Saturday, May 30, 2015

Time to Celebrate!!

This was a week of celebrations at YISS!  Celebrating life...especially the lives of students and teachers!  So many opportunities to celebrate the gift of life that God has given us!  While I was packing boxes to make my move to my new apartment, I found this quote:

Live vibrantly!
Learn continuously!
Love deeply!
Leave a legacy!

As I look back at this past week, I have seen so many examples of colleagues and students doing just this as they celebrate the life God has given them.

Last Sunday evening we celebrated the lives of those teachers and administrators who will be leaving YISS after the finish of this school year.  Many of them have lived their lives at YISS so that others see Jesus!  They have left a legacy!  It is never fun to let go of those who have impacted us, but we can celebrate them and pray for them as they move on to what God has for them next.  It was a great time of celebration last Sunday evening in the YISS cafeteria and the new MPR as we hosted a farewell dinner and time of worship and prayer with those who are moving on!

  Some of the yummy food that we enjoyed at the
                YISS Staff Farewell celebration!

Some of the staff selecting the food they desired!

Bev Birmingham, current Elementary Principal  
getting some tasty pulled pork!              

Headmaster Ray Johnson saying words of farewell to the staff who will be leaving!

                       A time of music worship celebration!

Last Monday began the final week of After School Activities for this year at YISS!  Yes, I did some celebrating because all of the work that is put into making these activities happen is completed for another year + it was a successful and joyful time.  Below are a few pictures from some of the ASAs from this past week.

Girls' 4th & 5th Grade Basketball ASA! (You can also see the T-shirts that the kids wore on Thursday representing their House Team on Field Day!)

Taekwondo Instructor, Master Kim, presenting the trophy to my buddy, Noah, for the most outstanding pupil in Quarter Four!

    This little man, Zach, will be leaving with his 
 parents at the close of the school year.  His parents
both teach at YISS and will be heading to Michigan.

A couple of the students who have enjoyed Ms. Lee's ASA called 10 Artists Children Should Know.

Ms. Buster with her beginning Speed Cup Stacking ASA students
during their last class.                               

This week was the week that the students who were selected from their individual classroom teachers as the Guardian student for Quarter Four came together to celebrate their excellent role modeling of our Guardian character traits.  Mrs. Franck, our Elementary Chaplain, works with the students selected each quarter as Guardians of the Quarter on a large project of art.  We will see the finished product this coming week during out VBS assemblies.  She always does an amazing job with our students in putting together this creative piece!

Mrs. Franck explaining to the Quarter 4 Guardians about the Guardian project.  They cut small strips of magazine pages with the appropriate colors and make a large "painting."

      Joshua and a couple girls working on the Guardian project!

Continuing to work on the Guardian project for this year!       

Wednesday evening was another great evening of celebration as the 2nd and 3rd grade students performed their Spring Concert: All Creation Sings!  What a joyful celebration of the gift of music and God's creation!  Ms. Weir, the music teacher for Kinder through Grade 3, did a tremendous job of using the gifts of each student in sharing about God's creation.  The concert ended with a beautiful song of celebration, Whole World in His Hands.  You can see a video of that on my facebook page + a few other video clips from the concert.

Students in Grades 2 and 3 performing on Wednesday evening. Ms. Weir, the director, can be seen directing on the left of the photo.

Third Grade performing a song during the concert!

Thursday was the day that almost all of our elementary cherubs look forward to - our annual Elementary Field Day!  All students, teachers, and administrators are placed on four House Teams for the entire year (Blue Sharks, Green Gators, Yellow Hornets, and Orange Tigers).  They receive points throughout the year for showing good sportsmanship, participating in team events, or demonstrating consistently our Guardian Way Honor Code.  Field Day is the culminating event and although very competitive, it is so fun to see students help other students on another team when they might fall down or get hurt.  I love it!  We had beautiful weather and Ms. Buster and Mr. Resende, our Phys. Ed. teachers did an amazing job of organizing all of the many events that took place on the YISS Soccer Field.  They also incorporated parent volunteers and used our Pink Panther High School kids to assist in the activities.  One parent commented to me, "I can't believe that all 450 + elementary students are out here participating on this one field and everything is so organized!"  The Blue Sharks (the team I am on) edged out the Yellow Hornets of the Field Day win.  We are still not sure of the overall totals for the entire year.  It will be very close between Blue and Yellow.  The kids will be so excited to find out!

One of the teachers took this photo during the Administrators' "Drop and Pop" competition that started the day.  I won this event last year, but on my way to a repeat win, I accidentally popped my balloon between my legs and I ran back to my chair to regroup and I leaned back and almost went backwards off the chair.  Mrs. Birmingham was right beside me and came quickly to make sure I was OK.  I had a great laugh about the experience.

