Saturday, March 17, 2018

Celebrations Bring a week of Working Overtime for Satan!

Satan was not happy with the news he heard from ICS-Pyeongtaek where six 2nd graders accepted Christ as Savior after the ES Chapel on Thursday, March 8!  And then on Monday morning, we heard from our fifth-grade teacher, Mrs. Gross, that on Sunday evening her daughter in the elementary school also accepted Christ as her Savior.  Mrs. Gross said that her daughter began thinking and asking questions following the Chapel on March 8 and on Sunday evening asked her how she could know that Jesus was in her heart and life!  Many celebrations for the angels in Heaven! 

This past week we encountered many situations where it appeared that Satan was working overtime to capture many of our elementary and middle school students.  There were numerous times I was contacted by teachers to deal with situations with a number of students involving disrespect, disobedience, emotional bullying, lying, etc.  I had numerous conversations with a number of students about their wrong behavior.  Many were truly sorry and restored a relationship. Some were not and we continue to deal with them and their parents.  Satan has a goal to capture our young people early on and we at ICS-P continue to reach out to the Lord so that Satan will fail in his attempts to capture our students.  Please join us in praying against these attacks of our children and teens.  One really exciting piece of news is that one High School student came to his mentor and said that he would like to be baptized!  Our staff again celebrated on Monday when we heard this!  His name is Billy and his parents don't attend church but Billy wants to be baptized.  We are looking into various options of having a baptism - maybe even in the river that is very close to the school!  The one high school teacher told me there may be others who wish to follow the Lord in baptism so we are considering having some classes dealing with the purpose of being baptized, etc.  Thanks for praying!

I mentioned last week an update on our teacher needs for 2018-19.  We are still looking for either a Middle School Math/General Science Teacher OR a Physical Education Teacher/Athletic Director.  If you know of someone who could be able to help us with this need, please let me know.

Also this past week, we found out that we will need another teacher.  Our excellent Art Teacher, Ms. Kathy Lee, recently informed us that she got engaged and will be married on March 24.  We were all excited for her.  Then just this week she came to talk to me to let me know that after talking with family members and lots of praying, she believes that it is better for her to not work next year.  So, suddenly we have a need for an Art Teacher at ICS-P. It is going to be difficult to find someone as qualified as Ms. Lee and someone who is so excellent at bringing out the creativity and skill in our students in the area of Art.  We are excited for Ms. Lee, but also sad that she needs to leave us.  So, would you please pray for the person God has for us as our Art Teacher in 2018-19?  Please contact me if you know of someone who would qualify and want to experience an international Christian School experience with a great community of teachers and staff.

Here is a recent sampling of some of the amazing artwork that is produced under Ms. Lee's teaching and passion for art:

Above is the collection of some of the HS Art pieces the students prepared while studying the art of Monet.  Below you will see some of the above enlarged for your enjoyment!


     Above is a photo of some of the Kinder
             cherubs' artwork with Owls!

Grade 3 students with their 3rd Grade Collaborative Art Poster!

This coming week is the end of Quarter Three at ICS-P.  It is also the week we call "Week Without Walls."  Teachers and students have already been busy with all of the necessary preparations.  They have been working diligently for this special week of service opportunities outside of their regular classroom.  One group of High School students will be heading to China where one of our teachers has a relative ministering.   Please pray for this team as they travel and serve in this country that has begun to become very strict concerning sharing anything about God.  Pray also for those students who will be serving outside of the school in the Pyeongtaek area in many ways and with numerous outside groups.  We also have our elementary teachers and some high school students conducting a special VBS week in the mornings with the theme "Galactic Starveyors: Discovering the God of the Universe."  Their theme verses are from Colossians 1:15 - 16:

"The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. 16 For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him."

We will also be involved with a few churches in the community with cleaning projects.  Some of our students will be doing Car Washes as a service to residents of our community.  Some of our students will be serving at the Elder Care Center near the school as well as the Peace Welfare Society near us.  Both are great opportunities for our students to show the love of Jesus Christ to those people who often have no visitors.

Below is the T-Shirt with the week's theme for our Elementary Conquerors during this next week.  Most of our MS and HS students, as well as teachers and staff, have purchased the T-shirt for use throughout the week.  It should be a great time of ministry and service!  Thanks so much for your prayers.

Front of the WWW T-Shirt!

Back of the WWW T-Shirt!

I believe I will close for this week.  Just want to give you another prayer request for me personally.  On Friday evening, I started having "spinning sensations" and dizziness + headaches and nausea once again.  You may recall that I had these a few weeks back and went to Dr. Kim for a complete checkup.  He indicated at that time I had a mild case of Meniere's Syndrome or Vertigo.  He prescribed medication and a diet routine, which included lots of water since he said I was dehydrated.  That helped, but it came back again.  So on Saturday, I headed to Itaewon again to see my favorite doctor in Korea.  He did some more tests plus an electrocardiogram and said things looked good and I had no heart problems.  He still thinks it is a mild case of Meniere's or Vertigo.  Thanks for praying.  I felt good on Sunday morning and have been doing well.

Thank you so much for your faithful love, care, encouragement, emails, mail, prayers, and gifts.  I am so thankful for each one of you.  Spring is supposed to arrive this week! :-)  Oh yes, please pray for Ben Coyner, our Guidance Counselor as he undergoes surgery on March 20th to check out the swelling of his lymph gland on the right side of his throat.  I know he would appreciate it.  have a great week!

Love, Gregg

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