Saturday, March 3, 2018

Safe Return from ALC in Mississippi and March Begins!

As many of you know, I left ICS-Pyeongtaek on February 20 to head to the Annual Leadership Conference for NICS' Directors at the NICS Home Offices in Southaven, Mississippi.  I arrived safely without any problems with my flight schedule this time.  We enjoyed a wonderful conference looking at many leadership topics, biblical worldview integration and illumination, as well as sharing the exciting things happening at each of the 17 NICS' international schools.

I had a little surprise during the sessions on biblical worldview integration/illumination when a wonderful friend from my time at Cairn University shared one of the sessions via Skype.  Yes, Debbie MacCullough was one of the presenters for the directors this last week.  Deb had just returned from some seminars and workshops in Africa and took a little break to share with us before her next journey.  Great to see Deb and receive her excellent input for all of us!  I took a photo during the sessions but I was taking a picture on a large screen that was projecting Debbie's image and PowerPoint, and the lighting was not good for a photo.  :-(

I had been asked to share a morning devotional on Tuesday morning at the ALC.  It always is special to share from the Word and my experiences.  I was grateful for the opportunity to share and be able to encourage my colleagues on Tuesday morning.  One of the NICS' staff had taken several photos when I was sharing.  I didn't know they were taking them and then they shared with me.  Here I am during my devotional time.


On February 24, NICS held its annual Job Fair for any who were interested in teaching overseas.  It seems like the number looking for teaching positions is decreasing over the last several years.  I still was able to connect with three young people who were interested in teaching overseas.  We have made two job offers to two persons; one for the K-12 Music Teacher position and the other for the Middle School Math/General Science position.  (Just a note on the Math/General Science position.  We were looking for a Physical Education Teacher/Athletic Director, but it seems like there are VERY few looking for Phys. Ed. teacher positions.  So we have adjusted since one of our current teachers is desirous of taking the Athletic Director position.  That meant we needed to seek a Middle School Math/General Science position.)  Please pray for those to whom we offered the positions.  They seem very excited about coming to ICS-P and have been asking lots of questions.  One has verbally said he was going to accept and the other (who is married) has some questions relating to having his family of four children join our community.  Thanks so much.

We have two positions finalized - the IT Director/Computer Teacher and the Guidance Counselor! Now the visa application process and all of the other paperwork begins for these folks.  Please pray that all will go smoothly as we work through Korean immigration with the visa process for these two; one is a family with three children and the other is a single lady.  We are excited about both families as they join the ICS-P community!!  The day I returned from the ALC (Friday, March 2) is when I heard about the Guidance Counselor offer being accepted!

Thanks, once again, for all of your prayers on my behalf!  Both Charlie Mooney and I have been busy answering questions from the candidates as well as those who have been accepted.  I have a lot of things to catch up on when I return to the school on Monday.  I have been working on many of them here at home, but need some documents at school. It would be great if we could have all of the teacher positions filled by the end of this next week.

As always, I want to thank you for your love, care, encouragement, mail, emails, prayers, and gifts!  You continue to be such an encouragement to me.  As you think of our teachers and staff, please pray for them this month of March.  They are teaching full loads and doing LOTS of planning for our upcoming "Week Without Walls" at ICS-P.  I know they would really appreciate your prayers for this busy month of March.  I know they are looking forward to the last week of March for our Spring Break!  Trusting they will get much relaxation and refreshment that week to finish Quarter Four well!  Please enjoy a great week!

Love, Gregg

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