Saturday, November 18, 2017

Busy, but an Encouraging and Wonderful Week!

Yes, it was a very busy week!  I was greatly encouraged by many who responded to my email sharing about my decision to return to the USA at the close of the current school year!  Not only have family and friends been so encouraging and helpful in so many ways, but the teachers and staff at ICS-Pyeongtaek have been very encouraging as well - although they still would love for me to stay.  Our theme this year at ICS-P is "United in Love; United in Knowledge".  These beautiful teachers and staff members have demonstrated this so well and it has been caught by our students as well.  I just love how this small ICS-P community has come together in so many beautiful ways this year!  Thank you for your prayers and encouragement.

From Monday through Wednesday, we had the privilege of having Dr. Duane Jobe, our new Vice President of Leadership Development from the NICS Home Office, with us.  We all enjoyed a delightful time with Duane.  He shared devotions with the staff twice and had a number of very productive meetings with our Leadership Team.  I really appreciated his input, encouragement, and recommendations to all of us.

As Duane and I left ICS-P on Tuesday evening to go to dinner, this is what greeted us as we walked to my car in the parking lot.  Another beautiful sunset in Pyeongtaek!

GGG and Duane at one of my favorite Chinese restaurants preparing to enjoy our Black Noodles and Fried Dumplings!

We each had a bowl of these delicious Black Noodles!

We shared this plate of yummy Fried Dumplings!    

Duane had a grand time snacking on the many snacks that are typically available at ICS-P! He said he would not be able to eat such treats once back in the States.  He must eat healthy there! :-)

I had scheduled a dinner with a former student of ICS-P who is living in the Songtan-Pyeongtaek area and working on completing his degree in Criminal Justice online.  Jonah Yang is a delightful young man who has been helping with our Volleyball and Basketball Boys' teams.  He is assisting our coaches in so many ways and building some excellent relationships with our high school boys.  We had an enjoyable dinner at the "Stoop" - a very nice restaurant near the Camp Humphreys' U.S. Army Base.  We got so involved in our conversation that I failed to get photos of our food!  (Can you believe it?) :-)  So here is a picture of Jonah with two of our ICS-P High School athletes and leaders, Hansol and Joon Ha.

Jonah is in the center and Hansol is on his right and Joon Ha is on his left.  All three are growing into fine young men!

Thursday was our Elementary School Chapel and I continued to lead the students and teachers through the Walk Thru the Bible (Old Testament).  We have so much fun learning and the kids seem to really enjoy when I use them as some of the Bible characters to act out the stories.  We were finishing up Esau and Jacob and leading into the 12 sons of Jacob, centering in on Joseph.  This coming week we will not have ES Chapel because of having off half of Wednesday and all day Thursday and Friday for the celebration of American Thanksgiving.  When we return for ES Chapel on November 30, I have asked one of my MS young men I have been mentoring to play the part of Joseph!  His name is Joseph and he is excited to be able to play the part.  I am including some pictures that our Art teacher and Korean teacher, Ms. Kathy Lee, took during this past week's Chapel including a picture of our Kinder cherubs performing the robot dance in one of their favorite worship songs.

Our first-grade teacher, Ms. Hunter, is amazing at teaching all of our students worship dance songs.  Here are our Kindergarten cherubs up front helping her lead ES Chapel worship with this song that involves a robot dance!  The kids love it!  This is part of our Kinder kids doing the robot!  So fun!

Here I am reviewing the 22+ hand signs the ES students have learned since we began with "Creation."

This is the last hand sign they have learned as of Thursday.  It is for "Jacob" because he was "smooth" and Esau was "hairy."  So fin to hear them say "Jaaaacob" in a smooth voice as they slide their hand down their cheek! :-)

Here we are acting out the part where "Rebekah" is telling Jacob to
 go and kill two young goats so she can make the stew for Jacob to
          take into Esau to steal the blessing meant for Esau.

Here I am with the four characters from our story this past Thursday:
from left to right - Jacob, Esau, me, Isaac, and Rebekah!          

