Saturday, October 26, 2013

Bensalem Home is Gone! Quarter 2 is Here!!

Yes, as of October 24th, I am no longer a home owner!  Thanks to so many people who have been praying and helping me in so many ways.  My friend and realtor, Bob Misner, emailed me on Friday morning that settlement went without a hitch on the 24th and all I had to pay was $731.61!!  With all of the repairs because of the inspections, I was expecting that I would have to pay $3,000 - $4,000 so his email caused great joy!  I am so thankful to the Lord and to many family and friends who have made this possible.  Thank you so much!!  On the day following settlement my sister, Julee, informed me that two gifts came in the mail for me.  They totaled $650!!  Again, God continues to provide!!

This last week was a very busy one at YISS!  Report Cards for Quarter One were emailed to parents on October 23.  On Friday YISS conducted Parent-Teacher conferences all day.  Many teachers in the elementary school had arranged a number of their conferences in the evenings prior to October 25th.  That was a great help to them on Friday.  Some of the Middle School and High School teachers had 36 - 50 conferences to handle on Friday. It was a LONG day and I know our teachers would value your prayers as they rest up this weekend.

It was also busy for the administrators in Elementary since we had one of our third grade teachers fly back to the USA for the memorial service of her grandmother who went Home suddenly. I know Mrs. Herman would value your prayers.  Another elementary teacher was out 2 days because he is the coach of the volleyball team and they traveled to their big tournament with other international schools in Asia.  Then Bev Birmingham, the other Assistant Elementary Principal, was sick for two days so she could not sub.  So Mr. Lazor and I had fun going into Grade 4 to sub!  One of my strong beliefs is that all administrators, including Headmasters and Superintendents, should get into the classroom at least once a year - more is better - to experience the classroom environment and what teachers are facing on a day to day basis since the administrators are the ones establishing policies which impact teachers.  I had a great day with 4D and loved the interaction with these cherubs!

In addition to subbing and other duties throughout the week, I had to complete everything for the beginning of Quarter Two After School Activities so that all is ready on October 29th when I leave with about five others from YISS to attend the EARCOS (East Asia Regional Council of Schools) conference in Bangkok, Thailand that will be conducted from October 30 - November 3. It's not the best time for me to be away - but I have found that there is no good time.  So I was attempting to complete everything this last week so that I could sit down with Bev Birmingham and the Elementary Secretary, Mrs. Yoo, on Monday to explain what they need to know so that the beginning of Quarter Two ASA begins smoothly.  Thanks for praying!

OK, guess what time it is?  That's right!  It's time to prepare everything for After School Activities for Quarter Two!  That is my desk at YISS on Friday morning at 6:15 - about the same time I received the news from Bob Misner that my house in Bensalem sold!!

Thursday was the birthday of Mr. Lazor, our Elementary School Principal, so we had a little surprise for him at the close of the day.  Usually the elementary office staff take him out to lunch, but because of the hectic week and subbing schedule, we decided to take him later.

Sorry for the very bad picture, but I was in a hurry and captured this one on my phone...a little late.  Mr. Lazor is preparing to blow out his candles on the cake we had prepared for him in the Elementary School Office.  The HS Secretary, Mrs. Bang is at her desk.  One of the Teaching Assistants for Grade 1, Ms. Lee, is to the right of Mr. Lazor.

Friday Parent-teacher conferences went well!  I always enjoying meeting parents on these days. Several came to see me to inform me that they are being relocated by their employers and will leave at the end of Quarter Two.  This is one of the things I really struggle with at an international school.  You get close to a family and then they have to leave too quickly.  It is rough on the students, too.  You might want to enjoy reading about these unique children called TCKs (Third Culture Kids).  Very interesting!

