Saturday, March 10, 2018

Rejoice and Celebrate!!!

In the midst of some tough situations this past week, I had so many opportunities to rejoice and celebrate!! First of all, Monday was my first day back at ICS-Pyeongtaek after returning on March 2 from the Annual Leadership Conference in Southaven, Mississippi!  It was great to be back enjoying the wonderful community of teachers, staff, and students.  As I opened car doors on Monday morning during our student drop-off time, my heart was filled with so much joy as students got out of their parents' car and greeted me and welcomed me back.  I loved all of the hugs from many of the students.  I was especially encouraged by many of the greetings from many of the middle school and high school students (especially those with whom I have been building relationships).  My week began with lots of joy - especially in the middle of many projects waiting for me on my computer and desk.

The joy and celebration continued after school as I finally was able to arrange a time to meet with my dear friend from SYME days, David Kim.  David and his wife Annie have made a decision to resign from Word of Life and we had a tremendous time together at "The Stoop" with some delicious pizza and Garlic Knots!  I am so happy for David and his family as they seek God's direction for the next phase of ministry He has for them.  They had served with Word of Life for about 15 years and loved building relationships with Korean university students and seeing many of them come to know Jesus and follow Him.  I know they would value your prayers as they look forward to what God has for them next!

GGG and David Kim enjoying our Garlic Knots and Pizza as well as some wonderful and stimulating conversation!

                           Garlic Knots!!  Soooo delicious!!

David taking a picture of our tasty Pizza!

At ICS-P, I was able to meet our student teacher, Ms. Emily Flaget, who comes to ICS-P from Asbury University.  Emily will be student teaching in our Kindergarten classroom with Mrs. Cho, a superb teacher!  Emily spent this past week getting to know the children and the classroom procedures as well as teaching some using a number of picture books.  Mrs. Cho had to be out of the classroom one afternoon this past week so I was able to go in and observe Emily interacting and teaching a Science lesson using some excellent children's books and some hands-on art activities.  I think she will be a wonderful teacher.  Please pray for Ms. Flaget as you think of her with our kindergarten cherubs!  We are rejoicing that she is with us and is already building relationships with some of the kinder cherubs.

Ms. Flaget reading to the Kinder cherubs and enjoying some excellent interaction with them about clouds and their formations!

Many of you have been praying for our teacher and staff needs for 2018-2019.  Before I write more about this week, let me bring you up to date.  The following is a listing of those positions which have been filled - two of them this past week!! Celebrate with us for the following who will be joining the ICS-P community:

*  IT Director/Computer Teacher:  We welcome Mr. Paul Gary to be our IT Director/Computer Teacher.  He and his wife, Rebekah, + their three children are very excited about coming back to ICS-P!  They were teachers at ICS-P from 1999-2006.  In fact, they met at ICS-P and then became married!  They are delighted to hear of many of the changes at ICS-P and are looking forward to coming back - this time with children!

*  Guidance Counselor:  A week ago Friday, we received the signed contract for our Guidance Counselor position.  Our new Guidance Counselor will be Ms. Taylor Peterson!  She is delighted to be coming to ICS-P!  Taylor comes with Bachelor's Degree and will also receive her Master's Degree in School Counseling this May.

*  K-12 Music Teacher:  On Thursday, we received the signed contract from Mr. Kevin Copeland to be the K-12 Music Teacher at ICS-P!  Kevin is also very excited about coming to join the ICS-P community for his first teaching assignment.  Kevin will graduate from Taylor University in May and is already asking lots of great questions as he prepares to join us.

Please pray for the above teachers as our Secretary, Mrs. Helen Lee, works with each of them in order to secure the proper Visa through Korean Immigration.  This is always a tedious process, but Mrs. Lee is excellent at working through the necessary items.

*  CFO (Business Manager, but the Korean government wants this position to be called CFO):  Our current CFO, Mrs. Mylene Haselman, has been at ICS-P for about 14 years.  Her husband, Steve, wasn't sure that his contract with the US Government would be renewed so she wasn't sure she would be able to return.  On Thursday, Mylene came to me and told me that all is worked out and she is delighted to return for another year as the CFO of ICS-P!  We are rejoicing about this!  I was not looking forward to ICS-P perhaps having a new Director and a new CFO next year.  I believe it will be a much smoother transition for the person who is selected as Director now that Mrs. Haselman is staying.

