Saturday, November 4, 2017

And November Begins....

Yeppers, November has arrived!  Time continues to march on so rapidly.  This past week was a good one with temperatures hitting the freezing mark for the first time this Fall.  Lots of events going on at ICS-P during the week.  School Photos were taken on Thursday for all of our students and staff. Basketball season began with tryouts for our boys and girls.  Excitement has begun for our annual "Week Without Walls" that will happen in March.  Teachers began making preparations and plans for this week of outreach and community service activities.  Elementary School Chapels continued on Thursday as we continued our Walk Thru the Old Testament!

I will try to keep this brief and give you a little picture of the week through some photos.  I continue to value your prayers and encouragement as I serve at ICS-Pyeongtaek.

Just a quick update on Cora the Conqueror to begin.  Cora had her day of therapy at the hospital in Suwon on Wednesday.  Both Charlie and April Mooney traveled to Suwon to work with the therapists with Cora.  Cora is now doing water therapy and seems to enjoy being in the water - most of the time. :-)  Here are a couple photos from her most recent day of therapy.  Thank you for your continued prayers for the Mooneys!


Thursday morning was our Elementary School Chapel.  I always love hearing the kids sing and do their worship dances as our grade 1 teacher, Ms. Hunter, leads them each Thursday.  It is always a great way to begin the Chapels!  Then I continued leading the cherubs through the Walk Thru the Old Testament.  They have now completed 22 of the 70+ hand signs and seem to really enjoy it.  This past Thursday I was sharing with them from Genesis 22 about Abraham's Big Test.  The week before I introduced baby Isaac by using one of the small kindergarten students as the baby boy of Abraham and Sarah.  This week I had asked one of our Middle School boys to be the teenager Isaac.  He just happens to have the name of Isaac and all of the elementary students know him.  They loved following the story as I acted it out with "Isaac" and his Daddy, Abraham.  It was exciting to see the kids understand that "God will provide."  The story from Genesis 22 led to telling them about how God provided for each of us his one and only Son, Jesus Christ to be our sacrifice.

Here I am with "Isaac" (Isaac Cho) and his father, "Abraham."  Abraham has been being played by Jason in one of our upper elementary classes.

Thursday afternoon began the planning of our special Week Without Walls community service and outreach program that will happen in late March.  It was great to hear all of the ideas our teachers had for each of our age groups at ICS-P to be involved during that special week.  It was a great beginning to this very exciting week in March.  Lots of planning needs to be accomplished between now and then and your prayers are appreciated.

The two pictures above were from some of the planning groups for WWW a couple years ago when the program began!  Preparation and planning for our March 2018 WWW now begins with teachers and students!

I took a personal day on Friday in order to travel to Itaewon to just spend some time resting and reflecting as well as enjoying the Opening Night performance of the drama department of YISS in the evening.  They performed the drama of one of Agatha Christie's books, And Then There Were None!  I, of course, had to stop and enjoy a delicious breakfast at the Original Pancake House in Itaewon. Then I had a late lunch at a new place in Itaewon.  It is called LAGRILLIA.  It opened about a year and a half ago and I went once, but their menu had changed so I decided to try it out again.  I enjoyed a very delicious Chicken Pan Set for my lunch.  So good!

Those who were grilling the chicken and other yummy meats, rice, veggies, and pineapple had their amazing grill set up right across where I was seated in the main dining area!  So much fun to see them preparing the Chicken Pan Set!

Here is my Chicken Pan Set!!  Soooo delicious!  I loved the grilled pineapple combined with the grilled chicken!  And the sauce was very tasty!

Then Friday evening I headed to Yongsan International School fo Seoul to see the Opening Night performance of And Then There Were None!  I had learned that one of the boys in my first discipleship groups at YISS was one of the stars.  Joshua Kim was in fourth grade at the time and now he is High School at YISS.  It was so great to see him perform in this play and also catch up with his parents once again.  Joshua continues to grow and mature in his faith and in his studies!  I was very glad to be able to be present to encourage him in this new talent he has discovered.

I sneaked the above photo on my camera in my phone during the Curtain Call.  Joshua is the one that has more light on him! :-)  He is seated on the right in the old armchair.  Great performance by everyone!

After the performance, I met Josh in the lobby of the auditorium to congratulate him. I presented him with a bouquet of flowers (typical gift for actors and musicians after a performance) + a box of Godiva Chocolate.  That was my idea since I thought he may not just want flowers! :-)

Saturday afternoon I enjoyed another visit with one of my former Discipleship Group young men. Paul Oh and I have stayed in contact ever since I left YISS to go ti ICS-P.  He continues to be an honor student as well as an excellent athlete in volleyball and basketball.  We had a tremendous time together for lunch on Saturday.  When he arrived at our meeting place, he said he was really hungry. We decided on a first for Paul.  He wanted to try lobster so we went to my favorite lobster restaurant in Itaewon - The Lobster Bar!  Paul and I enjoyed another wonderful time of conversation and fellowship.  I would ask for you to pray for him.  He struggles with procrastination - especially in AP Biology.  Since he is planning to go to a university with a good Pre-Med program, he wants to keep his grades at the A level.  He knows he can do it; it is just the procrastination.  I will be working with him to hold him accountable.

GGG and Paul at the Lobster Bar following our delicious lunches!!

Here is Paul's choice: Garlic & Cheese Lobster!! He really enjoyed
his first lobster experience!  I wanted to take a video of him trying
to get all of the lobster.  Once he got the hang of it and wasn't afraid
to use his hands and the lobster cruncher provided, he went to town!

I had the Lobster salad sandwich with big chunks of lobster!  I also
love the Lobster Bar's version of New England Clam Chowder!  

As always, thank you very much for your faithful love, care, encouragement, emails, regular mail, prayers, and gifts.  I trust that you will enjoy a great first full week of November.  I trust that you are preparing for a wonderful time of thanksgiving as you will be celebrating Thanksgiving in less than three weeks. 

Love, Gregg

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