During the conferences I was able to view some of the amazing work that is being done in the Middle School Art program at YISS.  Mrs. DeHart has always done a tremendous job with our Elementary Art program, but I have not been very impressed with the Middle School Art until this year.  Ms. Sharon Gorman came to YISS this year and has done an outstanding job of motivating and teaching our middle school students and bringing out their creativity with productions of art.  I am going to include only a sampling of the amazing pieces of work that were on display during the Parent-Teacher conferences on Friday.  I should have recorded comments by parents!  It was so exciting to see High School students pass these art pieces and hear their comments, "This was done by Middle School students? You can't be serious!  These are awesome!"

This one is especially significant to me!
It was drawn by Soon Woo, a young 
man I developed a relationship with when
he was in 5th grade.  I spent many hours 
with him and his Dad in Grade 5.  Soon
Woo continues to seek me out as he keeps
growing and developing into a fine young
man.  I love his work of art!!       

I want to bring you up to date on the results of our Walk-A-Sock-A-Thon.  Mrs. Franck finally received the final tally from the local bank after they had counted all of our 100 Won coins.  I am continually amazed at what these elementary kids can do when challenged with an important cause.  This year we were giving our coins to International Justice Mission to assist them in their fight to put a stop to child slavery and abuse throughout the world -especially in Africa.  The total raised by the kids, remember they could only bring in 100 Won coins, was 9,203,320 KRW.  That converts to nearly $9,000 in USD!! No pledges, no begging; just kids saving their 100 Won coins by doing jobs around the house or saving their loose change.  Thanks for praying!

Mrs. Franck had posted this announcement on the hallway leading to the YISS Cafeteria so that students could see it!  I loved watching the kids as they read how much money was raised by them to help stop slavery of children worldwide!

Would you please pray for my dear friend, Gunmo?  He has been studying feverishly for an exam on October 27th that will impact his next step in his life.  He so wants to follow the Lord and serve Him through business.  Thank you!

OK, I will stop for now.  I would appreciate your prayers as I prepare to go to the EARCOS conference this coming week.  I still have things to accomplish before leaving on a jet plane on Tuesday morning.  Pray that I will not stress and worry about the ASA program while I am gone. God has been teaching me so much about doing what I can do and then leaving the results in His hands.  The sale of my home has been a HUGE example of this.  I am still learning!  So glad He doesn't give up on the old man.  Thanks for your love, prayers, encouragement, and support! Enjoy a great week!

Love, Gregg

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Quarter One Comes to an End...So Soon!!

This past week was another busy one as we completed Quarter One!  I can't believe it, but it's true.  Quarter One ended on Thursday with an Early Release Day for students.  Friday was a Professional Development day for faculty and staff - a day that allowed teachers time to complete their Quarter One Comments and Grades.  Now Dan, Bev, and I will be working on reading comments and checking that all grades are ready for sharing with parents next week.

It was also a week of saying goodbye to a few of our students in the elementary school and preparing to welcome some new students.  It was especially difficult to say "Hasta La Vista" to a fifth grade boy, Kyle.  He and his parents will be returning to America for the Dad's next position as well as getting specialized medical attention for Kyle's Dad because of his Multiple Sclerosis, which continues to weaken him.  I know they would appreciate your prayers.  Kyle joined us at YISS at the beginning of third grade and he and his parents have been very active in the PTO. Last weekend was our FunFest and over 30 teachers and administrators had offered raffle prizes for students.  Kyle told his Dad that all he wanted was "to win Mr. Garman's raffle."  I had offered Lunch and ice cream after lunch at Baskin Robbins for the winner and two friends.  Kyle was drawn as the winner of my raffle and since he was leaving YISS on October 17th, we had to move quickly in order to accomplish the raffle!  Needless to say, Kyle was thrilled!  On Wednesday I took Kyle and two of his fifth grade friends, Ian and Kevin, to lunch at Kentucky Fried Chicken (Kyle's choice) and then to Baskin Robbins for dessert!  We had a great time together!  Kyle's Dad and Mom both told me that Kyle said that his Wednesday lunch with Mr. Garman, Ian and Kevin was "awesome" and something he will remember for a long time.  Here are some pics of our special time together:

Kyle  with his new "facial hair" at the 
             recent YISS FunFest!

