Saturday, August 19, 2017

A Very Hot, Humid, but Delightful First Week at ICS-P!

Yeppers, it was another hot and humid week in Pyeongtaek and our air conditioning at ICS-P seems to be getting older and older and not cooling the school as well.  BUT I love our teachers and how they continue to go above and beyond to teach and build relationships with their students in the midst of the added heat and humidity.  They continue to be a blessing to me.

Monday and Tuesday were days of final preparation for our teacher and staff to prepare for our first day of school on Wednesday.  Much was accomplished in those two days by our fantastic staff and we were ready for our students' arrival on Wednesday.  On Monday right before lunch, we planned to have our 2017-18 Staff Photo taken.  Our desire was to take the photo outside, but it was raining all day and instead of postponing the picture shoot, we decided to have the photo taken in our gymnasium.  Everyone came right on time and in just a few minutes, we were able to get everyone organized and the photos were taken.  I am happy to share our official staff photos for 2017-18 with you. You will find one that is our "serious" photo and then a "Silly Pose" photo as well.  All the staff wanted both. :-)  You can use the photos to pray for our staff this year as we come to your mind.

Above is our official normal staff photo for 2017-18.  So delighted to be able to work with these very gifted and talented educators!

We do like to have fun! :-)  Here is our "Silly Pose!"

After a very busy day of preparation on Monday, I was invited by our excellent facilities' manager, Mr. Song to a delightful dinner with him and our MS Lead Teacher, Jonathan Edwards at another Boshintang restaurant.  Mr. Song, Mr. Edwards, and I enjoy Boshintang so we traveled in the heat and rain to a new Boshintang restaurant (at least for Jonathan and me) and enjoyed a great time of fellowship, conversation, and laughter.  This time I was able to get to the cashier before Mr. Song in order to pay for the meal.  Mr. Song does so much around the school in our apartments for all of us!

Mr. Song surprised us with this picture.  I didn't realize he was taking pictures!  GGG and Mr. Edwards enjoying some tasty Boshintang!

This is a picture of our dear friend, Mr. Song, from last Spring's Boshintang dinner.

Wednesday arrived and it was so exciting to see many of our returning students as well as our new students!  It was great to greet students as they arrived for their first day of 2017-18!  I would ask you to continue to pray for some more students.  We had 122 enrolled on August 14 and by the morning of August 16, the first day, we had 125.  By Friday, our total enrollment for 2017-18 had reached 130! That is the number we need to match our budget with very little wiggle room.  We would love to reach at least 135.  Your prayer would be appreciated!

Here are a few photos from my walk-throughs during the first, second, and third days of our 2017-18 school year.  I love to observe our teachers as they so creatively and lovingly teach their students. They are already making a powerful impact on students.  Enjoy some of the pictures from the first days of 2017-18.

A sneak peek into Ms. Hunter's Grade
           1 classroom on Day 1!

Ms. Dather on the first day with her Grade 2 cherubs!

Ms. Johnson with her fourth graders! 

Grade 5 on the first day! Since the first
day, there are now three more boys and
                   one more girl!

Late in the afternoon on the first day, I heard some children outside my office window.  I got up and looked to find Mrs. Cho with her kindergarten cherubs doing an activity on the playground!  They were so intently listening that I did not do anything to distract them! :-)

  Mr. Wolfer with his MS Bible class!

One of our new teachers, Mr. Febus, working with a group of HS students in AP Biology!

Ms. Lee has created a beautiful    
classroom environment in her Art  
room.  Here is one of her HS classes!

Mr. Edwards, one of our MS teachers also teaches a class of Elementary Physical Education.  Here he is with a group last week.

Another shot of Mr. Edwards teaching Elementary P.E.

Our Kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Cho, took a photo of the Class of 2030 on Friday.  I am loving these new Kinder cherubs!  It has been thrilling to see the great growth in each of them through Mrs. Cho's excellent teaching From Wednesday to Friday!  They are such a great group of lively ones!  I know Mrs. Cho would love for you to pray for her as she works with these students.  Several of them need to work on their English speaking skills and several have some individual needs that will require extra assistance from Mrs. Cho.  Our Librarian, Mrs. Tina Lee, has been helping in Mrs. Cho's classroom these first several days, especially with those who are weak in their English speaking skills.  Our ELD Coordinator/Teacher, Mrs. Amos, will be testing those in the elementary school (not just in kindergarten) who we believe need some extra ELD classes with Mrs. Amos.  Please pray for her as she tests each one individually this next week.  Please enjoy this photo of our Class of 2030!

