as he goes to Johns 
                          Hopkins Universit for his studies.

This young man is so wonderful! Raphie (Rapheal Akawor) is always smiling.  We have had some of the greatest talks and I am excited that he is a follower of the Lord.  Pray that he will stay strong as he decides on where he will attend university.  He is still undecided.

These three young men are dear friends who graduated last year     
and came to graduation this year to support their friends. They are   
all studying at various universities and are actively involved in      
following Jesus Christ.  Left to right: Boem, Sung Ho, and Fred.   
   It was great to see them again and catch up. Thanks for your prayers.  

Coming up is my last full week at YISS.  I still have much to do before I head to ICS-Pyeongtaek on the evening of June 8.  As you think of me, you can be praying for the following:

*  All goes well with the moving company on June 4.
*  All works out for the renewal of my visa hen I go to the Pyeongtaek Immigration Office on June 9. I just learned this week that the NICS Home Office needs to send a Power of Attorney document for me to ICS-P.  It should arrive in time for the trip to the Immigration Office.  Then pray that everything can be completed by June 21 so that I get my new Alien Visa card.  I really don't want to change my flight on June 22.
*  Kindergarten graduation is this week at YISS.
*  There are a number of "hasta la vistas" this week.  I am trusting the Lord to bring me through each one.
*  We still have Final Report Cards to check and then get them to parents in a timely manner.

Thanks so much for your faithful love, encouragement, care, emails, prayers, and support.  You are the best!  Enjoy your last few days in May. Hard to believe June is coming up this week!

Love, Gregg

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