Here we are outside KFC in Itaewon!  Boys left to right: Kyle, Ian, and Kevin! What a great time!

Ian, Kyle and Kevin enjoying their KFC sandwiches.
They had to point out that the image of Col. Sanders on
their drink glasses looked like me!! :-)        

Three boys with their "crazy pose" for the picture! :-)

Kevin was caught on camera with his mouth quite full!

Another shot of Kevin with fries sticking out of his mouth! :-)

Ian - being Ian!!  He has grown so much!

After our KFC lunch we went across the street to Baskin Robbins and enjoyed some yummy ice cream!  We had a great time of getting to know each other better and also sharing our special memories of Kyle before he leaves.

During the week I learned that a "special friend" of one of our SLC (Student Learning Center) teachers, Ross Williamson, was visiting him in Seoul and would be at YISS on Thursday.  This is Ross's third year at YISS and he has been a great addition and he has become a good friend. Through one of my wonderful friends in Yardley, PA from MCA days, I was able to introduce Ross to YISS.  And now he has a special friend.  They met at the NICS PFO (Prefield Orientation) and things have progressed nicely!! :-)  I was so happy to meet Abby!  Please pray for them as they seek to serve the Lord through teaching!

My colleague and friend, Ross Williamson, and his special friend, Abby!

Thursday was also the day that our Elementary Chaplain, Carol Franck, set aside to have the classroom Guardians for the Quarter come to work on the Guardian Way project for this year. Each year Mrs. Franck creates some way to represent our "Guardian Way Honor Code" through a large creative painting or art project of some sort.  Each quarter teachers select a student from their class who has demonstrated the characteristics we are attempting to teach our students "The Guardian Way."  These students meet in Mrs. Franck's office to begin preparing the project.  It is an honor for students and I always love to see them at work.  It is always fun to see the project progress each quarter.  Following are some pictures of our Guardian winners for Quarter One as they work with Mrs. Franck on this year's "Guardian Way" project!

Mrs. Franck with some of the 4th & 5th grade Guardian winners for Quarter One!

Two Guardian winners from Grades 2 and 3 working
                   on their "love" squares!

Two Guardians from Grades 4 and 5 busy at work!

Another 3rd grade Guardian painting!  

Three Guardians from Grade 2 and 3 painting their "love' squares!

Two Guardians from K and 1 preparing
                   their squares!

Mrs. Franck assisting the Guardians from K and Grade 1 with their "love" squares!

Some of the "love" squares painted by Guardians from
Quarter One.  Each student was to paint with "warm" 
colors something representing love.  Mrs. Franck didn't
want to say too much about the finished project but it
will represent many of the character traits we are teaching
during Bible and Character Ed. classes and in Chapels 
and OASIS assemblies. Our YISS theme this year is Faith
Expressing Itself Through Love!  Perhaps you want to
predict what the finished product will look like?

I was able to spend much of my time on Friday making final preparations for the online registration for Quarter Two After School Activities.  The registration begins on Monday morning at 8 AM and it is always a very busy and hectic time.  Please pray that the technology is working well and that parents won't have much trouble registering their students for the various activities. It should be an exciting quarter of varied activities.  Some have asked what activities do we offer at YISS in our after school program.  I thought I would just list Quarter Two's activities for you. Each one is designed for certain grade levels and I try to have a variety for each age group.  I enjoy putting it all together - even with all of the stress involved. :-)  I still would value your prayers as we go into this busy week.  Once the registration is complete on Tuesday afternoon, then lots of things have to be completed before I leave for an education conference in Bangkok, Thailand so that the activities can begin on November 1.