Friday was a special day!  As you may or may not remember, ICS-P has a "Week Without Walls" in March each year where our students prepare to serve in our community as well as outside our community on trips to nearby countries where they can serve.  One of the groups that we take a group of students to each year is within walking distance of the school.  It is called the Peace Welfare Society.  The Peace Welfare Society is a Christian organization that provides a daycare and a day work facility for adults with cognitive and developmental disabilities.  The Director of the society, who is also a Pastor, had arranged with our Academic Principal, Mr. Mooney, to come to ICS-P on Friday to use our Gymnasium for some fun activities.  They do not have a gym nor a facility to give their residents exercise through fun activities when the weather is cold or rainy.  We were delighted to welcome about 75 people - both Peace Welfare staff as well as the adults they work with and care for each day.  It was an exciting time.

After I gave a welcome to the staff and the adults, Mr. Mooney shared a very moving introduction to affirm them as human beings exactly the way God created them,  In a culture that rarely affirms these kinds of human beings, it was so moving to observe them respond to Mr. Mooney as he shared with them about his little Cora.  They became so excited as he told them about Cora and how special she is and how special each one of them is.  Our wonderful Secretary, Mrs. Helen Lee, interpreted for Charlie and me and I loved watching our guests' reactions as they heard about Cora and how we love them just the way God made them.  After Charlie and I finished, the Peace Welfare Director made a presentation to both of us for granting them the privilege of using our gym.  Then we had to pose for pictures.  Then the adults were divided into two teams and they enjoyed a beautiful afternoon of games, laughter, and fun!  I was even asked to compete against the Director in the competition to see who could throw their shoe, using only the foot, the longest distance. (I was the winner and both teams were laughing and cheering!)  So much fun.  I made a new friend, too.  He was seated in the audience when I gave my welcome and introduction.  I saw him wearing a New York Yankee baseball cap!  I have been a Yankees' fan since I was about 10 years old.  I pointed him out in my welcome by saying, "I see there is one young man who is wearing the best baseball cap ever!"  I had him stand and everyone clapped and cheered. :-)  During the game between the Director and me, I went over and asked him if I could wear his NY Yankee hat to help me do well! :-)  He loved it!  We have told the Director that anytime they want to use our Gym, just call and see if it is not being used and we will be glad to open it for them.

Here are our friends from the Peace Welfare Society in the ICS-P Gymnasium waiting for a welcome and introduction to their awesome afternoon in the Gym!

This is Mr. Mooney and Mrs. Lee sharing an introduction to all of the Peace Welfare Society friends!

  I tried to capture some of their expressions during Mr. Mooney's
  introduction.  They were focused and so interested!  This was the
                                     group on one team.

Here is the other group listening to Mr.
Mooney's presentation.            

The Director/Pastor of the Peace Welfare Society presenting gifts and a beautifully engraved porcelain plaque to Mr. Mooney and GGG for the school!

Here I am with my new NY Yankee buddy!  I absolutely LOVE his smile!

Game time!  This was so much fun to watch.  One team was trying
  to turn over the other team's red squares and the other team was 
  trying to turn over the other team's white squares.  They were so
                     intense and having sooo much fun!

These two really got into this game!!! :-)

More fun!                                         

The game leader was explaining the foot throwing of the shoes to the first two contestants.

  I took this picture just as they had kicked the shoe off of their left
   foot!  The young lady on the left had one wicked toss with both
                         her right foot and her left foot! :-)

This coming week is one of my favorite times in America.  Thanksgiving!  It was always a very special family time growing up and continues to be.  I trust that you and your family and friends will enjoy a wonderful time of Thanksgiving together!  My dear friend and former SYME student, JiSang, has invited me to go on a special trip somewhere in South Korea!  We will leave on Thanksgiving Day but he has not yet given me exact details.  This is usual and I just enjoy!  I know it will be a special time.  I just want to thank you so much for your continued faithful encouragement, love, care, prayers, and gifts.  I was especially encouraged this past week by the many emails I received from many of you concerning my decision to return to the USA at the close of this school year.  Thank you so much.  Please enjoy a fantastic Thanksgiving!

Love, Gregg

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