Saturday, May 4, 2013

May has Arrived! Only one more busy month!

This is what I have the delight of seeing every morning as I walk up the walkway leading to YISS.  I also get to enjoy it as I walk down the hill each evening!  The beauty of Seoul in Spring is awesome!  So many beautiful flowers!

Wednesday was a day off from school for kids because of Korea's Labor Day.  YISS used the day to have our annual YISS Staff Family Picnic!  It was a beautiful first day of May and lots of great fellowship and yummy food was enjoyed by all who attended.

Some of the yummy lunch catered by Outback Steakhouse
for our Staff Picnic!  Soooo good and toooo much! :-)

Some of my colleagues and friends preparing to eat 
the yummy lunch!  I took this picture early but soon
all of the tables outside in the sun as well as those set
up under the tent in the Courtyard were filled with YISS
staff!  It was a really great time!

Above in the picture on the left is our CFO's dog and the little dog in the picture on the right belongs to the Birmingham family.  It was fun to watch this meeting! :-)  Both dogs never really did meet nose-to-nose, but it was fun watching their interactions with each other!

Before I forget, I want to show you a picture of the two sons of Mrs. Baek, our former Elementary School Secretary.  She and her hubby are enjoying both of their sons, but I miss her presence at YISS - although Mrs. Yoo has jumped right in and is doing a great job!

I love this picture of the two brothers!!  This was taken shortly after Mrs. Baek and her second son came home from the hospital.  The older brother wants to be with his new brother!!

The past week was filled with teacher observations in the classrooms, MAP testing (which continues for the next two weeks), After School Activities, final rehearsals for the 5th grade Musical, Annie, Jr., on May 10 and 11, Progress reports for Quarter Four, and involvement in Chapels and OASIS assembly on Friday.  In addition, our elementary students continue their excellent work in the elementary Art classes.  I wanted to post just a few of the many wonderful pieces they have created recently.  Mrs. DeHart does a really great job teaching Art to our cherubs.  Enjoy the beautiful pieces below. The photos don't do justice to the pieces.


One of my highlights each week happens on Tuesday afternoons in Quarter Four.  I get to meet with my "Discipleship Boys" from 3:20 - 4:30 each Tuesday afternoon!  We have such a great time sharing, playing, praying, and studying the Bible each week.  I love the two young men I have the privilege of working with this quarter - Paul and Joshua!  I know they would value your prayers!

Here I am in the YISS Courtyard with Paul and Joshua, my wonderful Discipleship boys!!

On May 1, one of my favorite restaurants, Suji's, finally reopened after a month and a half of renovations!  I wanted to go on May 1 but was not hungry because of the huge picnic lunch we had at the YISS Staff Picnic.  I did stop on Friday evening and was greeted by one of the former managers, who was so happy to see me.  She took me immediately to her boss, Max Kang, who has been in charge of the development of the renovated facilities.  He gave me a tour and showed me the new Deli and bakery on the main floor.  I enjoyed one of my favorite sandwiches, the Reuben, along with samples of cole slaw, potato salad, and egg salad!  Very delicious!  Max then gave me samples of each of their bagels to take home and enjoy!  Very tasty!

This is what greeted me as I entered Suji's Friday
evening!  Freshly made bagels, and homemade 
cheesecakes and other pies!  Oh, this will not be good!! :-)

Above are some of the breads and bagels on display in the new Deli!

My yummy Reuben sandwich and a sample of egg salad!

This is the main Deli area.  The floor above has seating for sit-down brunches, lunches, and dinners.  They are still renovating the open air top floor and that should be ready for patrons to enjoy during the summer months!

Friday evening and Saturday morning I had a special treat - a visit from my former SYME student and dear friend, Jin Seok!!  He was coming to Seoul for a friend's wedding and stayed over Friday night at my apartment and then after a long sleep, I took him to Tartine's for a very yummy French Toast brunch!  I always love being able to see and and talk with Jin Seok.  I would appreciate your prayers for him as he is in the middle of some tough courses in his studies in Translation and Interpretation at Handong Global University in Pohang.  Jin Seok continues to grow in his English and in his spiritual walk with the Lord!

Jin Seok and I enjoying a very delicious Brunch at
Tartine's in Itaewon before he had to leave for a wedding.

Our yummy Brunch items!!  French Toast almost as delicious as my mother's and my sisters' - but not quite!!

Outside Holly's Coffee! After Brunch we went there
for coffee and more conversation before Jin Seok had 
to leave.  Here he is in his handsome wedding suit!

Please enjoy a great month of May!  Once again, thank you for being so faithful with your prayers, encouragement, love, and support!  

Love, Gregg

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