Sunday, May 17, 2015

Three Weeks Until the Finish!!

Yeppers, we are now over half way through the month of May!  This last week went by so fast; a lot accomplished, but still lots more to finish in the next three weeks before we finish another school year at YISS on June 5.  Yes, your prayers are appreciated as the students, teachers, and staff work feverishly to complete everything on time.

I left Los Angeles early on Monday morning and flew (actually the airplane flew) to Seattle to transfer to another flight to take me back to Seoul.  This time I lost a day and got back on Tuesday evening at 5:00 and finally to my apartment around 8:30 PM.  It was a great time at my nephew’s wedding, and I really enjoyed being with my siblings and many other members of my family for this special event.  I hit the ground running on Wednesday morning at YISS and things just kept going.  That is why my post is late this week.  If you have a facebook account, you have kept up with me even though I am late with the post.

Last week I did not have my little pumpkin and "gold" stone to include.  Some of you were asking about the special gift my nephew, Adam, had given me when he was in first grade.  Above you can see the little pumpkin with the "gold" stone on my desk. :-)

Wednesday evening a former SYME student and one of my wonderful friends, Jungmin (Chris) contacted me in the afternoon and asked if he could meet me for dinner at Pier 39.  Friday, May 15, was Teacher Appreciation Day and Jungmin wanted to take me out to thank me for all that I taught him at SYME and even after we both left SYME.  It is always very special for me to spend time with Jungmin and Wednesday evening was no exception.  We had a delightful time talking and eating at Pier 39.

Jungmin and I enjoying some excellent pizza and pasta at Pier 39!  I so enjoy our conversations!!

                          Our yummy pizza!!

   And this delicious pasta with basil and pesto!!     

When I came back to YISS on Wednesday morning (from Los Angeles), there was also a beautiful flower arrangement with a nice thank you note from twins in Grade 1:  Justin and Sophie.  They wanted to say thank you early in honor of Teacher Appreciation Day.

These are the beautiful flowers Justin and Sophie gave to me with a nice note!

As you may remember, I was encouraged to look for another apartment for the coming year.  On Thursday around lunch, a realtor who helps YISS find apartments for staff took me to see four apartments ranging in size from small to large.  Then on Thursday evening another realtor took me to see five apartments.  I really liked the one she showed me.  It has three rooms, two bathrooms, a combined kitchen and living room, and very clean.  It is an older apartment but has been remodeled.  I told Hannah, the Korean staff member who works with housing for staff, that I would be very interested in that one if the price was good.  On Friday, the Business Office told me the rent I would need to pay.  If all goes through with this apartment, I would pay a little less or the same as what I would have paid in the small apartment I have right now after.  The landlord was going to raise the rent again this year and YISS was strongly encouraging me to move.  The cost was great news and if all is finalized, I will sign a lease the beginning of this coming week and then pack everything to be moved to the new apartment.  That needs to happen between June 8 and June 12 before I head to the States for four weeks. Thanks for praying for a good apartment and for the packing and moving.

In between looking for an apartment on Thursday, I had four final teacher evaluation conversations with four elementary teachers.  All went very well.  I have two more to do and would appreciate your prayers.

Friday evening was the Grade 5 Spring Music Concert!  Dr. Harding and his wife, Lynelle, will be leaving YISS at the end of this year.  Dr. Harding decided to highlight selections of music from the four musicals he had directed during the four previous years, Seussical, Jr., The Music Man Junior, Annie, Jr., and Alice in Wonderland, Jr.  The students did a great job and everyone who attended seemed to enjoy the evening’s performance.  There ware two more Spring Elementary Music Concerts; one for Grades 1 - 3 as well as one for Grade 4.  They should be fun!

One of the posters announcing the Grade 5 Spring Concert!

                  One of the special numbers on Friday night!

Another group performing a number from Seussical, Jr.

Here I am with some of the young men who surprised me with their singing and acting abilities!!  So proud of Johnny, YoungJu, Alex, Christian, Yudon, and Andy!!

Saturday morning I needed to wake up early to be at YISS to take a bus to the Yongsan Train Station for the 9th Study Tour sponsored by the Korean Foreign School Foundation.  They offer these trips to YISS staff free of charge.  I have had the privilege of traveling on 5 of the trips and I have loved every one of them.  This Study Tour took us to the south of South Korea to visit some Korean sights in Suncheon.  I love traveling in the KTX fast train in Korea and that is how we journeyed south.  A trip that would take 6 hours by car or bus from Seoul, took us 2 and a half hours!

I will try to post some pictures here with some of the highlights of the trip.  You can see more of the pictures on facebook.  Please enjoy!

1 - Suncheon Bay KTX and Lunch

A selfie on the KTX to Suncheon!

One of the courses at our first stop for lunch.

Second course, and lots of sides as always at Korean restaurants!

Yummy pork with radish strips for our third course!  

Special rice cakes.  Then we had some yummy fruit for dessert.

2 - Suncheon Bay Ecological Park - Wish I could show you more.  You will need to check out my facebook pictures.

Entrance to the Ecological Park!  This is where we watched a 10
                      minute video on this coastal wetland!

Part of the huge display of cranes - one of the migratory birds that are prevalent in Suncheon!

Bridge going across to the reed fields and many other  wetland features.

Here I am in front of the little waterfalls at the Park.

3 - Suncheon Bay Gardens - I really would love to show you many more of the beautiful flowers at these gardens but you will just have to go to my facebook albums.

Children's art work on the Dream Bridge.   It is an art gallery on water.  On exhibit are art works about dreams and hopes by 140,000 children in 16 countries!

         One of the many hills within the Gardens.  So beautiful!

A close up of some of thhe art work by some of the children from the Dream Bridge.

Some of the gorgeous flowers in the Gardens.    

And one last picture on here of the many flowers!

4 - Hidden Bay Hotel in Yeosu!  A wonderful hotel and I will only give you  a few pictures of the hotel and surroundings plus our dinner and breakfast!

The greeting sign in the reception area of the hotel welcoming the YISS Study Tour!

The hotel that features each room with an ocean view!!

Here I am with the manager and chefs of the Hidden Bay Hotel!

         Some of the many food goodies on the buffet for dinner!

My first plate of delicious food!

Part of my dessert plate! :-)

This was my view Sunday morning right before we had breakfast.  I had taken an early morning walk around the hotel and enjoyed some time alone with God and enjoyed the beauty He has created all over the world.  I won't post any breakfast pictures in this post.

5 - Suncheon City Nagan Fortress - I am running late since I just got back from our trip a couple hours ago so I will not be able to post any of the pictures from this beautiful village and our delicious lunch before returning to Seoul on the KTX train.  Please forgive me.  I hope you will check them out on facebook.  You will see pictures of me as the object of a demonstration of one of the forms of torture used in the ancient Korean villages and fortresses.

I want to share this little poster I saw last week on Facebook.  I hope that I will always be able to do this not only with students, but with everyone God allows me to meet!


These final weeks at YISS are going to be very busy!  I would really value your prayers for all of our staff as we seek to finish the year strong. Thank you very much for your continued love, encouragement, notes, emails, prayers, and support.  Enjoy a great week!

Love, Gregg

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