OK, here are the activities we will offer for Quarter Two: Scratch Computer Programming (4-5), Chess Club (2-5), Fun with Chinese Songs & Dances (3-5), POP Dance (2-5), Seoul Seekers (K-3), Compassion Club (2-5), Swimming (three sections for K-5), Girls' Basketball (3-5), Boys' Basketball (2-3), Boys' Basketball (4-5), Ceramics (K-3), Ceramics (2-5), Arts & Crafts (K-3), Irish Tap Dance (2-5), Ballet (K-2), Taekwondo (K-5), String Performance Ensemble (2-4), Girl Scouts (3-5), Puppet Ministry (4-5), Inspirational Music (2-5), CrossFit (four sections for Grades 2-5), Storytime Fun (K-1), Sports (K-2), Praise Team (Grade 5), and Orchestra (Grade 5).

I was supposed to meet Gunmo on Saturday morning, but his friend had an emergency at his work place and Gunmo stayed up very late to help him (so typical of my friend, Gunmo) and he did not get to sleep until 3 AM.  Pray for him so that he can get sufficient rest.  Continue to pray for JiSang who is feeling better form his sickness last Saturday and Sunday but still would value your prayers as he finishes papers and projects for his Liberty classes and makes decisions about his future.  I also heard from Jae Hong (Fred) this past week.  He had a fantastic time in the USA and wants to get together soon to share about his experiences and talk about his next steps. Saturday evening I had a nice Thai dinner (sorry, no pics) with Yeongmin.  We also went to see the movie, Gravity in 3D and 4D - very exciting!  Continue to pray for Yeongmin to come to believe in Jesus.

Thank you so much for continuing to ray for me, encourage me, and support me.  Please enjoy a great week!

Love, Gregg

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Frantic but Fun-Filled FunFest Week!

Another busy week at YISS!  We continue to get rain causing more delay in getting our Soccer Field project completed.  Maybe by Christmas now. Thanks for praying.  Although we had some rain the past week, it stopped so that we could enjoy a wonderful FunFest on Friday evening!  The PTO and many of the classes put so much work into this annual event!  Because the only outdoor space available, until the Soccer Field is completed, the Courtyard needed to be used for FunFest. This requires setting up for the event several days in advance.  That caused some After School Activities which use the Courtyard to be canceled and lunch recesses to be adjusted to various smaller locations on Thursday and Friday.  But we made it through!  I would like to post a few pictures from the FunFest.  If you want to see more, you can check out my facebook page.

       One of the games: Chomping for Cookies!!

Another game; I loved the display that Grade 5C had prepared for their game!

This was a Middle School game.  Ms. Murphy is the 
scarecrow for this half hour, and she got wet from the 
sponges children threw trying to hit the Angry Bird the
scarecrow was holding. :-)              

Always popular is the Inflatable Activity Zone!!

    Another Angry Birds game made by grade 2D!!

And there was plenty of yummy food!  Here is some Indian food - always popular at YISS!

Some very tasty Japanese food!!              

The finished product of the Japanese food!  This one was MINE!  I loved every yummy bite!!

My dessert - a heart-shaped cookie from the HS booth
to benefit International Justice Mission followed by a 
purchase of whipped cream from the High School Pep
Band!  I had to do some talking to buy some whipped
cream for my cookie, but I was successful!!  :-)

Here I am selling water, Pepsi, Lemon Water, 2% Peach, Gatorade, etc.  This is Seongmin, one of the heads of the Facilities Department at YISS.  I am trying to sell him some drinks for his workers he was going to treat.  Do you like my gloves to keep me dry and warm while plunging into the tubs full of ice and drinks? :-)

One of my new friends in Grade 4A.  He liked his new facial hair!

A former Discipleship boy - Joshua - with his FunFest hairstyle and tattoos!

