Saturday, October 19, 2013

Quarter One Comes to an End...So Soon!!

This past week was another busy one as we completed Quarter One!  I can't believe it, but it's true.  Quarter One ended on Thursday with an Early Release Day for students.  Friday was a Professional Development day for faculty and staff - a day that allowed teachers time to complete their Quarter One Comments and Grades.  Now Dan, Bev, and I will be working on reading comments and checking that all grades are ready for sharing with parents next week.

It was also a week of saying goodbye to a few of our students in the elementary school and preparing to welcome some new students.  It was especially difficult to say "Hasta La Vista" to a fifth grade boy, Kyle.  He and his parents will be returning to America for the Dad's next position as well as getting specialized medical attention for Kyle's Dad because of his Multiple Sclerosis, which continues to weaken him.  I know they would appreciate your prayers.  Kyle joined us at YISS at the beginning of third grade and he and his parents have been very active in the PTO. Last weekend was our FunFest and over 30 teachers and administrators had offered raffle prizes for students.  Kyle told his Dad that all he wanted was "to win Mr. Garman's raffle."  I had offered Lunch and ice cream after lunch at Baskin Robbins for the winner and two friends.  Kyle was drawn as the winner of my raffle and since he was leaving YISS on October 17th, we had to move quickly in order to accomplish the raffle!  Needless to say, Kyle was thrilled!  On Wednesday I took Kyle and two of his fifth grade friends, Ian and Kevin, to lunch at Kentucky Fried Chicken (Kyle's choice) and then to Baskin Robbins for dessert!  We had a great time together!  Kyle's Dad and Mom both told me that Kyle said that his Wednesday lunch with Mr. Garman, Ian and Kevin was "awesome" and something he will remember for a long time.  Here are some pics of our special time together:

Kyle  with his new "facial hair" at the 
             recent YISS FunFest!

Here we are outside KFC in Itaewon!  Boys left to right: Kyle, Ian, and Kevin! What a great time!

Ian, Kyle and Kevin enjoying their KFC sandwiches.
They had to point out that the image of Col. Sanders on
their drink glasses looked like me!! :-)        

Three boys with their "crazy pose" for the picture! :-)

Kevin was caught on camera with his mouth quite full!

Another shot of Kevin with fries sticking out of his mouth! :-)

Ian - being Ian!!  He has grown so much!

After our KFC lunch we went across the street to Baskin Robbins and enjoyed some yummy ice cream!  We had a great time of getting to know each other better and also sharing our special memories of Kyle before he leaves.

During the week I learned that a "special friend" of one of our SLC (Student Learning Center) teachers, Ross Williamson, was visiting him in Seoul and would be at YISS on Thursday.  This is Ross's third year at YISS and he has been a great addition and he has become a good friend. Through one of my wonderful friends in Yardley, PA from MCA days, I was able to introduce Ross to YISS.  And now he has a special friend.  They met at the NICS PFO (Prefield Orientation) and things have progressed nicely!! :-)  I was so happy to meet Abby!  Please pray for them as they seek to serve the Lord through teaching!

My colleague and friend, Ross Williamson, and his special friend, Abby!

Thursday was also the day that our Elementary Chaplain, Carol Franck, set aside to have the classroom Guardians for the Quarter come to work on the Guardian Way project for this year. Each year Mrs. Franck creates some way to represent our "Guardian Way Honor Code" through a large creative painting or art project of some sort.  Each quarter teachers select a student from their class who has demonstrated the characteristics we are attempting to teach our students "The Guardian Way."  These students meet in Mrs. Franck's office to begin preparing the project.  It is an honor for students and I always love to see them at work.  It is always fun to see the project progress each quarter.  Following are some pictures of our Guardian winners for Quarter One as they work with Mrs. Franck on this year's "Guardian Way" project!

Mrs. Franck with some of the 4th & 5th grade Guardian winners for Quarter One!

Two Guardian winners from Grades 2 and 3 working
                   on their "love" squares!

Two Guardians from Grades 4 and 5 busy at work!

Another 3rd grade Guardian painting!  

Three Guardians from Grade 2 and 3 painting their "love' squares!

Two Guardians from K and 1 preparing
                   their squares!

Mrs. Franck assisting the Guardians from K and Grade 1 with their "love" squares!

Some of the "love" squares painted by Guardians from
Quarter One.  Each student was to paint with "warm" 
colors something representing love.  Mrs. Franck didn't
want to say too much about the finished project but it
will represent many of the character traits we are teaching
during Bible and Character Ed. classes and in Chapels 
and OASIS assemblies. Our YISS theme this year is Faith
Expressing Itself Through Love!  Perhaps you want to
predict what the finished product will look like?

I was able to spend much of my time on Friday making final preparations for the online registration for Quarter Two After School Activities.  The registration begins on Monday morning at 8 AM and it is always a very busy and hectic time.  Please pray that the technology is working well and that parents won't have much trouble registering their students for the various activities. It should be an exciting quarter of varied activities.  Some have asked what activities do we offer at YISS in our after school program.  I thought I would just list Quarter Two's activities for you. Each one is designed for certain grade levels and I try to have a variety for each age group.  I enjoy putting it all together - even with all of the stress involved. :-)  I still would value your prayers as we go into this busy week.  Once the registration is complete on Tuesday afternoon, then lots of things have to be completed before I leave for an education conference in Bangkok, Thailand so that the activities can begin on November 1.

OK, here are the activities we will offer for Quarter Two: Scratch Computer Programming (4-5), Chess Club (2-5), Fun with Chinese Songs & Dances (3-5), POP Dance (2-5), Seoul Seekers (K-3), Compassion Club (2-5), Swimming (three sections for K-5), Girls' Basketball (3-5), Boys' Basketball (2-3), Boys' Basketball (4-5), Ceramics (K-3), Ceramics (2-5), Arts & Crafts (K-3), Irish Tap Dance (2-5), Ballet (K-2), Taekwondo (K-5), String Performance Ensemble (2-4), Girl Scouts (3-5), Puppet Ministry (4-5), Inspirational Music (2-5), CrossFit (four sections for Grades 2-5), Storytime Fun (K-1), Sports (K-2), Praise Team (Grade 5), and Orchestra (Grade 5).

I was supposed to meet Gunmo on Saturday morning, but his friend had an emergency at his work place and Gunmo stayed up very late to help him (so typical of my friend, Gunmo) and he did not get to sleep until 3 AM.  Pray for him so that he can get sufficient rest.  Continue to pray for JiSang who is feeling better form his sickness last Saturday and Sunday but still would value your prayers as he finishes papers and projects for his Liberty classes and makes decisions about his future.  I also heard from Jae Hong (Fred) this past week.  He had a fantastic time in the USA and wants to get together soon to share about his experiences and talk about his next steps. Saturday evening I had a nice Thai dinner (sorry, no pics) with Yeongmin.  We also went to see the movie, Gravity in 3D and 4D - very exciting!  Continue to pray for Yeongmin to come to believe in Jesus.

Thank you so much for continuing to ray for me, encourage me, and support me.  Please enjoy a great week!

Love, Gregg

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