Saturday, May 10, 2014

18 More Days; So Much Happening!

"So much to do and so little time!"  Actually, time is constant!  There are always 24 hours in a day!  Many have said, "If I only had more hours in the day!"  But the more I have thought about that over the many years, I realize that if I had 30 hours in a day, I would continue to fill up those hours as well and continue to say, "If I only had one more hour in the day!"  Time can be like money; we seem to always want more!  I am asking you to pray that I will choose wisely how to use my time each day especially during these crunch times!

Yeppers, it was another busy week at YISS and with my involvement with former Korean university students.  This past week we began our Spring MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) in the Elementary and Middle Schools.  It has been exciting to me to help proctor these online tests that measure each student's individual progress in key academic areas (Math, Reading, Language Arts).  Our students in grades 3 through 5 take these tests in the Fall and then in the Spring.  I love to see how students have grown academically.  YISS students do very well with these tests and usually score higher than many other international schools.  The tests are individualized and the results can be used by teachers to individualize and differentiate instruction in the classroom.  Pray for our students as they take these.

In addition to the MAP testing, the high school began its two weeks of AP (Advanced Placement) exams. There are 17 subjects, 220 exams, and more than half of the high school students will participate!  The administration of these exams are conducted in our New Multipurpose Room so beginning this last week, students walking through the hallways saw the following signs:

Please pray for our students as they take these exams.

I thought I would share another sign that I saw this week that struck me funny!  Each day our students have a choice of menu in our cafeteria.  The Korean company, J & J Catering, prepares excellent meals, but sometimes they word things on their posted menus in ways that can make me smile!  Students can choose the Korean Menu for the day or the International Menu.  Below is Tuesday's International Menu.  I had a Rock tune from the late 60's running through my head most of the day.


Tuesday evening was our first of many music concerts in the month of May.  It featured 5th grade orchestra students, elementary and middle school beginning band students, and a few 5th grade students who will be singing in next weekend's Music Man performance.  They did a great job! One of our fifth grade students, Hannah Lee, played Haydn's Violin Concerto in C Major and it was amazing!!!  Then my buddy from fifth grade last year, played a trumpet solo, Jurassic Park Theme Song by John Williams!  Francis Park did such a great job!  I was so proud of both of these students.

Poster announcing the May 6th Concert!

Ethan Kang, a fifth grade boy was one of the violin
  soloists in a piece entitled Calypso!  I found him 
running through the YISS hallways looking for me
prior to the concert.  He needed me to show him how
 to tie his necktie!  I love doing this.  I began way
back at Camp Joy-El when I was working with the

Ms. Zakula conducting the Beginning Band students from Grades 5 and 6!

Some of the band students awaiting their performance!
Francis Park is second from the left! He was nervous
about his solo - especially since he had not been feeling
well all day!                       

Some of the 5th and 6th grade ladies before the concert!

      Some more of the Beginning Band students!

Mrs. Harding, orchestra conductor, with her 5th grade string players taking a bow!

Wednesday was a gorgeous day and our Elementary School Physical Education teachers, Ms. Park and Mr. Resende, did an amazing job of organizing our Annual Field Day for elementary students!  It is a huge undertaking to create over 25 different stations of activities and games for our 420+ students in the elementary school.  At the beginning of each year each student, teacher, and administrator in the elementary school is placed on one of four House Teams and there is friendly competition throughout the entire year.  What I especially love about this system is that all of the teachers are working together to encourage team play and good sportsmanship and character!  There are more points given out for these qualities than for winning a game or activity. Each quarter the House Team with the most points for that quarter is awarded a dress down day. On Field Day, the team scoring the most points for winning various games and scoring points on character and good sportsmanship during that day earns a dress down day.  There are 18 more days but at the moment, the Blue and Green team are neck and neck for first place.  The Orange Team actually had the most points on Field Day.  Should be fun.  Wednesday was a great day!  here are some pictures of the day, but more are posted on Facebook.

420+ Elementary students organized in their House Teams to begin Field Day on Wednesday!

MS. Regnier, KA teacher, was in the Kinder morning
waiting room painting her children's faces.  So I asked
her to paint something on mine!  Since we are both
on the Blue House team, she painted "Go Blue" on
                my left cheek.  Kids loved it!