This is Alwareth, my good HS friend from Oman!
I couldn't believe this usually shy and quiet young
man had his hair done up in glitter (from one of the
HS booths raising money) PLUS he had his nails
colored at one of the HS booths raising money for 
an organization helping abused children and teens.
He was so proud of his hair and nails! :-)

Elementary MAP (Measurement of Academic Progress) Testing continued throughout the week. This year these tests (all done on computer by the students) have gone much more smoothly with the addition of our Elementary Computer Lab!  We are delighted!  I was involved a couple days with proctoring and assisting with the technology for these tests.

Tuesday was my last formal meeting with my Discipleship boys for Quarter One.  I had a great time with my young men!  I was so encouraged as we talked about all that they learned this quarter.  I received a really nice thank you card from one of the boys indicating that in all of his after school activities during his 5 years in the elementary school at YISS, this Discipleship class was his most awesome! He said he would like to have it every quarter.  This came at a time when I needed to have some encouragement because of various situations with the sale of my home and a few other little situations.  It is so neat to have these boys seek me out on days when they do not have Discipleship to talk about the things that are making them full of joy as well as those problems they are facing.

Here are my Quarter One Discipleship boys!  I love them!

On Friday the new Praise Team from fifth grade led our music worship in Chapels!  This team is made up of four boys!  I was thrilled to see these young boys take leadership roles and watch many of the other boys follow their lead during the music time!  I am sorry but the pictures I took were all blurry with the exception of this one which included only two of the boys.  Keep praying for Joshua, Henry, Sean, and Blake as they will be leading during the next October and November in Chapels.

Praise Team 2 from Grade 5.  Well, half of them.  These two, Henry and Blake are sharing about the next song.  Mr. Lazor played guitar for them.  Mrs. Franck, Elementary Chaplain is at the computer.  The Boys in Praise Team 2 did a great job for their first time in Chapel.

In our OASIS assembly on Friday, Mrs. Franck allowed time for the students to sort many of the coins the children collected for the Walk-A-Sock-Thon.  It was exciting to listen to the kids as they sorted coins during their OASIS time.  They were talking about the walk and how their coins were going to help children in slavery get freedom.  It was also announced that our new total of coins collected reached 470.9 kg!!  The kids are so excited!  Next week Mrs. Franck should have an official count of the total of the money raised once the bank has finished counting the 470.9 kg of 100 Won coins.

One of the elementary boys sorting 100
Won coins!  He was making his own
       interesting game of sorting!

Some of the groups went outside to the small Courtyard to sort.  Here is a group going through and taking out any coins which were not 100 Won coins.

Another group enjoying sorting and talking about the
impact of the money raised for the children in slavery.

I have mentioned several times a high school student whose name is Matthew Hahn.  I met Matthew when I first came to YISS in July 2010.  He continues to struggle with depression and on Thursday he his a low point.  What has been really exciting for me is that Matthew seeks me out almost every day just to talk a few minutes.  On Thursday I saw him and could tell that he was not doing well.  I knew he wanted to talk and I was late for an appointment, but was glad I took time.  Matthew said, "I am doomed."  Then he followed up and said, "I have been thinking how I could end my life here at school but can't come up with a good plan. My life is meaningless!"  I stopped and listened and then shared from my heart with Matthew and told him that his life was very important to at least one person.  I think it was one of the first times Matthew saw me fight back tears (I didn't win the fight).  Matthew had to go to class and another teacher came by and saw that I had been speaking with Matthew and we prayed for Matthew. Then I went to speak with Matthew's counselor.  Later that afternoon Matthew came and told me thanks for sharing with his counselor.  He was doing somewhat better.  On Friday morning we saw each other and he was smiling, but still hurting, but he was ready to face the day.  Would you please pray with me for this young man who has a very special place in my heart?  I would really appreciate it.

Above I am with my wonderful friend, Matthew.  I have shown his picture before but I am showing him again because he is heavy on my heart these days and I would value your strong prayers for him!

