Saturday, May 18, 2013

Really? Only 13 More Days at YISS for the 2012-13 School Year!

Yes, it is true...only 13 more days in this school year!  And so much going on and so much to do before June 5!  Then a closing meeting with teachers and staff and then I am off to a Technology Conference in Hong Kong on June 7.  I return to YISS on June 10 and finish some work before heading to the States on June 14.  I would value your prayers as we finish another year at YISS!

The next 13 days will be busy ones at YISS: completion of teacher observations and summative reports, last week of After School Activities, two concerts this coming week (4th grade Music and 2nd and 3rd grade Music concerts), PTO Board and Administrators' Luncheon, completion of final grades, recommendation letters prepared for those students leaving to travel to another country for a new assignment, and the list could go on! :-)

This past week was such a good one!  I had the opportunity to share with the students in Grade 5B concerning using the experiences (painful, joyful, sorrowful, etc.) they have experienced, or will experience, to then invest in others to encourage, comfort, help, etc.  I had the joy of sharing with a very attentive group who had many questions.  I shared several experiences in my life that were not necessarily pleasant ones, but how God turned them into opportunities to minister to others who were going through similar circumstances.  They had so many questions about my experiences and especially about my parents.  It was a treasured experience and I received the nicest note from the entire class the next day!  I am excited to see what these young people will do in the future to invest their lives in others!

I also had the privilege of sharing in our OASIS assembly about "worrying" and how God has used many people in my life to help me let go of so many of my worries so that I could be more effective.  I come from a long line of worriers, and although I am not worrying as much, I continue to learn and grow from so many in this area of my life.

I was invited to attend the Poetry Recital of our three third grade sections!  Oh, I wish I could send you a video or picture of each child's recitation!  Parents were invited and it is always one of my pleasures to watch parents as they watch their children perform!  There were smiles and tears of joy, and many proud parents!  Several times I also had tears of joy as I observed the students perform.  It was a true joy!  They did a superb job!  Here are just a few pictures of some of those who recited.

One of our 3A students sharing in front of parents and friends at the Poetry Recital.  There were three recitals going on simultaneously in each of the third grades.  It was so great to see the many parents who came!

 Above is Alexis (I think) and Christian reciting their poems.  Christian was one of the best at using expressions and gestures during his recitation!

On the right above is one of our new students, Gautham.  He and his sister came in late January and he has grown so much.  His recitation was excellent!  Loved watching his mother!  On the left is one of my special friends, Heemin!  Heemin has a dose of Asperger's Syndrome.  I absolutely have loved watching his classmates (ever since first grade when I came to YISS) care for him and help him!  When he was introduced to share his poem, the children in the class gave him such an ovation.  Then when he recited, I do not think there was a dry eye in the room!  He used such great expression and spoke so clearly!  It was just amazing!  His mother was beaming and crying and smiling for her delightful son!  Oh, how Heemin has grown and how he has changed for the better everyone with whom he comes in contact!

Our After School Activities program for Quarter 4 came to a close this past week for most of our activities.  Some will finish next week.  It was very difficult for me to have my last time together with my two Discipleship boys, Paul and Joshua.  I love them so much!  I would value your prayers for these young boys as they seek to follow Jesus.  Pray especially for Paul as he moves into the Middle School next year.  He has some fears and I have already told him that he can come and visit me any time!

Above are Joshua and Paul at our last Discipleship 
Activity.  I asked the boys if they would like to go
out to KFC, Burger King, Baskin-Robbins, or 
McDonald's for our last time.  They got excited and 
said together, "McDonald's!"  Joshua, on the left,
is in 4th grade and he wanted a Happy Meal in order
to get the toy! :-)

Here we are on the second floor of McDonald's enjoying
our last "official" time together.  I gave them a copy of 
the book we were using, A Boy After God's Heart.  We 
had a great time together!  I love these boys!!

On the left and right are the front and back page of a card Paul made for me after our McDonald's visit.  Paul enjoys writing - especially poetry - and he wanted to share one that he wrote.  It is below entitled Majestic Lord.


It is a joy to observe each of the After School Activities, but I especially enjoy visiting the Ceramics class.  The ladies who teach this class are so good with our students.  The students learn so much while learning to enjoy making their ceramic pieces.  The class is finished for this year, but on June 3, they will receive their finished products after the instructors take them to their organization's work place to fire them in the kiln!

In Ceramics the children are instructed how to use 
the pottery wheel.  Here is one of the instructors
guiding Nora from 1A with her piece on the wheel.
Nora, and all of the kids, loved getting their hands

Three first grade boys working on their ceramic mugs!
These young cherubs are so focused in this picture! 
Usually they are so active and would look up when they
saw me, but I could not get them to remove their focus
from their project in the Ceramics class! :-)

One of our excellent Korean staff at YISS, Ms. Hannah Suh, has been a real delight to get to know.  Hannah is one of the assistants in the Library + she is the Housing Coordinator for the staff at YISS.  She is the one who was soooooo helpful to me in being able to secure and apartment two years ago.  I love the apartment and if I ever have a problem, I take it to Hannah and within a day, the problem is remedied!  Each morning one of her jobs is to get the coffee machine up and running.  I usually run into her as I go to get my cup for the day.  I started last year greeting her with the following, "Good morning Ms. Hannah, Wanna, Banana, Tanna, Ranna, Canna, etc."  She loves when I do this and she will make me say it to other staff when we are together.  At the recent Book Fair I found a children's book called Ms. Hannah is Bananas! I thought of Hannah and bought it for her.  When I gave it to her, she said, "Oh, this makes my day!"  Then gave me a huge smile.  She shows everyone the book!  Please pray for Hannah as she serves at YISS and join me in thanking God for her great example to our children and staff at YISS.

Hannah wanted to take a picture of us with her new book!  She took it on her phone and shared with me as well as many others!  Hannah is such a wonderful lady and I am so glad she is involved with our elementary cherubs!

If you are reading this, I want to thank you for taking time this year to read my ramblings on this blog.  I really value your notes and emails of encouragement!  I treasure your prayers, your love and your support!  Thank you so much!  Please enjoy a great week!

Love, Gregg

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