Saturday, May 11, 2013

Busy Warm Days...Field Day, Birthday, International Bazaar Day, 5th Grade Musical!!

What a great and busy week it has been!  So much is going on as we bring the 2012-2013 school year to a close!  In addition to regular activities at YISS in the Elementary School, this week we had Elementary Field day on Wednesday, a birthday celebration lunch for Bev Birmingham (the other elementary assistant principal), Annie, Jr. performances on Friday and Saturday by the fifth grade music classes, International Bazaar on Saturday, MAP Testing, and the list goes on!  It was a packed week and I am ready for a break...but it will not come for a few more weeks.  I am also fighting off a slight case of bronchitis; mainly just an annoying cough in the mornings.

I think I will let the pictures do most of the talking this week.  There was so much and I can only give you a small taste of the exhausting, yet delightful, week!

After School Activities:  In addition to everything else this week, we continued to have a full slate of After School Activities.  I wanted to show you a special picture of our up and coming ballerinas in our Ballet class.  They are so cute!


Elementary Field Day on Wednesday!  Our Phys. Ed. teacher, Mr. Resende did a great job of organizing a packed day of fun and competitive activities to culminate our House Team Competition!  He was able to encourage MANY parents to volunteer to help in this massive undertaking for 400 + students.  We had a gorgeous day of weather and the Blue team, the one I am on, came in second!  I was very proud of them.  I absolutely love the four way tug-of-war competition, however, I always get very loud as I encourage the kids to pull and work together.  So I lost my voice and my coughing did not improve! :-)

The day ended with a wonderful movie, The Loretta Claiborne Story!  This is based on the life of an amazing lady, Loretta Claiborne.  She was partially blind at birth and unable to walk until age 4.  Our fifth graders met her at the Special Olympics in South Korea this past January and were given some very articulate and inspiring words from Loretta.  She had been called "retard" most of her early life and went on to participate in 6 Special Olympics World Games.  She gives the credit to God.  I would encourage anyone to get a copy of the DVD and view it!

My kindergarten buddy, Fabian!!                                         The Blue Team preparing for battle!

The Yellow Team (winners) preparing!                        Here are the 4 House Teams on the steps!!

Some 2nd graders preparing for the Marble Relay Race!

Kinder cherub Jade in the Hula Hoop Game!                Michaela picking up marbles in the relay!

I am giving a play-by-play commentary on the Teachers' Water Balloon Launch with all of the House Teams cheering on the teachers on their House Team!

A Visit from Grace!  One of our wonderful Korean staff, Mrs. Grace Oh, returned to YISS for a visit with Shion, her first child!  It was so good to see her and her little boy!  Grace did an amazing job at our receptionist desk and probably knew every child's name at YISS.


Bev Birmingham's Birthday Luncheon!  On Thursday at Noon the Elementary Office Staff took our other elementary assistant principal to lunch at Pizzeria D'Buzza to celebrate her birthday!  Bev has been a great addition to our elementary administration team!

Left to right: Bev Birmingham, GGG, Mrs. Yoo - 
our elementary secretary - and Dan Lazor, Principal.

Pizza from Pizzeria D'Buzza is sooooo yummy!  

Annie, Jr. Musical on Friday and Saturday evenings! The fifth grade students (with a few students from third grade) had their performances of Annie, Jr.!  I was very impressed with their production since the kids do everything - from costume to make-up to set design to sound and lighting!  It is a student production led by Dr. Harding.  Having only two afternoons to rehearse in our newly refurbished auditorium, they did a superb job!

The Playbill for Annie, Jr.!

Part of the 86 students making up the cast and crews
of Annie, Jr. after their final performance on Saturday!

From left to right: Miss Hannigan, Annie, Drake, and 
Mr. Warbucks!  They were awesome!!

Here I am with two very special actors, Paul (Rooster) and Catherine (Lily).  Paul is one of my Discipleship boys and did a tremendous job acting and singing!  Catherine has a learning disability and is an up and coming actress!  She did accents so well!  I was so proud of both of them!

This is Joshua with me. He is a very quiet young man
who loves technology and sound equipment!  On Opening 
Night, Annie dropped her microphone set into the toilet!
Her mic was not able to be used.  She had the opening line
in the musical and there was silence.  Within 10 minutes, 
Joshua had reorganized all 12 of the mics to that the show
could go on!  So proud of this young man!

One of the set designs that the Set Design crew had prepared for the performances!

YISS International Bazaar Day!!!  This amazing undertaking each year by our YISS PTO was awesome!  So many families + visitors came on Saturday from 11 AM - 4 PM to experience the international flavor of YISS.  Teacher and administrators volunteer to assist for an hour or two at one of the stations.  The International Bazaar is an annual event to celebrate the cultural diversity of the YISS community!  Again, we had gorgeous weather!  The day included the following:  Country Food Booths (food vendors provided yummy food from various cultures and gave back part of their proceeds to YISS), Bazaar Tables (anyone wanting to share products from their country or sell used items could set up a booth), Games and Activities (set up on the soccer field and various additional places for the children), Prize Raffle and Silent Auction (NUMEROUS businesses donated amazing products for the raffle and auction.  I was able to win lodging at The Plaza Hotel in Seoul and a food certificate for the famous Edward Kwon Restaurant in Korea.  He is a famous chef in Korea and his two children go to YISS.), Cultural Music and Dances (These included performances from our High School Praise Band, three of our teachers, a Brazilian percussion performance, the Middle School Praise Band, a Zumba dance performance, etc.), The Parade of Nations (There are about 54 countries represented at YISS and almost all of them had children carry their country's flag during the Parade of Nations!) and finally the Cultural Program which featured children and parents performing music and/or dances from their countries!  An amazing and exhausting day!! :-)

Only part of the excellent crowd who enjoyed the
Music and Dance Cultural Performances throughout
the day!

Many of you have been praying for my excellent high school friend, Matthew.  Here I am with him as he prepares to play with the High School Praise Band.  He also was the drummer for one of our high school teachers, Mr. Richards!

High School Praise Band preparing to perform!

One of the MANY food vendors!  Yummy!

The MCs on the left during the Parade of Nations and
Cultural Performances!

Two more students during the Parade of Nations!

One of our fifth grade boys, Balint, and his mother 
playing one of the fun table games set up inside.

Three charming little cherubs performing a Hula Dance, Pearly Shells!

Another dance group!  The ones in the Hanboks are
all students at YISS.  They did a great job of performing
the traditional Korean dance,  Sogo-chum!

It was a very wonderful week!  Thank you for praying for my acute bronchitis.  Thank you so much for your faithful love, prayers, encouragement, emails, and support!  Please enjoy a great week!  Hard to believe that May is almost half over!

Love, Gregg 

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