Saturday, November 25, 2017

Thanksgiving Celebrations and Refreshment!

Thanksgiving!  One of my favorite times of the year!  This past week was no exception!  Ever since I was a little boy, Thanksgiving was a special time of joy, gratitude, and special times with family and friends. Over the years, I have enjoyed a number of friends and family members who overflow with thanksgiving and joy when I meet them.  It doesn't matter if they are going through suffering or trials, their hearts overflow with joyful gratitude.  I continue to ask the Lord to help me be more like them every day.  What a difference this would make in our world today if we all spent more days each year celebrating Thanksgiving, rather than just on one day.

This past week was a shortened week at ICS-Pyeongtaek, but it has been a refreshing week of thanksgiving for me.  On Wednesday morning, Ms. Kathy Lee, our Art teacher, led our morning devotions by having us gather in a circle and going around the circle thanking the person next to us for him or her.  What a fantastic and joyful time we had!  I am so thankful for the redeemed life I have through Jesus Christ!  I am so grateful for an awesome family and many caring friends!  I am thankful for a community of teachers at ICS-P and their encouragement and joy!  I am thankful for a very grateful church family!  I am so thankful for the many friends and relationships I have been privileged to enjoy!  I hope you will pause and thank the Lord for those in your life this Thanksgiving.

After the shortened week, I traveled with my dear friend, JiSang, a former SYME student and one who continues to be such a blessing to me.  JiSang had told me we would do something and go somewhere on Thanksgiving Day, but he didn't know the details yet.  Thanksgiving Day came and we met and he still did not have a set plan. :-)  So we decided to have a planned "No Plan" Thanksgiving journey.  We headed to Jeonju, home of delicious Korean food and lots of history.  We begin the trip with a plan from God!  He sent snow!  I love snow on Thanksgiving and Christmas!  We had so much fun on Thursday and Friday with the snow.  I even enjoyed some snowball fights with JiSang!  I think the people watching us thought we were both a bit crazy!  (I already knew that!) :-)  We didn't know exactly where we were going to eat our meals, but at just the right time, we came upon some most delightful restaurants and enjoyed some scrummy (my new word) food and fantastic fellowship!  I believe I will just put in a few of the pictures of our Jeonju Journey on Thursday and then our smaller journey in Pyeongtaek on Friday.  If you wish to see more pictures, you can find them on facebook.


As we traveled to Jeonju, snow began to fall - an unplanned event by us! :-)  We loved it!

Another picture of the snow from the car as we headed to Jeonju!

At a rest stop, I even decided to throw some snowballs at JiSang! :-)

Our first stop was for lunch at "The 300 House"!  Continued to snow while we enjoyed a very delicious Korean lunch!

                Our very delicious lunch at "The 300 House."


Arriving at the Jeonju Hanok Village, the largest hanok village in 
Korea that features about 700 hanok houses clustered together.    

Photo from the balcony of a coffee shop where we enjoyed some coffee and wonderful views!

Some of the beauty throughout the Hanok Village!

The Jeondong Catholic Church located
                    in the village!

The monument of Jesus Christ beside the Catholic church with two very appropriate scriptures!

The beautiful interior of the cathedral.

Another view from the coffee shop showing some of the village with a number of hanok houses.

JiSang and I stopped to see if we could take a photo of this group of ladies touring the village.  One of the things visitors can enjoy at the Hanok Village is to rent a hanbok and take pictures at various places throughout the village.  After taking their picture, they wanted me to get in the group picture.  So here I am with the ladies using the current "love" symbol in Korea.

In the village was this little business that made Hotteok, a sweet
       Korean pancake with various fillings.  I love Hotteok!!

Here is one of the workers making Hotteok!              

GGG and JiSang on the coffee shop balcony with one of the village streets below us!

We finished the day with a very delicious late evening Korean meal at this beautiful restaurant!

GGG and JiSang preparing to enjoy our yummy feast!

We enjoyed this Tteok Galbi with a sauce and grilled pineapple and cabbage + all of the other side dishes and soup.


On Friday morning, I looked out my kitchen window to behold this beautiful sight!  It snowed during the night!

This was the view Friday morning from my living room windows!

We decided to go to this Shabu Shabu 
restaurant near the church I fellowship
            at: Dae Kwang Church.

We are preparing to enjoy our very delicious Shabu Shabu lunch +
the buffet that comes with it!  We were very full and satisfied after 
enjoying this excellent lunch.                            

You can see the bowl of greens and bean sprouts along with a container of beef.  All are placed in the pot of boiling water.  When finished, you take one of the white edible circle things, next to the glass of Mango Juice, and place it in the pinkish liquid until it softens.  Then you place the greens and meat with some of the raw veggies and one of the sauces, roll it up and pop it in your mouth!  Yummy!

JiSang preparing the greens and meat
                   for boiling!

After our Shabu Shabu feast, we went to Tangbok Open Market and then to Starbucks for some coffee before heading back to my apartment.  It was a great two days with my wonderful friend, JiSang.  Very refreshing and I was not ready for it to end.  Continue to pray for this dear young man as he seeks to follow the Lord!

JiSang needed to head to his home on Friday evening, so after helping me with some tech stuff on my cell phone and personal computer, he headed to his home.  I always enjoy our times together and this special Thanksgiving time was no exception.  On Saturday morning, our Pastor and his wife, Mike and Alicia Nicholes, had invited the singles at Dae Kwang Church to their apartment for a Thanksgiving Brunch!  Many of our singles were not able to attend because of previous commitments, but those of us who were available came and enjoyed a very special time of fellowship and delicious food!  We also got to enjoy the four Nicholes' children!  Here are some pictures of our very enjoyable Thanksgiving Brunch with the Nicholes!

Our hosts, Mike and Alicia Nicholes with their youngest, Titus, getting his winter attire on so he can go sledding.

Titus turned around so that I could see his winter outfit!

Love this picture of Titus with his Daddy!

  Hostess and cook Alicia with Allison
and Alexi enjoying some fun moments!

This was my brunch plate of scrummy taste treats!!  Sooooo good!

Here is the table with the extra items in
addition to our individualized omelets!

It is hard to believe that December will begin this next week! The next three weeks are going to be very busy ones at ICS-P.  Your prayers are greatly appreciated as we finish Quarter Two.  I know the MS and HS students would value your prayers as they prepare for their Final Exams on December 13, 14, and 15.  Basketball season gets under way this next week as well.  Some exciting news!  We have added several students to our roster and there are a possible 4-5 more ready to begin on January 10!  Thanks for your prayers.  Please thank the Lord for a recent gift of $1,000 from a donor in the USA for our roof repairs/new roof!

Thank you so much for your faithful love, care, encouragement, emails, prayers, and gifts!  You are very special and I am very thankful for each of you.  I trust you enjoyed a wonderful time of Thanksgiving with your family and friends!  Please enjoy this last week of November!

Love, Gregg

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