  Kinder and grade 1 students having fun with the large parachute!

Some of the Blue Sharks who are teachers or administrators.

The High School Pink Panthers and their instructor, Ms. Wiley helping
at the Field Day!  They were great!!                     

This little lady was so funny!  She is passing a sponge filled with water over her head, but she didn't want it to touch her hair! :-)

This little man was in the relay race where you had to 
put a wiffle ball between your knees and place it in a 
bucket, then run back for the next team member to go.

First graders bowling!

There was lively music being played over the loud speakers during 
the Field Day.  I started doing my "dancing" and this parent finally 
decided to join me - after her son persuaded her. :-)          

Another fun relay race!

        Some of the parent volunteers who assisted on Field Day!

4-way Tug-of-War between the House Teams.  So much fun!

Blue Sharks trying to win the Tug-of-War!        

Friday morning Dr. Joe Hale, Director of NICS, came to YISS to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the founding of the original NICS school in Seoul - International Christian School of Seoul!  Students heard a brief history of how we have come to be able to enjoy our current beautiful facilities at Yongsan International School of Seoul!  Dr. Hale gave a very clear illustration of stewardship using the parable of the talents from Matthew.  Teachers and staff, who have been with NICS in Seoul for 10 or more years were recognized and celebrated!  

Dr. Hale sharing with all of the elementary students
                  about the history of YISS!

Dr. Hale presenting gifts for long time service to YISS to these four   
Korean staff.  Left to right: Dr. Hale, Mrs. Hong (Business Office),  
Mrs. Won (Bus. Office), Mr. Kim (Head of Facilities), and Mrs. Kim
(Admissions and Immigration).                          

Saturday morning was a very special time of celebration at YISS!  At 10:00 AM the graduation ceremony to celebrate the graduation of 67 seniors began!  What a tremendous ceremony!  It was the first year that teachers lined the auditorium aisles and greeted seniors as they processed to the stage! It was also a first for the senior to have a special tribute for their parents during the ceremony.  The valedictorian gave the signal at the appropriate time and seniors stood and left the risers on the stage and went into the auditorium to present a rose to their parents and thank them for all they had invested in getting them to this point in their lives.  I loved when we did this at Mercer Christian Academy, and Saturday's tribute by the YISS graduates was indeed very moving.  Below are a few pictures, but you can see more and more video clips from the celebration on my facebook page.

Headmaster Johnson welcoming the seniors and their families and friends to graduation!

Chairman Park and Headmaster Johnson presenting seven graduates with scholarships from the Korean Foreign Schools Foundation.

Student Body President, Sam Lee, giving the Closing Blessing and
            leading the graduates in the moving of their tassels!

This is my friend, Boem!  He was one of the seniors who was selected by his peers to present a speech on YISS's core value of Truth!  I was so proud of him.  He has suffered with Spina Bifida since birth.  He gave a great message to his fellow graduates on the Truth!

I had a very nice surprise at graduation!  Sam Lee's   
brother, David, came from California for the graduation.
I was so impressed with his growth and maturity!  David
and I had gotten to know each other very well when he  
was at YISS in the elementary school.              

After the graduation celebration and reception, I went to one of my favorite little coffee places - Sweet East.  I always have so much fun with the owner of this little cafe and her two faithful employees.  When they get busy, I tell them that I would be glad to come back and help them,  They always smile and say, "Oh no."  However, Saturday a group of about 20 YISS teachers arrived for a special baby shower for one of the former YISS teachers who came back for the graduation ceremony.  I got up and started clearing tables and cleaning table tops.  Then went back to the owner and told her I would take the orders of all of YISS people so that they could serve everyone else in the cafe.  It was so much fun! Some of the customers asked if they knew me.  They said, "Oh yes, he is one of our bosses at school."  I had such a great afternoon of serving at Sweet East.  The owner and her son told me that they would get even with me later! :-)

Here I am at Sweet East with a cleaning cloth behind the counter getting my instructions from the owner and her son.  We had such a great time!

We have one more week with students.  Please pray as teachers complete grades and comments for Quarter Four.  Pray for the VBS that Mrs. Franck has organized for the three afternoons of June 1, 2, and 3.  I will be involved in some of the skits and teaching activities.  I would value your prayers as well.  Still so much to do before students leave.  My packing is going well.  My delightful "son" and friend, JiSang, will be coming on the morning of June 6 to help me move some of the hanging clothes and a few items I don't want the movers to move.  

Thanks so much for your love, care, mail, prayers, and support.  You are very special to me.  Can't believe I will be heading home for a break on June 13.  Where has the year gone?

Love, Gregg

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