Saturday, December 2, 2017

Happy December!!

And the final week of November was a busy one as we led into the final weeks of the first semester!  Sunday after the worship service at Dae Kwang Church, our church enjoyed a special Thanksgiving Dinner!  What a great time of thanksgiving, fellowship, and food! That special time led into a very busy week with two very special field trips; one on Tuesday for our Middle School Cooking class and then our Kindergarten through Grade 2 cherubs visited a large dairy farm in Korea! On Wednesday, our basketball teams began their basketball season and I had a special surprise visit from my dear friend and a former SYME student, Jay Chae! On Thursday, our CFO, Mylene Haselman, and her wonderful crew of kitchen staff, cleaning staff, and some of our students spent the afternoon decorating the main lobby at the school as well as the main school offices with some beautiful Christmas decorations.  By Friday, December 1, it was beginning to look a lot like Christmas at ICS-Pyeongtaek!

I think I will share the above events with some photos and not too many words as I still have much to do.  I spent most of Saturday (the day I usually write my post) in Itaewon visiting the former Director of our ICS-Uijeongbu school and then I did some walking and shopping before heading back to Pyeongtaek.


After a wonderful service last Sunday morning, all of us at Dae Kwang Church enjoyed a tremendous Thanksgiving feast and lots of fellowship with one another.  A very special time!

         The kids are enjoying the yummy Thanksgiving treats!

Elsbeth and the youngest in the Rogers'

  More enjoying some wonderful fellowship before going through
                         the buffet line for delicious food!

And some more!  The little girl is leading her Daddy to the table   
set up with desserts! :-)                               

  Some of the very delicious foods that
                      we enjoyed!

We even had some Mondu (Korean Dumplings) and homemade  

And of course, Roast Turkey and Filling (that's what we call it in our family) plus some delicious ham!


The Dessert Table with coffee and tea!


Our Middle School Cooking class went with their teacher, Mrs. Haselman, to one of the local churches to learn about the process of making Kimchi!  It was actually a hands-on experience and the MS class actually helped in making Kimchi!  Kimchi, a staple in Korean cuisine, is a traditional side dish made from salted and fermented vegetables, most commonly napa cabbage and Korean radishes, with a variety of seasonings including chili powder, scallions, garlic, ginger, and jeotgal.  They had a great time and got a little messy, too! :-)

The MS Cooking class with Mrs. Haselman on the right + one of the children of parents from the church.  You can see they got some of the yummy kimchi on their shirts and aprons. :-)

Yes, the MS kids are in there making Kimchi but with all of the head coverings, you can't pick them out. :-)  They had a great time!


Then on Wednesday, our cherubs in Kindergarten through Grade 2 went to a large dairy farm in the Pyeongtaek area.  What an experience!  Most of the students had never experienced farm life, especially milking cows and feeding them and seeing calves and taking a "roller coaster type" ride in a wagon pulled by a tractor over bumpy farm roads!  Our teachers said that the entire school should go to experience a Korean dairy farm!

Ms. Dather, Ms. Hunter, and some of the students
                    giving the cows a drink!

Some of the Kinder cherubs giving drinks to the cows!

And they fed them, too! :-)              

More drinking!

   This little man is actually milking a cow!  The 
 teachers said the kids' expressions when they first
  experienced milking a cow were so much fun to
                               witness! :-)

There were even horses at the farm for the kids to enjoy!

A first-grade boy with his first milking experience!

Ms. Dather, Grade 2 teacher, and her 2nd Grade young ones are loading up for their bouncy and bumpy tractor ride!

Around 2:00 PM on Wednesday, I received a phone call on my cell phone from my wonderful friend and former SYME student, Jay Chae.  I have not seen him in a long time and he had some leave time from his Korean military duty.  He is currently a Lieutenant and it is so exciting to see how he has grown in so many ways in his life and how he is still passionate about serving the Lord.  He said he was driving south and wanted to see the school where I was working and talk with me.  He came while our varsity boys were playing their first basketball game of the season.  He was only able to stay and talk for about 25 minutes.  He had to head north again to be involved with a church service along with his girlfriend!  What a joy it was for me to catch up in person with this wonderful young man with a heart for God!

GGG and Jay Chae in the ICS-P Gym during a basketball break!

                   ICS-P boys warming up for their first game!

The ICS-P boys played one of their best games I have seen them  
play against the team in blue, Dalton.  They played an awesome  
first half and then after a rough third quarter came within 3 points 
with about 20 seconds to play.  So close, but could not pull it out,
but they played an awesome game.  I wasn't able to stay for the   
girls' game.  They didn't do as well. :-(                   

A timeout for the boys!

As I mentioned above, it is beginning to look a lot like Christmas at ICS-Pyeongtaek.  So many wonderful things are going on as we celebrate this special holiday to remember the birth of Jesus Christ and why He came on that first Christmas!  Not only is the school decorated in the lobby and the school offices, the Student Council has also begun its "Door Decoration" contest and a special gift exchange that the giver remains secret.  It is great that so many get involved in this and learn the joy of giving without seeking recognition!  Below is a picture of the Christmas tree in the main lobby.  I don't have any additional photos, but Mrs. Haselman made a video that I posted on Facebook that gives a much better picture of the beautiful decorations in the lobby and school offices!


Your prayers are greatly appreciated during these next two weeks.  Lots of Christmas events happening as well as Middle School and High School students preparing for Final Exams.  Elementary teachers are preparing special events surrounding the true meaning of Christmas during the final week before Christmas Break begins at Noon on Friday, December 15.  Thanks for your prayers!  As always, thank you for your encouragement, love, care, emails, regular mail, prayers, and gifts!  I hope that you will enjoy a great week!

Love,  Gregg

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