Saturday, May 31, 2014

A Week to Really Enjoy the Diversity of Cultures at YISS!!

Yes, the last full week of this school year brought joy to my heart at all of the special events that demonstrated the diversity of cultures we enjoy at YISS!  As I get older, I continue to enjoy people from every corner of the world, and at YISS I have that opportunity every day.  It was especially evident during this last week from the delightful music concert Springing into Song! on Tuesday evening all the way to Saturday morning when the Class of 2014 completed a beautiful commencement.  Throughout the week we enjoyed "End-of-Year" parties, International Dress Day (including some marvelous international cultural performances), the PTO Board Luncheon, the opportunity I have of reading teachers' Quarter 4 comments about their cherubs, and the first day of our three-day VBS in the elementary school!  It was such a busy week, but each evening I went home with joy and gratitude in my heart to God for His creation of people with so many shapes and sizes, so many colors, so many cultural values, so many and varied gifts and abilities, and so many opportunities that each of us on the YISS staff have to live out our faith through the personalities and gifts He has given us in varied forms to be a fragrant offering to Him and to see children and teens from all over the world come to know the One who created them and to grow in their faith!  (Oh dear, that was a rather lengthy sentence. So sorry.)  I am just very excited!

Tuesday evening was our final Elementary Music Concert of the year.  Grades 2 and 3 presented a very delightful concert of vocal music that was fun and uplifting as well as instrumental music with their recorders, xylophones, and drums!  Ms. Shauna Weir does an outstanding job of loving our younger elementary students and shares her passion for music and doing it well with them.  It was a great evening of fun songs and ending with a very fitting piece, Be Like a Tree. It was a great piece to end on and the children loved it and continue to sing it even after the concert is over.  I placed the video clip of it on Facebook if you want to hear it.

    Grades 2 and 3 performing one of their combined selections
                 with recorders, drums, and xylophones!

Just liked this picture as you can see many taking pictures of the cherubs performing!

Grade 2 children singing one of their songs, Waiting 
For the Spring.                        

Another picture of Grades 2 and 3 sharing their talents!!

Wednesday was a very busy day!  As you may remember, the PTO had to cancel the annual International Bazaar on May 10 because of the events in Korea surrounding the sinking of the Sewol Ferry.  It was suggested to have an elementary school event to highlight our international school and keep it within the school so that those who were practicing to perform cultural performances at the Bazaar would have an opportunity to share with the elementary students, staff, and parents.  So the entire day was designated as International Dress Day in the Elementary School with a closing assembly in the auditorium featuring seven cultural performances.  I was asked to the the MC, and I was delighted to do that.  Several parents and staff commented later that I would be a great game show host (something I have always wanted to be)!  I wish you could have stopped by and visited us on Wednesday!  It was a great and fun day!  Again, I posted several video clips from the assembly on Facebook.  Hope you can take a look at them - especially the amazing performance of one of our 4th grade teachers, Ms. Lynn Greaves, and a delightful Kindergarten student, Haven Murphy!  That ballet performance of the song Sovereign brought tears to almost everyone's eyes.  The song expresses that God is in control of our lives and He will always be with us through triumphs and trials!  The Sock Hop Dance group from grades 1 and 2 also brought the house down!

Here I am on International Day with two special buddies, Paolo and Pranav!  They are both having to return to their home countries after the close of this year.  It is so hard to let them go.  They are such great boys!

  Danny and Johnnie, two fourth grade boys with 
             outfits from their home countries. 

Ian is a Pirates' fan and Evan loves the Yankees! 

Ms. Ku, teacher in 1A, posing with some third grade
students in their international outfits!           

Here I am with two fifth grade boys, Andrew and Samuel.  Both boys have grown very attached to me.  Andrew has starting giving me a hug every day and Samuel is new to YISS this year.  He began with a very bad attitude and temper and it has been so thrilling to see his growth.  He loves to talk with me every day.  When we took this picture, he just kept pushing in against me - not wanting to leave.  Please pray for both of these neat young men.

Here is Mr. Adams, 1C teacher, with a few of his
                         charming cherubs!

