Saturday, August 26, 2017

Great JOY in the Midst of Nasty Storms and More Leaks!

Yes, it was another week of hot, humid, and rainy weather in Pyeongtaek!  Teachers and staff have been wanting to practice our Fire Drill Evacuation with students.  I told them on Tuesday we would probably not be able to do it this week because of the rainy forecast. (We like to do our first drill as a planned one.)  The rain kept coming and we kept having additional leaks throughout the building. Our Library and Computer Classroom have had the most problems.  The facilities' men have attempted repairing most of them, but with all of the rain, they just seem to keep coming.  It can be very discouraging!  Thursday afternoon we had a really nasty group of storms including heavy winds! More leaks in the roof as well as through classroom windows and other areas.  I was getting very discouraged and left the school at 4:30 to deliver a visitor to ICS-P to the train station and get some dinner prior to our first PTA meeting for the school year.

Thursday morning was Elementary Chapel.  I was asked to be the teacher for this past week's Chapel and since we are emphasizing our third ESLR this year, I went back to the very beginning and shared concerning Creation and the Fall of Man.  I involved a number of students in helping to act out the stories and everyone seemed to have a good time.  After Chapel, the rains came down and the leaks came forth.  I was not feeling so wonderful.

BUT God was working! After returning for the PTA meeting, one of the elementary teachers came to me and said, "Did you hear that after your Chapel time this morning, Charles in Grade 1 asked about salvation and he asked Jesus to forgive his sins!"  As I heard this, I was filled with JOY and stepped back outside the building to see the wind still blowing and the rice plants were blowing and waving and bending in the strong wind.  The leaves in the trees appeared to be clapping their hands!  I looked at the sky and saw a gorgeous sunset!  I was reminded of the verse in Isaiah 55:12 which says,

"You will go out in joy to be led forth in peace; the mountains and the hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands!"

I paused for a few minutes and thought about the angels who were having a party in heaven because of Charles, a new child of God!!  Even the rice plants were full of joy!  As I went inside to clean up the water leakage once again, I was smiling and full of joy and peace because of this precious one who was added to the Kingdom of God.

Thursday evening I reflected on the fourth verse of 2 John: "It has given me great joy to find some of your children walking in the truth, just as the Father commanded us."  Although I have never married and have not had the privilege of having any natural born children, I realized I had MANY children.  In fact, as I wrote down names of those "children" who are walking in the truth and growing in the truth, I was filled with great JOY!  Not only are many of these "children" walking in truth, but some of my "children" have married and have their own children who have become my grandchildren.  It was such a great time of joy and thankfulness to the Lord as I filled a couple sheets of paper with names of those I have been privileged to have as "children" and "grandchildren."  I would encourage you to do the same some time.  Please continue to pray for me as I continue to build relationships with new "children." Please pray that they will walk in the truth and have "children" of their own.  

I have used a verse from 1 Timothy 4 as a challenge to each of those "children" and "grandchildren" I have been blessed to enjoy.  I leave it with you and ask that you pray this over all of the young people who desire to serve the Lord today.  It is verse 12: "Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, and in purity."

Thanks for listening! :-)  When Friday morning came, the weather was gorgeous.  We decided to have our first Fire Drill Evacuation and for the first one of the year, it was a great one!  Teachers had done a great job of preparing their students and the students did a fantastic job!  Please continue to pray as we practice different types of drills this year.

Just a few highlights from the week!  Everyone seems to be doing quite well.  We are getting great reports from many of our new parents about how much their children are loving coming to ICS-Pyeongtaek!  They love their teachers!  

MS and HS had their first Chapel this past week.  It was an introduction Chapel for the year and an introduction to the mentor groups that are established.  MS and HS students are divided into small groups and a teacher is placed as a mentor leader of each group.  They meet regularly for fellowship, fun, Bible student, relationship building, etc.  We have found it to be very powerful.  Here are just a few pictures of the interactive activities that were conducted in MS/HS Chapel this past week.  I have really enjoyed getting to know many of these MS/HS students even better this year.  Thanks for continuing to pray.

MS & HS students along with their mentor teachers enjoying some interactive activities in Chapel!

Another activity with MS/HS students
             and mentor teachers!

MS/HS students having some fun with mentor teachers!

One more picture of some of the      
interaction with MS/HS students and   
mentor teachers on Tuesday!        

One of my favorite elective classes for Middle School students is the Cooking Class.  Our Business Manager, Mrs. Haselman, is trained in cooking and event planning.  Mrs. Haselman and Mrs. Okamoto, our school cook, co-teach the class.  I love visiting the class and observing them learn about cooking yummy food as well as how to prepare it and then the part that many people forget about - the cleaning up activity following the food preparation!  They each selected an apron and chef hat they would like for the class.  Here are some pictures of the class this past week.  

Here are the up and coming Chefs from Middle School!  They had just prepared a delicious snack.  I especially love this class because they always bring one of their creations to me to taste test! :-)  (This photo was taken the day before all of them were able to get their aprons and chef hats.)  Please note that Sam (in the red shirt) is doing one of his signature gestures in this photo.  You will see it again because the others loved it! :-)

I love it that they learn that there is always cleanup involved in cooking and baking!

Here they are the next day modeling their aprons and chef hats!  They were getting ready to prepare another taste treat.  (I think the young lady loved being the only girl in this class!)  :-)

And they wanted to do "Sam's Signature Gesture" for a group shot. :-)  I believe it started when Sam was adding a garnish to a finished food product so now they all use it when adding a garnish to their creations. :-)

Our new Art teacher, Ms. Kathy Lee, also teaches our Korean Culture Class to elementary students. The kids absolutely love the class as they learn a little Korean as well as a lot about Korean culture. Ms. Lee also integrates Art throughout all of her Korean classes.  Love to see them enjoying her class each week.  Actually, many of the staff want to take her class. We are blessed to have Kathy at ICS-P!

  A group of First Grade students enjoying some Korean Culture!

A group of Kinder cherubs enjoying learning about Korean instruments!

Another picture of Grade 1 cherubs enjoying Korean Culture class!

I would like you to pray for our Middle School & High School students and their teachers as they experience the annual MS/HS Student Retreat!  They will leave on Thursday, August 30, after school to travel to a retreat center in the Songtan area, returning on Saturday, September 2 around 10:30 AM. It is a great time of getting to know new students and beginning to build relationships with each other. Teachers also have found it a great way to get to know their students as they begin the year.  I know they would appreciate your prayers for a fun time, as well as a time of community building.

You can use the above as a prayer reminder for the Annual Student Retreat for MS & HS students!

I awoke Saturday morning to another gorgeous day and a bit cooler as well.  Usually, the last Saturday of each month is set aside by our church, Dae Kwang Church, for the Men's Prayer Breakfast.  Saturday eight of us met at 7:15 AM to enjoy a delicious breakfast (provided by the men), a great time of fellowship, a brief study of the Word, and then a prayer time.   It's always a great time and Saturday was no exception.

Saturday morning Men's Prayer Breakfast!

I close this week first to thank you for your continued love, care, encouragement, emails, mail, prayers, and gifts.  I would like to continue to encourage you to pray for ICS-P and our financial budget.  Please pray that the Lord would provide the necessary funds to upgrade our facilities, furniture, and equipment.  Please feel free to send to me any prayer requests you have, too.  Enjoy a great last week of August!

Love, Gregg

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