Please join me in celebrating these filled positions!  Now we are still looking for either a Physical Education Teacher/ Athletic Director or a Middle School Math/General Science Teacher.  We would definitely value your prayers for the right person for one of these positions.

As many of you may remember, I am teaching the Walk Thru the Bible (Old Testament) in our Elementary School Chapels this year on Thursday mornings.  We have been having some great Chapel times with some fantastic worship dance songs led by our Grade 1 teacher, Ms. Hunter.  The kids just love her and how she gets them involved in singing.  She brings a group up front each week to teach the rest of the kids any new song that has some dance movements and motions in them.  Then I continue our Walk Thru the Bible (Old Testament).  This past Thursday we were at the section of Exodus where God tells Moses about the final plague that will happen and make Pharaoh let God's people go out of slavery and Egypt.  As I told the story about taking the perfect lamb, killing it, and taking its blood and placing it over the doorposts of the homes of the Hebrew children, the kids focused their complete attention on what I was saying.  As we talked about the Passover lamb, I then directed them to the provision of the perfect Lamb of God, Jesus, who came to earth to be the amazing sacrifice for our sins.  I closed by sharing about how I came to accept the shed blood of Jesus to forgive my sins.  As I closed with prayer, I asked if any of the children wanted to make sure they had Jesus Christ in their lives and wanted to receive His gift of salvation.  Some raised their hands.  I asked any who raised their hand to go to their teacher and make sure.

Right after Chapel finishes, elementary students go to various Special classes (Art, Music, Computer, Physical Education, etc.)  After that period and when they returned to their classrooms, 8 students from Grade 2 surrounded their teacher, Ms. Dather, and six of them asked Jesus Christ to forgive their sins; two others wanted to make sure of their salvation!  I am sure the angels had at least six parties in heaven on Thursday morning!  

"And when she finds it, she calls her friends and neighbors together and says, ‘Rejoice with me; I have found my lost coin.’ 10 In the same way, I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.”
Luke 15:9 and 10

On Friday morning at our Staff meeting, I decided to have a time of rejoicing and celebration because of the many wonderful events that happened during the past week - especially the six-second graders who came to know Christ!  We are all excited because we are praying that this will make a big difference in our second-grade children.  Please pray for Ms. Dather as she continues to teach these young ones about following the Lord Jesus.

Also on Friday, ICS-P had its second soccer games of the season.  ICS-P's Girls' and Boys' Soccer teams had two home games this week.  We weren't sure about the girls since they started the season with 10 players (one short of what is needed) and then one girl was injured and now they have 9 players.  They have not allowed the two teams they played to score a single goal!  Wednesday, they won 1-0 and Friday they won 4-0 with one of our senior girls, Jamie Park, scoring three of them!

The boys have been playing well, but can't seem to get the big goals yet.  They have played their hearts out but have come up short both times so far.  On Wednesday, it was a 1-0 loss - a real heartbreaker.  Then on Friday, they led through the first half 1-0, but couldn't hold on, losing 3-1.

I wasn't able to get away from the office to see the girls play. :-(  But I did see Friday's Boys' game.  Here are a couple photos from Friday's Boys' game.

Soccer refs checking out the boys from ICS-P (in the white) and their opponents from Dalton prior to the start of the game on Friday.

Captains meeting with the Refs and preparing to start the game!

I had another time of rejoicing and celebration when one of the students in the Middle School Cooking Elective came to my office and invited me to the kitchen.  The class had prepared a full meal of very delicious chicken (excellent seasoning), with a pasta with a fantastic Alfredo sauce made by the class!  They also served a beautiful salad with a very yummy homemade dressing they had prepared.  Needless to say, I did not have to eat any dinner when I got home!  I love this class and it is exciting to see these middle school guys and girls enjoy learning to cook!

Middle School Cooking Elective preparing to enjoy the very yummy meal that each of them helped prepare!

I think I better close for now.  Thank you so much for your continued love, care, encouragement, mail, prayers, and gifts.  I also appreciate many of you as you write to me with input about various ideas of involvement when I return to the States at the close of this school year.  I would continue to value your prayers as I begin working on sorting and packing for my return to the States.  I am hoping to begin working on a lot of this during Spring Break.  Enjoy a great week!

Love, Gregg

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