Wednesday was also the annual PTO Board Luncheon where the new officers are introduced and those officers retiring are recognized.  The various schools within YISS also use this luncheon to express our gratitude for all the PTO does for YISS.  This year Mrs. Birmingham and Ms. Wiley along with a group of high school students put together a massive undertaking to create a video that involved every student in the school creating posters and thank you notes and then putting it to music on a video.  It's hard to explain, but the PTO officers and members loved it.  And there, of course, was yummy food.  I will share some pictures of some of that.  Surprised? :-)

        Thought I would begin with desserts!
                     Soooo yummy!!!!

Fresh fruit and cheese!

Chicken Caesar Salad!!                 

BBQ Pulled Pork!!!

     My plate + cheesecake for dessert!

Throughout the week there were various End-of-Year class parties within the elementary school that room parents and teachers put together.  They are always very nice but I always eat too much. I will share a few pictures of a couple of the parties form last week.

Room parents in 1C put together this mini yearbook
for each student in 1C!  Really quite nice! Given to
         the children at their End-of-Year Party.

Here is a cute 1C cherub showing me the inside of her yearbook.  She was so proud of it!

Some boys gathering around Mr. Adams so that he 
would sign their yearbook!                 

Two angels from 1A holding the portrait that Ms. Lee, our very gifted artist T.A. in Grade 1, painted for each student in 1A and 1B!  Beautiful!  They were presented to the students at their End-of-Year Party!

            Here are portraits of half of 1A's class!

And her is the other half of 1A.  Ms. Lee told me that
it takes her about 2-3 hours of focused painting to paint
one portrait!                          

Friday morning was the beginning of our annual three-day VBS in the Elementary School.  Our Elementary Chaplain, Mrs. Carol Franck, puts together an awesome program that includes all sorts of activities, skits, video clips, etc. for all of the students for two hours each day for three days.  I will be sharing more next week. I only have two pictures from Friday since I was Dr. Paws in the opening skit, and will be doing that on Monday and Tuesday as well.  I also was teaching the lesson on the love of God - even when you are left out and alone to one group of about 105 students.

The stage is all set for VBS at YISS!  The children up front are
being recognized for being selected as ones who exemplified
               what is expected of a YISS Guardian.

I thought this picture was better, but it isn't.  I will leave it here  
for you any way.  More pictures coming next week.         

Then Saturday morning at 10 AM the Class of 2014 had its Commencement.  A couple highlights for me were the addresses by three students on our three core values (Truth, Excellence and Diversity) and the Closing Blessing by our Student Council President.  I was impressed with their speeches and how they shared openly and honestly about their faith.  If you can check out Facebook, I would encourage you to check out our Student Council President's Closing Blessing to the 2014 graduates.  Jae Eun Lee did a tremendous job and his Closing Blessing truly was a blessing!

Chairman Park from the Korea Foreign Schools Foundation welcoming graduates, administration, teachers, and parents to the 2014 Commencement with graduates on stage!

The Brovender family - most of them!  Their son,
Tom graduated Saturday (he was back stage).  Dor
is with his Mom and Dad and sister in this picture.
Dor is finishing grade 5 and has grown so much since
coming to YISS in 3rd grade.  Now they must return
              to Israel.  I hate to see them go!

GGG with Joseph Yi, my friend and co-Yankee fan, who will be heading to Florida to attend Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University!

Jae Eun Lee, Student Council President,
and I have become very close this year. He
will be attending Colgate University. It was
a tough decision for him as he also wanted
to go to Wheaton College where he was also
accepted.  He is a great young man and 
would value your prayers.          

James Bai is with me above.  I have known James for the four years I have been at YISS and he has demonstrated great character and faith all the time.  I am so excited for this bright young man with many talents and gifts.  He will be heading to Stanford University and I know he would value your prayers.

My friend, Alex Rios!  He makes me smile all the
time and is quite a good singer.  He will be studying 
at the University of Mary Washington in VA. Thanks
for your prayers for him.

This is Alwarith Alharthy, one of the sons of the Ambassador to South Korea from Oman.  Alwarith has grown so much and continues to ask about my faith in God.  He has not decided where he will study next year, but is thinking of a university in Texas.  Pray that he will come to know Jesus.

This is my friend, Jay Kim.  He has been the senior
who has been our teaching assistant in the elementary
office this year.  He is a great young man and we are
continuing to develop a great relationship.  Jay has to
decide on one of the universities he has been accepted
to real soon. I know he would value your prayers.

