Saturday, May 17, 2014

New Headmaster, New Food, New Writings, New Musical, and a Reunion!!

With only 13 days remaining in the 2013-14 school year at YISS, there is still time left for some new happenings!  YISS continues to be a busy place as we bring 2013-14 to a close.  So MUCH to do yet!

At the beginning of this past week our current headmaster, Dr. Joe Beeson, sent out the following announcement informing the YISS community of our new headmaster, Mr. Ray Johnson.  We were all excited to meet him.  He was in Seoul this past week and will be here for another week or so, along with our new CFO, Mr. Mike McCarthy, as they have many meetings of preparation for their roles at YISS.  I have been excited to see Mr. Johnson get into our classes and meet students and talk with teachers.  He is learning about our community and the culture of YISS within the culture of Korea.  I know both Ray and Mike would appreciate your prayers as they transition to these roles.

"The Korea Foreign Schools Foundation (KFSF) and Network of International Christian Schools/Oasis International Schools are pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Ray Johnson as the new headmaster of Yongsan International School of Seoul (YISS) effective July 1, 2014.
Mr. Johnson comes to YISS with over thirty-five years of experience in education in Oregon. Described as an energetic, creative person with a compassionate heart for others, he has taught or substituted in every grade from pre-kindergarten through college and has served as elementary, middle, and high school principal, and superintendent. Even while an administrator, his love for students, music, and his creative energy have led him to volunteer as the director for an annual middle school production that has involved over 200 students. 
During his career, Mr. Johnson successfully led the construction of a new multi-million dollar high school campus and was instrumental in guiding the school’s growth from 200 students on one campus to over 1,000 students across two campuses. Most recently, Mr. Johnson has served as a lead evaluator in the accreditation of public and private schools throughout the Pacific Northwest United States.
Mr. Johnson will be moving to Seoul with his wife Linda. Linda has taught in both public and private schools and currently teaches preschool and serves as a reading specialist. They have been married for over thirty years and have four grown daughters."
Our new headmaster, Ray Johnson and his wife, Linda preparing to come to YISS in July.  Ray is currently in Seoul beginning the transition.  I think he is going to be a great addition to YISS!
On Tuesday the J & J Catering Co. served some new food to students and staff.  It was Turkish Food Day!  They have been having more of these International Food Days and the kids and staff seem to enjoy trying new taste treats from various countries.

Elementary students going through the Turkish food 
                       line this past week!

One of the J & J servers wearing her Turkish Food Day T-shirt!

Three 4th grade boys ready to eat their Turkish food!
A J & J server in her Turkish costume!          

I also had the joy of helping proctor MAP tests again this past week + do some substitute teaching in Grade 5.  I always enjoy going in to the various grades - especially grade 5 - to sub.  While I was there this week, I noticed some new writings that had been posted by the Grade 5 Literature teacher.  I love how Ms. Hughes gets these students to write.  This particular assignment was a final assignment after a study of poetry of various types.  The title of each student's writing was The Best Part of Me.  I loved reading what they had written and discovering what they are really thinking.  I am sharing a few of their selections here for you to enjoy!


All week was quite busy for Grade 5 students as they made final preparations for their musical for this year, The Music Man Junior! They had performances on Friday and Saturday evenings and did a great job.  Dr. Harding, Music teacher for grades 4 and 5, likes to make the musical a student-run musical.  Every student was involved in some part of the production as an actor/actress, stage crew member, stage manager, lighting crew, sound engineers, set designers, etc.  It is a massive undertaking and the fifth grade teachers and many parents are all involved in making the production happen.  On Friday, Dr. Harding had difficulty with his left eye.  He went immediately to the hospital and they did laser surgery, which was unsuccessful, and he returned to school to direct the evening performance with his left eye bandaged.  He returned to the surgeon on Saturday morning for another attempt at laser repair.  If that is not successful, the doctor said that they would need to perform surgery for a partial detachment of the retina.  That would mean a hospital stay of three days.  Dr. Harding's wife, Lynelle (high school orchestra teacher) agreed to direct Saturday night's performance with the help of teachers, principals, parents, and students. I hope you will pray for Al Harding and the surgery on his eye.  I know he would appreciate it.

Here are a few pictures from the performances by our fifth grade cherubs!

Poster announcing the performances!  It was also used as the cover for the program!

The kids did a great job!  One of the scenes from Friday night's
performance.  You will maybe notice "GARMAN'S BARBER 
SHOP" - which the kids wanted as one of the set designs for the
musical in honor of my head being shaved! :-)  Enjoy several 
                   more pictures from various scenes!


This past week concluded AP Exams for our high school students.  Seniors are excited about graduation and making preparations for finals and graduation on May 31.  This past week I was walking by the one room that is all glass but reserved for special classes for high school students and those who have senior privileges.  Those with those privileges can go there to study or rest or talk quietly with friends.  I was walking by the room on Thursday and saw my good friend, Joseph in the room.  Joseph and I connected through our mutual interest in the New York Yankees.  Joseph loves baseball and we have many great conversations about that plus many other things. He will be going to a great school in Florida for pilot training in the fall.  Well, as I walked by the room, Joseph was by himself in the room and I started laughing because he was sound asleep.  I actually think he was snoring! :-)  I had to take a picture of what some of our diligent seniors do at YISS sometimes. :-)  Enjoy!

Supposed to be studying, but I am afraid sleep won out for my good friend, Joseph!

I want to leave you with two more reunions; one in person and one through email!  On Friday after speaking in the Elementary OASIS Assembly on the character trait of courage - especially courage to stand up and do what is the morally right thing to do even when it is not what your friends want you to do - I was coming back to my office and was surprised by my wonderful friend, Siwon Kyle Kim.  Siwon graduated last year and has been studying at Boston College. I knew he was coming back to Korea for the summer, but not sure when.  There he was and we greeted each other and plan to have a nice meal together before I head back to the States.  Siwon has been accepted at Georgetown University for the fall and I am so excited for him.  He brought me some Belgian Chocolate Truffles that he picked up in Belgium on his flight from Boston to Seoul.  So yummy!  It was so great to see him and can't wait to meet with him for longer conversation before heading back to the States.  Thanks for praying for him.

My yummy treat from Siwon! A box of Champagne Dusted Truffles from Belgium!!

   I took these three truffles out of the box to get a 
picture.  Shortly after the picture was taken, I could
not locate these three yummy treats and I looked all
                    over my apartment!! :-)

This is a picture of Siwon and me at Christmas when he surprised me with a visit at YISS.

I also received another delightful email from the parents of Hugo and Fabian Ratier.  They left YISS to go to Switzerland where their Dad had to go for his job.  They had grown so much at YISS and both were unhappy to leave.  They have stayed in touch and Mother sent me an email stating that they really miss YISS and the love and care that they were shown there by teachers, administration, and classmates.  The school in Switzerland is OK, but she said that it is just not the same for the boys.  They would love to come back.  I am enclosing a picture their mother sent to me.  I miss them very much and ask you to pray for these dear boys.

Hugo and Fabian enjoying the snow in Switzerland!  I miss these happy boys!!

Thanks so much for being so supportive and encouraging!  Your emails and notes, prayers, love, and support mean so much to me.  Please enjoy a great week!

Love, Gregg

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