Saturday, October 26, 2013

Bensalem Home is Gone! Quarter 2 is Here!!

Yes, as of October 24th, I am no longer a home owner!  Thanks to so many people who have been praying and helping me in so many ways.  My friend and realtor, Bob Misner, emailed me on Friday morning that settlement went without a hitch on the 24th and all I had to pay was $731.61!!  With all of the repairs because of the inspections, I was expecting that I would have to pay $3,000 - $4,000 so his email caused great joy!  I am so thankful to the Lord and to many family and friends who have made this possible.  Thank you so much!!  On the day following settlement my sister, Julee, informed me that two gifts came in the mail for me.  They totaled $650!!  Again, God continues to provide!!

This last week was a very busy one at YISS!  Report Cards for Quarter One were emailed to parents on October 23.  On Friday YISS conducted Parent-Teacher conferences all day.  Many teachers in the elementary school had arranged a number of their conferences in the evenings prior to October 25th.  That was a great help to them on Friday.  Some of the Middle School and High School teachers had 36 - 50 conferences to handle on Friday. It was a LONG day and I know our teachers would value your prayers as they rest up this weekend.

It was also busy for the administrators in Elementary since we had one of our third grade teachers fly back to the USA for the memorial service of her grandmother who went Home suddenly. I know Mrs. Herman would value your prayers.  Another elementary teacher was out 2 days because he is the coach of the volleyball team and they traveled to their big tournament with other international schools in Asia.  Then Bev Birmingham, the other Assistant Elementary Principal, was sick for two days so she could not sub.  So Mr. Lazor and I had fun going into Grade 4 to sub!  One of my strong beliefs is that all administrators, including Headmasters and Superintendents, should get into the classroom at least once a year - more is better - to experience the classroom environment and what teachers are facing on a day to day basis since the administrators are the ones establishing policies which impact teachers.  I had a great day with 4D and loved the interaction with these cherubs!

In addition to subbing and other duties throughout the week, I had to complete everything for the beginning of Quarter Two After School Activities so that all is ready on October 29th when I leave with about five others from YISS to attend the EARCOS (East Asia Regional Council of Schools) conference in Bangkok, Thailand that will be conducted from October 30 - November 3. It's not the best time for me to be away - but I have found that there is no good time.  So I was attempting to complete everything this last week so that I could sit down with Bev Birmingham and the Elementary Secretary, Mrs. Yoo, on Monday to explain what they need to know so that the beginning of Quarter Two ASA begins smoothly.  Thanks for praying!

OK, guess what time it is?  That's right!  It's time to prepare everything for After School Activities for Quarter Two!  That is my desk at YISS on Friday morning at 6:15 - about the same time I received the news from Bob Misner that my house in Bensalem sold!!

Thursday was the birthday of Mr. Lazor, our Elementary School Principal, so we had a little surprise for him at the close of the day.  Usually the elementary office staff take him out to lunch, but because of the hectic week and subbing schedule, we decided to take him later.

Sorry for the very bad picture, but I was in a hurry and captured this one on my phone...a little late.  Mr. Lazor is preparing to blow out his candles on the cake we had prepared for him in the Elementary School Office.  The HS Secretary, Mrs. Bang is at her desk.  One of the Teaching Assistants for Grade 1, Ms. Lee, is to the right of Mr. Lazor.

Friday Parent-teacher conferences went well!  I always enjoying meeting parents on these days. Several came to see me to inform me that they are being relocated by their employers and will leave at the end of Quarter Two.  This is one of the things I really struggle with at an international school.  You get close to a family and then they have to leave too quickly.  It is rough on the students, too.  You might want to enjoy reading about these unique children called TCKs (Third Culture Kids).  Very interesting!

During the conferences I was able to view some of the amazing work that is being done in the Middle School Art program at YISS.  Mrs. DeHart has always done a tremendous job with our Elementary Art program, but I have not been very impressed with the Middle School Art until this year.  Ms. Sharon Gorman came to YISS this year and has done an outstanding job of motivating and teaching our middle school students and bringing out their creativity with productions of art.  I am going to include only a sampling of the amazing pieces of work that were on display during the Parent-Teacher conferences on Friday.  I should have recorded comments by parents!  It was so exciting to see High School students pass these art pieces and hear their comments, "This was done by Middle School students? You can't be serious!  These are awesome!"

This one is especially significant to me!
It was drawn by Soon Woo, a young 
man I developed a relationship with when
he was in 5th grade.  I spent many hours 
with him and his Dad in Grade 5.  Soon
Woo continues to seek me out as he keeps
growing and developing into a fine young
man.  I love his work of art!!       

I want to bring you up to date on the results of our Walk-A-Sock-A-Thon.  Mrs. Franck finally received the final tally from the local bank after they had counted all of our 100 Won coins.  I am continually amazed at what these elementary kids can do when challenged with an important cause.  This year we were giving our coins to International Justice Mission to assist them in their fight to put a stop to child slavery and abuse throughout the world -especially in Africa.  The total raised by the kids, remember they could only bring in 100 Won coins, was 9,203,320 KRW.  That converts to nearly $9,000 in USD!! No pledges, no begging; just kids saving their 100 Won coins by doing jobs around the house or saving their loose change.  Thanks for praying!

Mrs. Franck had posted this announcement on the hallway leading to the YISS Cafeteria so that students could see it!  I loved watching the kids as they read how much money was raised by them to help stop slavery of children worldwide!

Would you please pray for my dear friend, Gunmo?  He has been studying feverishly for an exam on October 27th that will impact his next step in his life.  He so wants to follow the Lord and serve Him through business.  Thank you!

OK, I will stop for now.  I would appreciate your prayers as I prepare to go to the EARCOS conference this coming week.  I still have things to accomplish before leaving on a jet plane on Tuesday morning.  Pray that I will not stress and worry about the ASA program while I am gone. God has been teaching me so much about doing what I can do and then leaving the results in His hands.  The sale of my home has been a HUGE example of this.  I am still learning!  So glad He doesn't give up on the old man.  Thanks for your love, prayers, encouragement, and support! Enjoy a great week!

Love, Gregg

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