Above is a graduate, Andy Halter, who I just really started to get to know this year.  My first year at YISS, we had a little disagreement and I thought he was angry with me.  I continued to talk to him and attend his dramatic performances at YISS.  He is quite gifted as an actor!  This year we started talking much more and below is the letter he brought to me in my office on Thursday.  He will be attending Wagner College.  I am hoping to continue to build our relationship.  Thanks for praying.  He was chosen by his classmates to give the Address on Diversity (one of YISS's core values) at Commencement. He was very articulate and passionate and did a tremendous job!


OK, I better stop for now.  Thanks for reading and praying.  Thank you so much for your faithful love, prayers, encouragement, and support.  Pray as we finish these last three days with students and then as I get everything ready and packed for a visit to the USA - leaving on June 11.  

Love, Gregg

Saturday, May 24, 2014

8 More Days! Concerts, ASAs End, Interviews, Elections, A Reunion, and More!!

Yeppers, it was another busy week at YISS!  Your prayers are appreciated for teachers and administrators as we work diligently to end the 2013-14 school year well.  Hard to believe that this coming week is the final full week of this quarter and this year.  Teachers are preparing End of Year Comments, Final Grades, End of Year Class Parties, Concerts, and so much more.  MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) Testing ended this past week.  Most After School Activities ended for the year. (Hip Hop Dance, POP Dance, and Scratch Computer 101 will finish Monday and Tuesday.)  The 4th Grade Spring Concert happened on Thursday evening and Grades 2 and 3 are preparing for their Spring Concert on May 27th.  Kindergarten classes are preparing for their little graduation celebration!  High School seniors are excited for their graduation on May 31st! Thanks for praying!

I would like to share at the beginning of this post this week a picture of my friend and colleague, Mr. Craig Mooi.  Craig teaches 4D and he does a great job and he has developed some excellent relationships with his wonderful group of youngsters.  On Tuesday morning (elementary staff meetings are at 6:50 AM - to my delight and to the dread of most others) we were having our elementary staff meeting and I noticed that Craig was having a very difficult time keeping awake! :-)  I couldn't resist a picture of him.  He says that he was praying, but we were not praying at the time.  Mrs. Birmingham was giving some details concerning events coming up and Mrs. Franck was sharing about our three-day VBS in the elementary during the final three days of school.  You judge for yourself. :-)


I know that Mr. Mooi has been quite busy as he finishes his After School Activity in Quarter 4 - Volleyball.  In addition he and Grade 4D have been working on a travel exposition project for their Social Studies class as well as arranging student interviews with administrators and teachers concerning "The Cost of Following Christ."  I have developed some close relationships with four of the boys in 4D.  They always greet me at lunch and want to talk with me during lunch.  They were having a difficult time deciding who was going to interview me.  One of the boys, Ryan, asked first so Mr. Mooi gave him the task of interviewing me.  I had such a great time with this delightful young man!  He had his questions ready and listened intently and then wrote, erased, wrote again, erased some more, and wrote one more time.  What a wonderful opportunity to get to know Ryan better and share with him about following Jesus.  I asked Ryan if he had received Jesus and believed in Him.  He was so happy to share his testimony with me.  Great things are ahead for Ryan!  Thanks for praying for him.

Ryan intently writing notes as I answer his questions
       concerning "The Cost of Following Christ."

Here we are at the close of the interview in my office.
I am looking forward to a continued and growing    
relationship with Ryan!  So excited for this young man!

As I mentioned, MAP testing was completed for grades 3 - 5.  Our students are doing very well in these MAP tests, scoring higher than other international schools.  This past week was the close of most of our After School Activities for this quarter.  Please pray as I seek to work with the Headmaster and CFO on some new policies for the After School Activities Program.  It is our desire to keep our purpose in mind not only in our classes during the regular day, but also in our after school program.  I thought I would share a few pictures from several of the activities that finished this past week.

Master Kim and our elementary students who are in the Taekwondo After School Activity!  They had just finished testing for their next belt!

        A finished Ceramics product by Sora!

Alex's finished flower vase!

One of our 1A students, Dahyun as he works on   
completing his ceramic vase!              

Four little cherubs finishing their beautiful ceramic vases!

Thursday evening was our 4th Grade Spring Music Concert.  Dr. Harding was able to return to school to get them ready for their concert which featured all of the fourth grade students playing their recorders in a selection by Paul Jennings entitled These, The Endangered: A Suite for Recorders and Orchestra.  In the second half of the concert the students sang a collection by Teresa Jennings called Jazz, A Swingin' Celebration.  They did a very good job - especially with the Jazz selections!