ICS-Pyeongtaek's Class of 2030!! :-)

Thursday was our first Elementary Chapel for 2017-18.  Mrs. Cho, the ES Lead Teacher, has organized a great lineup for Chapels in the Elementary School this year centering in on our third ESLR - Biblically Informed Individuals!  Ms. Hunter, our Grade 1 teacher and worship music and dance leader, led the students in some great singing/dancing.  Then Mr. Mooney, our Academic Principal (K-12) used his Magic Coloring Book to present a great beginning challenge to our elementary cherubs.  They all were so attentive and loved his illustrations.  Pray that many of them will come to know Jesus this year.

Mr. Mooney sharing in the first Elementary School Chapel for 17-18!  The kids were listening and watching intently and trying to discover how Mr. Mooney did his Magic Coloring Book with Nora.

A big highlight for me on Thursday was a surprise visit at the end of the day!  I was working in my office on a number of projects.  All the students had departed and most teachers and staff had gone home for the day.  Someone entered my office quietly and when I looked up, I was so delighted to see Mokin Lee!  Mokin and I built a great relationship during my first year at ICS-P last year.  He was one of our seniors.  In fact, he was the President of the student body and our Salutatorian last year.  I had asked him to come and see me before he left for university.  He said he would but didn't tell me when.  I was so excited to see him.  We sat and talked in my office for about a half hour.  He asked me to be praying for him so that he would not be distracted by anything at university so that he can do well and still get involved with some excellent Christian fellowship.  Mokin is going to be studying at the University of Rochester in New York.  He leaves on Monday, August 21, to fly to the USA.  His parents are not able to go with him so he is traveling alone and is a little apprehensive.  I know he would value your prayers.  When he had to leave my office, I prayed with him and encouraged him.  I know he will do very well.  He is so excited about following the Lord in his studies and then after graduation.  Thank you for praying for this amazing young man!

Here I am with Mokin Lee following our fellowship and prayer in my office and right before he needed to head home.  Pray for this dear friend and brother as he heads to the University of Rochester on August 21!

Another very exciting event this week!  When Charlie and April Mooney were back in the USA for a few weeks this summer, they went to a specialist to have Cora the Conqueror checked out.  The specialist discovered that Cora's head is not growing properly.  He strongly recommended that Cora have a special helmet made for babies whose head is not growing properly. If it is not taken care of in the early stages, many problems can develop. They did not have the time nor the funds at the time and returned to Korea.  Insurance is telling them that it will not be covered.  They finally found a specialist in Korea (after many different doctor visits ending in disappointment for one reason or another) who said that Cora definitely needed the helmet.  Most doctors in Korea said the same thing but the doctor who could fit her and secure the helmet before October was this one.  So last week, Cora received her helmet!  The doctor believes that if he shows the insurance company his findings and the absolute necessity of this helmet at this stage in Cora's life, the insurance company will agree to cover the cost.  Thank you for praying.  This type of helmet costs around $3,500!  Here are a couple photos of delightful Cora with and without the helmet.  I believe she has to have the helmet off for about 1-2 hours a day.  The Mooneys are very happy and continue to appreciate all of your prayers.

Cora the Conqueror without her helmet!

Here she is sporting her new helmet.  She seems to be 
quite content!  Thanks for praying for Cora!       

I want to close this week with an update on a former SYME student and great friend, Yeongmin. Many of you know him as John (his English name).  We were able to connect last Sunday.  After a great worship service at Dae Kwang Church, I headed by bus to Seoul to meet Yeongmin for a late lunch.  After a delicious lunch and great time of conversation and fellowship, we went to the Seoul Arts Center to enjoy a fantastic concert that featured some excellent classical music with a full orchestra and solos by three excellent instrumentalists that featured trombone, trumpet, and French Horn soloists!  It was a great afternoon and evening with my dear friend.  He still has not accepted Christ but continues to ask questions.  Thanks for praying for Yeongmin!

GGG and Yeongmin preparing to enjoy a delicious Vietnamese Sunday dinner before the music concert at Seoul Arts Center.

One of our yummy Vietnamese treats!

These noodles with beef were so yummy!

So was the Fried Rice with Shrimp!    

           Posters of this special concert at Seoul Arts Center!

The entrance and reception area to the concert hall at Seoul Arts Center!

I took this picture of the stage in the grand auditorium just before one of the ushers came around to tell everyone that no pictures were allowed! :-)  Glad we got there early.  Looks empty but t filled up very nicely.

This was the program and the selections that were performed!  It was a beautiful concert!

Thank you so much for your faithful love, encouragement, emails, mail, prayers, and gifts.  Thanks for continuing to pray that ICS-Pyeongtaek will be able to secure some more students and funds to help us make improvements to our physical facilities.  We did reach 130 students as of Friday, but some of them will only be with us for part of this first semester.  Thank you so much to you who have been concerned about our current physical needs.  Your prayers and gifts are so encouraging!  Please enjoy a great week!


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