This is a picture a parent took immediately after I won the blindfolded balloon drop race.  An administrator from each House team was blindfolded and each of us ran (blindfolded) to a chair with a water balloon on it. The first to get there and sit on his/her water balloon won points for their team.  My bottom was soaked...but that is the price of victory! :-)

Some of my fifth grade buddies!  Andrew is the one 
hugging me.  In the last several weeks he has begin to
run up to me and hug me - which is so out of character
for Andrew.  It has been great to get to know him better!

here I am with our wonderful Elementary School Secretary, Mrs. Yoo.  Ian is our 3rd grade buddy who comes to the elementary office about 3 times a week after school to wait to be picked up by his older brother.  We have had some great fun and some great conversations with him after school!

Blue Team 5th grade girls in the four-
way Tug O'War activity!  Always great

This is YeJoon, my buddy since Grade 2.  YeJoon was sent to visit me often in my office during second grade; less in third grade; and he continued to grow in his character!  He is such a bright young man and we have had some wonderful conversations.  Our relationship continues to strengthen!

Two more of my buddies in Grade 5!  I am getting
upset with Ian (beside me) because he continues to
grow and is almost as tall as I am now. He has grown
so much - both physically and academically.  Still
praying for his salvation.                

Three fourth grade friends: Sean, Alex and Isaac!

      Second graders performing in the box races!

Thiago came to YISS this year and has grown so much!  I love his expressions!  He makes me smile so much!!

Two Kinder cherubs in one of their relay races!    

Saturday was another beautiful weather day and a busy day of meeting some excellent friends!  I met with a former SYME student and friend, Suk Ho (Robbie), for lunch.  It has been a number of months since we met and Robbie had much to share.  He has gone through so much in the last couple years.  His father died suddenly about a year and a half ago.  When he called me this past week to set up a time to meet, he told me that he lost his job (his company got in trouble because of a legal issue) and is not sure what he should do as his next step.  Suk Ho has been looking for a new job but it is very difficult to find good jobs in Korea's economy these days.  His brother is working in Colombia and not sure when he will return so Suk Ho is caring for his mother while trying to find a job.  I know he would appreciate your prayers.

GGG and Suk Ho enjoying a yummy Saturday lunch at On the Border!  We had a great time together and we are hoping to meet up more frequently so that I can encourage Suk Ho during this difficult time.

Saturday evening a group of the elementary school male staff took two of our male colleagues out for dinner and fellowship at a restaurant called Amazing Thai!  It is always difficult to say farewell to good friends.  We had a great time with Grade 5A teacher, Mr. Murphy and our elementary principal, Mr. Lazor.  Both will be moving on to new positions for next year.  I know they would value your prayers as they continue to pack things and prepare their families for these moves.  Pray especially for Mr. Lazor as he will travel to one of the NICS schools in Ghana, Africa during a few days in May to finalize a position as Headmaster there.  Mr. Murphy and his family will be returning to a school in South Carolina where Jim will teach 4th grade.  They are excited but are in need of prayers for securing housing and transportation.

On my walk to the Amazing Thai restaurant, I
noticed this sign.  I love the honesty.  They did
not say they had "the Best Coffee in this town";
they added the word "probably" at the very be-
     ginning of their statement!  Love it! :-)

Here we are after a very delicious Thai feast!  From left to right: Simon Adams (1C Teacher), Dan Lazor (Elementary Principal), Jim Murphy (Grade 5A Teacher), Nilton Resende (Phys. Ed. Teacher), Aaron Bennett (2B teacher), Craig Mooi (4D Teacher), and GGG.  We presented Dan and Jim with Guardian basketball jerseys that were signed by us and the elementary girls and boys who were on the basketball teams that Dan and Jim coached!

As always, thank you so much for continuing to send encouragement, prayers, love, and support my way.  You are the best!  Please pray as I try to arrange my schedule for coming to the States this summer.  I just purchased a ticket leaving Seoul on June 11 and returning on July 14.  You can pray especially for a vehicle that would be accessible to me during this time frame since I do not own one.  And finally...Happy Mother's Day to all of you reading this who are mothers! Enjoy your special day!

Love, Gregg


  1. Replies
    1. I miss you Thiago! Where are you now? Are you enjoying school. Oh, how I miss your awesome smile.

    2. Im in korea and the school that i am in is Korea Kent foreign school(kkfs)

    3. Thanks, Thiago! I am down in Pyeongtaek at the International Christian School of Pyeongtaek. Our athletics' teams play KKFS! We are in the same division. Sure would love to see you and see how you are doing.
