Saturday, August 5, 2017

August has Arrived Along with our New Staff!

Well, this first week of August was a HOT one!  And quite humid as well!  Our new staff all arrived on Monday morning bright and early for their first day of New Staff Orientation!  As you may remember, I introduced them to you in my email last week.  They have done very well and I absolutely love their joy and enthusiasm for the coming school year!  In spite of the heat and some of our problems with the flooding and roof leaking, they set to work to prepare their classrooms for their cherubs!  Charlie Mooney, School Principal this year, and I had some excellent times with them all week.  We had many meals together and lots of joy and laughter!  I especially enjoyed the time on Tuesday when Charlie and I shared our testimonies and then each of the new staff members shared their journey with the Lord up to this point at ICS-Pyeongtaek!  I was deeply moved and am really excited about the impact these four teachers are going to have on each of our students.  Would you please join me in praying for these wonderful new teachers: Hollie Gross, Janet Colgain, Raymond Febus, and Dale Amos?

Here I am along with Mr. Mooney (on the far right) with our new staff during New Staff Orientation.  Left to right: Ray Febus, Janet Colgain, Hollie Gross, and Dale Amos!

On this morning, the Business Office and the Office Staff came to share their responsibilities with the new staff and how they are such a great assistance to the staff.  Left to right: Mylene Haselman, Susan Lee, Tia Guinn, and Helen Lee.

I would like to ask you to also pray for our returning staff as they come on Monday to join our new staff for our All Staff Orientation this next week.  It appears that it is going to be another hot and humid week.  There is lots to be accomplished before Friday, August 11.  On that Friday, ICS-P will conduct its annual Open House for parents and students to come and meet the teachers and check out what is expected in each of the classes.  We will also have our first New Student and Parent Orientation on Friday, August 11!  All of our new families have been invited to come at 10:30 AM for a New Student/Parent Orientation.  I am looking forward to it!  Open House for new and returning students and parents will run from 9:00 AM - 12 Noon.  Then following a break for lunch for the teachers, Open House will pick up again from 1:00 - 4:00 PM.  August 14 and 15 will be Teacher Work Days and then all students will enjoy their first day on Wednesday, August 16!  Thanks for praying!

Our theme for the school year is United in Love; United in Knowledge.  It is centered on the passage of scripture in Colossians 2:1-5.  I have been thrilled with how our staff last year united in love and care for one another during times of difficult situations.  We want to continue that and even expand on it.  Please pray as Charlie and I share concerning our theme during this coming week of orientation.

As most of you read last week, I did get a used air conditioner for my apartment and it has been a blessing!  However, on Friday when I came home from school, I turned on the AC to cool down the apartment and prepare for some good sleeping temperatures.  After turning the AC on, I went to the room I use as my home office to work on orientation material and study.  I realized I was sweating even though I had the two fans running as usual with the AC.  I got up and went to the living room and the AC had stopped!  The vents were still open but nothing was happening.  I checked the remote control that works the AC.  I thought maybe I needed to replace the batteries.  So I did!  Still no power.  I checked the outlet.  As most of you may know, I am not a mechanic in any sense of the word. :-)  Not much I could check with my limited knowledge so I brought both fans into my bedroom and opened the windows.  A little breeze that was lukewarm was blowing.  That kept me going through the night, but I will have to wait until Monday to get the AC installer to come back and see what the problem is.  I just have to keep remembering that there are people all over the world who don't even have a fan so I'll be OK.  

Saturday came and I had plans to head to Itaewon in Seoul to meet my very dear friend, JiSang (Jamie) from SYME days.  He continues to call me Daddy and we continue to enjoy our wonderful fellowship together.  I was also going to go to my favorite bookstore, "What the Book?, in Itaewon to complete my recent book order.  I found that they had moved to a new location.  It was not far from the old store and very easy to find.  The Manager, a great friend of mine ever since I came to Seoul, was there and gave me a private tour of the new store.  I really like it and of course, I had to buy some books! :-)  My friend always gives me a discount because I have bought so many books from "What the Book?".  :-)

Here I am with my friend and the Manager of "What the Book?" after getting assistance with my book order and getting the grand tour!  Another nice visit to my favorite bookstore!

After my visit to the bookstore, I met JiSang at one of our favorite eating establishments, the Original Pancake House in Itaewon!  The food was delicious as usual.  JiSang is so skinny and he wants to gain some weight so he ordered two full meals for himself!  He actually ate all but half of a pancake and a couple pieces of sausage.  He LOVES the thick cut bacon!  After the yummy meals, the manager - also a long time friend in Seoul - came to our table and offered us dishes of ice cream as service gifts.  JiSang enjoyed the vanilla and I had the chocolate.  We had such a great time together!  Please pray for JiSang as he continues to think about his future and what position he should have.  As most of you know, JiSang is quite a thinker and he desires to follow the Lord.  I know he would value your prayers.

JiSang and GGG at the Original Pancake House preparing to enjoy our brunches and some great fellowship!

JiSang preparing to eat both of the meals he ordered! :-) He did very well!

I chose one of my favorites - scrambled eggs with cheese, sausage, and pancakes!

JiSang's Vanilla ice cream service gift!

My Chocolate ice cream service gift!  

This is Jun Oh (Not sure I've spelled his name correctly)!  He is becoming a good friend and was our server today.  he was telling me about his opportunity to possibly be selected to serve in KATUSA (Korean Augmentation to the United States Army).  KATUSA is a scheme of military duty in South Korea.  Under the program, soldiers in the South Korean Army are given posts in the U.S. Army bases that are located in South Korea.  One's English has to be very good.  Jun Oh has scored high on the KATUSA test and would love to be selected. Now it is a random drawing of all those who qualify.  Please pray for Jun Oh.  We have been having some excellent conversations and I hope to continue our friendship.

OK, I need to finish for this week.  Thank you for all of your love, care, encouragement, emails, regular mail, prayers, and gifts.  I really appreciated those who took time to write last week to let me know you were praying for our needs relating to the current school building.  I continue to trust the Lord to provide.  Please enjoy a great week!  Enjoy a great August!

Love, Gregg

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