On Saturday evening I was finally able to meet up with one of my former SYME students and friends, Hye Jong (Terry) in Itaewon during the Itaewon Global Village Festival.  I hadn't seen him since January of 2012 so it was wonderful to get caught up.  After five years of dating his girlfriend, they have decided to break it off.  He is doing well, but I am sure he would appreciate your prayers.  We had a really great time visiting and catching up.  Hye Jong is a Quality Control manager for his company and will be leaving for Indonesia for a business trip in a few days.  He is keeping active at his church in choir and playing guitar and driving to pick up church members who have no way to get to church.

The main entrance to the Global Village Festival.  It 
was a gorgeous day and there were so many people in 
         Itaewon to enjoy the festival this year!

Hye Jong and I were able to find a place to eat at The Alley.  Here we are in front of a painting in the restaurant.  Hye Jong had just come from a wedding so he was looking quite handsome in his wedding suit.  He also had just eaten so he only had a coffee latte while I ate my grilled chicken and veggies.  Hye Jong did try a couple pieces of the yummy chicken.  We had a great time of sharing together!

Here is my tasty dinner of grilled chicken and veggies!!

I leave you this week with a prayer request for my wonderful friend, Ji Sang. He was working on a paper that was due for his online class at Liberty and suddenly became very sick.  He had to go to the hospital and I think he is doing better.  I will find out more today.  I know he would appreciate your prayers.

Please enjoy a wonderful week.  Thank you very much for your continued prayers, love, encouragement, and support.

Love, Gregg

Saturday, October 5, 2013

"Loose Change to Loosen Chains!" - Walk-A-Sock-A-Thon 2013

Friday was the highlight of our week at YISS as we conducted our annual Walk-A-Sock-A-Thon with our elementary students!  It was a gorgeous day and the kids and many parents came to school to take part in this wonderful walk.  This year our theme was "Loose Change to Loosen Chains" in order to raise funds for International Justice Mission, an organization that is fighting child slavery throughout the world.  Our elementary Chaplain and teachers have been sharing in Chapels, Assemblies, and classrooms for the past 4 - 6 weeks about this very important issue. Children have been so interested and so moved to do something about stopping child slavery. They have been saving their coins (we collect only 100 Won coins) and place them in a sock which they bring to YISS on the day of our walk.  The total raised so far (some students forgot their socks and we are still waiting for those students in HS and MS to hand in their coins) was almost 100 kg more than last year!  The coins are still coming in.

Friday morning was an exciting morning as children, teachers, and some parents gathered in the auditorium for our Tally Rally!  One of our new After School Activities' groups, POP Dance, performed the opening number.  They danced to the song "Every Move I Make, I Make in You." I was so proud of them for their first performance.  You can check out the video on facebook + many more pictures.  High School students had volunteered to be helpers with each of our grades as they went on the walk to Namsan Tower in Seoul - all uphill!  Our younger grades only went half way while most of our upper grades went to the top and back!  Children have a new understanding of how many children are being used as slaves throughout the world and are so eager to help.

                 Crazy  and creative socks!!

Another sample of the creative socks of our kids!

Ms. McGinnis (KB teacher) and Haven
with their creative and crazy socks!     

A group of second graders holding up their socks filled with 100 Won coins!

Classes begin to arrive for the Tally Rally
and place their socks of coins in the coin

Grade 5 Praise Team with 4C teacher, Ms. Greaves, leading  "You Gotta Have Love" in the Tally Rally!!

GGG showing off his nasty knees and 
crazy socks!  What a fun day we had!!

Classes leaving the Tally Rally to go down the YISS hill so they can walk up some more hills to Namsan Tower!!

The Namsan Tower - the goal for most of our upper
    grade students!  What a gorgeous day to walk!

Along the trail Mrs. Franck, Chaplain, had placed photos from the true story of a boy and girl in child slavery and how they were able to be freed!  These were used as markers for the children.  Many of the teachers stopped along the way at these markers to talk more about this family and the abuse of children throughout the world and what we can do to stop it!

