Sunday, May 10, 2015

The Beauty and Power of Relationship!

This last March I celebrated my 66th birthday!  Each birthday I celebrate I am more and more convinced that God created each of us for "relationship!"  Yes, relationship with Him and His Son, Jesus Christ, but also relationship with one and another and those people who come into our lives in such amazing ways as we travel this journey here on earth.

Through two particular events this past week I was once again beautifully reminded of the many special relationships I have enjoyed over 66+ years: 1) a visit to YISS from a former student and dear friend, Chris Palladino and 2) the wedding celebration in Los Angeles of one of my nephews, Adam Huss and his beautiful bride, Wendy Suguitan!

Chris and his daughter, Isabella, traveled to YISS to participate in two days of professional development workshops with our YISS faculty and staff.  His sessions centered on how each of us live out our biblical worldview (in one way or another) each and every day as we celebrate the beauty, creativity, joy, and passion God has given us to display His awesome beauty daily through relationships with each other and with our students.  I absolutely love relationships, but so often forget how beautiful and powerful they are.  As I walk to and from school and stop at grocery stores, convenient stores, restaurants, and other shops I can often forget what it means to just stop and talk with someone - even if it is only to stop and smile and say hello.

As I reflected on Chris's sessions, I began writing down names of colleagues, students, parents, clerks, restaurant servers, taxi drivers, and numerous others - plus the many members of my family and extended family, who I have had the privilege of building relationships with.  I thought of the tremendous encouragement, care, love, admonition, and constructive criticism these people have brought into my life to mold and shape me each day.  Without relationship I would be a very ineffective servant-leader-teacher!  My life would be pretty much just about me!

Then I began to reflect on the special event I was traveling from Seoul to Los Angeles to celebrate - the wedding of a special nephew and his bride.  Then I began reflecting on the significance of relationships within my family!

When my nephew, Adam Huss, was in first grade, he gave me a mini pumpkin jack-o'-lantern that he had made as a class project.  With this small knitted jack-o'-lantern was a very small stone.  Adam told me it was a piece of gold! :-) As Adam gave me his little gift, he said, "I made this especially for you, Uncle Gregg.  I love you!"  It has been about 35 years since Adam gave me that special gift. That knitted jack-o'-lantern has traveled with me and continues to have a special place on my desk in my office at YISS.  It is a powerful reminder of the significance of relationship within family!

As a single man, I am forever grateful for the many beautiful relationships I have enjoyed, and continue to enjoy, over the years throughout 39 countries - especially now in South Korea.  I enjoy a beautiful family and countless friends, and I treasure each one of them!  Each one is used to mold and shape me into the person I am today - and I am SO thankful!

I am writing this on Mother's Day and I would love to be able to speak with my mother and let her know how grateful I am for all that she and my Daddy taught me about the beauty and power of relationships!  I know that we live in a world of technology and my heart aches as I observe young and old people on subways, buses, restaurants, events, etc. ignoring face-to-face relationships.  I can be so guilty of this myself.  I have been so refreshed on this trip to LA because I did not have a cell phone! :-)  I spent time talking with family and friends.  I encourage you to take some time to have some technology-free days.  I saw this sign recently.  Do this on Mother's Day but why not try it on other days as well? :-)

I will end this week's post with some pictures from this past week. 

Chris Palladino interacting with the Elementary School faculty and 
   staff in the afternoon last Tuesday!  He shared with the MS/HS
   faculty in the AM and then the ES in the afternoon on "Biblical 
           Worldview Integration and Interdisciplinary Teaching."

Here is Chris with his daughter, Isabella, chatting with two elementary teachers, Ms. Ggreaves and Mr. Williamson following his presentation.

We joined Lee and Robin Parsons and their daughter, Gracie, after 
the presentations for a yummy feast at Holy Chow!            

On Wednesday, Chris led some informal workshops throughout the day on the following topics: Keeping Up With the Jones: Education and Status Anxiety, Super Heroes: An Inspiration for Teachers, and Reassessing Assessment: Inspiring Creativity and Self-Reflection with Assessment.

  Here I am with Chris and Bella along with the YISS Director of
   Curriculum and Instruction, Mrs. Robin Parsons in my office.

At the beginning of my journey to Los Angeles, I had the privilege of beginning some new relationships at the Incheon Airport.  After going through Customs, I heard this beautiful music and soon discovered a String Quartet with a piano accompanist performing in a waiting area.  I sat down and enjoyed the special mini-concert before I had to leave.  I got to meet the performers after their concert and only the Lord knows what will develop in our relationships.


And now some wedding pictures.  You can see many more on facebook.  It was so great to reconnect with family and friends and begin some new relationships!

Brunch at Russell's restaurant in Pasadena with personal family members as well as beginning relationships with some of Wendy's family!

   The special relationship of a mother and son!  My
sister, Julee, with her son, Adam, during the wedding
    rehearsal at Angelus Mountain center on Friday.

Some of my family and friends at the rehearsal dinner at El Cholo's in Pasadena on Friday evening!

Here I am with a new friend!  Isaac was our server at El Cholo's
and we hit it off right away and a new relationship was formed. 

Family for Brunch on Saturday morning at Mi Piace restaurant.

The Happy Couple, Adam and Wendy Huss, following
 the wedding ceremony on May 9 at Angelus Mountain

The wedding party surrounding the bride and groom!!

A photo of all of the family and extended family of the Huss and Garman clans at the reception.

Sunday morning Mothers' Day Brunch at the Courtyard Marriott
with my niece, Becci Huss Cutting and her youngest, EmmaLeigh!

Two new friends from the weekend: Keith and Christian.  These 
twins are studying in California and enjoyed talking with me.  Pray
for them as you think of it.                        

That's it for this week.  I will be back in Seoul Tuesday evening and will begin at YISS on Wednesday morning.  You can pray for a safe trip and that I would not suffer too much with jet lag. Thanks so much for being so faithful with your love, care, notes, emails, encouragement, prayers, and support.  Enjoy your week.  So much to do before the last day of school!

Love, Gregg

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