Fourth Grade students playing their recorders with a background
                             orchestra accompaniment!

Front of the program for the 4th Grade Music Concert!

4th Graders performing Jazz Is On Its Way - one of the selections
in the Jazz portion of their concert!                  

On Tuesday, May 27, Grades 2 and 3 will present their concert, Springing Into Song.  They will be sharing a few seasonal pieces that they have been working hard on during this past quarter using recorders, xylophones, drums, and their harmonious voices!  Ms. Weir has done a great job getting them ready.  I wish you could be here to hear these delightful cherubs sing.  It has been my joy to substitute in these music classes during this year.  I can't wait to see my buddy, Conner, sing.  Also the String Performance Ensemble will present a mini-prelude to begin the concert.  This is one of our after school activities and although it is a small group this quarter, they are doing a great job!

Second and Third Grade students rehearsing for their Music Concert, Springing Into Song!!

String Performance Ensemble practicing during one of their After School Activity times!

I am excited about the commencement exercises on May 31 for our seniors!  I have developed some great relationships with about seven of the young men in the senior class and am very excited to witness their graduation.  It will be hard to see them move on, and I would value your prayers for them, especially these young men: Jae Eun Lee (student body president), James Bai, Andy Halter, Jay Kim, Alex Rios, Al-warith Alharthy, and Joseph Yi.  Al-warith is the the oldest son of the Ambassador from Oman to South Korea.  He continues to ask me many questions and we have become excellent friends.  Please pray that he will come to know Jesus.

There were also elections in the high school for student body officers for the 2014-15 school year. I was excited to learn that my friend, Samuel Lee was elected President of the student body!  He came to me right after he found out the results and asked, "You aren't leaving YISS, are you? Please tell me you will be here next year!"  Please pray for Sam as he has already begun making some plans for the coming school year.  He is one fine young man who has a strong faith in Jesus!

Above is one of Sam's campaign posters!  I am excited to see how God uses him next year in a leadership role!

One of the Middle School teachers stopped me on Tuesday and said, "I wish you could have been in my class today.  Paul Oh was sharing his Power Point presentation and he said so many wonderful things about 'Mr. Garman' - the man he most respects."  I was so humbled and I started to cry because some of you will remember that Paul was in my Discipleship group when he was in grade 5 and then this year he emailed me to ask for recommendations of books on his level that would help him to understand Jesus Christ more and help him to be certain that he is a Christian. When you read the screenshot of his first slide in his Power Point, you will understand why I am so happy right now.  Paul and I continue to have many conversations in the midst of our busy schedules.  Thank you so much for continuing to pray for him!

Above is the screenshot of the beginning slide of Paul's presentation to his class.

Here I am with Paul and Joshua during one of our Discipleship
    times.  This one took place at McDonald's (their choice!).

Paul in one of our Discipleship times in my office!  I am so excited
about his growth and his desire to follow Christ.  I love that he is no
longer afraid to ask questions about his faith and the Bible!      

Friday evening was so great!  I was able to have a reunion dinner with three former SYME students and excellent friends!  I was so happy to be able to catch up with Jae Hong (Fred), Joon Soo (Carlos), and Sung In (Josh)!  All three of these young men are facing some big changes in their lies in the next month!  Jae Hong and Sung In will leave South Korea on June 18 to go to Melbourne, Australia to attend Deakin University.  Jae Hong will be studying Nursing and is quite excited about this.  Sung In will study Sports Management.  Joon Soo will leave on June 14 to travel to California where he will be studying Accounting at Glendale Community College near Los Angeles.  I know that all three of these young men would value your prayers as they seek housing and make all of the other necessary arrangements.  Pray that they will be surrounded by a good community of believers.

While we waited for Joon Soo and Sung In, Jae Hong and I
enjoyed a tea and coffee at a favorite coffee place, Chansbros - 
   owned by the Dad of Francis Park, a sixth grader at YISS!

Here we are at Taste of Thailand - a favorite Thai restaurant of 
mine!  What a wonderful meal and great time of catching up with
      these delightful young men!                        
A busy week is ahead of me!  Thank you for continuing to be so encouraging, so faithful, so loving, and so supportive!  That means so much to me!  I trust you will enjoy this last week of May.  Can't believe I will be heading to the States on June 11 for a little respite.

Love, Gregg