Grade 1D and their teacher Mrs. Thomas on the stairs
leading up to Namsan Tower!               

A kindergarten group returning down the stairs from their walk.  They didn't walk the complete trail, but this was the first kindergarten and first grade actually went on the walk!

There were many other exciting events throughout the week - including "Wild West Day" on Wednesday, the beginning of MAP (Measurement of Academic Progress) testing in the elementary school, continued After School Activities, and a day off on Thursday (Korea Foundation Day)!  Korea Foundation Day (Gae-cheon-jeol) is a national holiday in South Korea on October 3.  It means the "Festival of the Opening of Heaven."  This holiday celebrates the creation of the state of Gojoseon (ancient Korea) founded by Dangun Wanggeom in the year 2333 BC.

In the middle of proctoring MAP tests for Grades 2 and 4, I stopped on Wednesday to enjoy our Fun Day in October (Wild West Days).  The kids love this particular Fun Day and almost everyone dresses for the event!  It is so much fun to see them pretend to be cowgirls and cowboys and use their creativity!

The first thing in the morning on our Wild West Day
Grade 5B students and their teacher stampeded the 
Elementary Offices.  They were all dressed as cows 
with the exception of one who was the main rancher.
After making many sick-sounding cow noises, the head
rancher presented me with the above greeting!! :-)

Here is the Head Rancher and some of his cows!!  

One of the handsome cowboys preparing for lunch!

        Some of the beautiful cowgirls at lunch!

This is Simone and I loved her outfit - even the stuffed cow!!

This is Owen, one of my Discipleship boys
modeling his outfit with Ms. Bulkeley, our 
1B teacher.  Owen looked so great in his 
cowboy outfit!  He is smiling more and 
talking more!                     

Another cute cowgirl!!

This is me with my buddy, Sigge!  He went all out
                to dress as a cowboy today!

We also said "Hasta la Vista" to one of our fourth grade teachers at YISS on Wednesday afternoon.  Rachel Fitzwater resigned in June, but has remained in Seoul until her hubby was ready to go to New Zealand for their next phase of ministry.  Rachel had been volunteering at YISS during this first quarter.  Rachel taught over 6 years at YISS and she will be greatly missed!

Mrs. Fitzwater and GGG at Rachel's going away party on Wednesday!  Rachel is such a great teacher!  I will miss her very much!

On Thursday, Korea Foundation Day, I spent most of the morning working on After School Activities for Quarter Two.  I still have a lot to do to have everything ready for our students and parents by October 15.  I would value your prayers.  However, I met two new friends on Thursday and one of my dear friends, JiSang!  What a special time we had.

Here I am with two new friends I met in Itaewon.
Please pray for Jin Ho and Moo Sun as they learn
English and prepare to go to Australia. I had a great 
time practicing conversational English with them.  I
was able to share some about my belief in Jesus Christ
and trust that we will be able to continue meeting.

My "son" and dear friend, JiSang!  We were able to get together for dinner on Korea Foundation Day.  JiSang wanted Chinese so we ate at Ho Lee Chow!  Your prayers for JiSang are greatly appreciated as he finishes his studies at Liberty University and keeps seeking God's next steps for him.  We had such a wonderful time together!  What a wonderful young man, but he needs to gain some weight!! :-)

Here are the two yummy dishes we shared: Sweet 
and Sour Chicken and Mayo Shrimp!!  Oh, so good!!

I thought I would leave you with a photo of what I see each Sunday morning at the bus stop where I get off to go to church.  I think it is quite an interesting building and it looked even better today with the beautiful weather!


Thanks so much for all of your prayers for me.  I believe my home in Bensalem is almost cleared for settlement on October 24th.  Please keep praying that all will work out an that my sister, Julee (my Power of Attorney) will be able to take off work and go to settlement in my place.  You are very special to me and I thank the Lord for you often!  Have a great October!

Love, Gregg