Saturday, May 2, 2015

Where did April go?

April just zoomed right on by!  And this past week was like a blur!  It was packed with many activities!  Although it was a shortened week for students, YISS staff had a very busy and full week! Friday was Korea's Labor Day and there was no school for students.  However, it was the second day of a workshop for Elementary School teachers with a trainer from the Lucy Calkins' Readers' and Writers' Workshop, a reading and writing curriculum developed at Columbia University in New York.  Also on Friday all YISS staff were invited to our annual Staff Picnic in the courtyard at YISS. The weather was gorgeous and everyone seemed to have an enjoyable time.  It is always fun to see all of the families come together.  I was attacked by a number of the smaller children who have sort of adopted me as their grandfather! I acted like a crazy man with them and they loved it and so do I. Just glad no one had a video of some of our made-up games! :-)

   3C teacher, Ms. Everett, sharing her story she wrote during the
                           Readers' & Writers' Workshop!

Picture of elementary staff during the Workshop!  Teachers were grouped with other teachers in their grade to interactively work on practical training to prepare for teaching reading and writing through the Readers' & Writers' Workshop.

A sample of the "On the Border" buffet our YISS staff       
    enjoyed on Friday at the Staff Picnic.  This is my first plate!   

Some of the YISS staff families enjoying a great picnic!

Blake, son of Barry and Bev Birmingham
               enjoying his OTB meal!

The OTB staff on the left and some of the YISS staff on the right going through the buffet line at the Staff Picnic!

Throughout the week, I was able to get a few pictures of the gorgeous flowers and plants that line the walkway leading up to YISS at our main entrance.  It is one of my favorite times of the year in Korea. Here are a few pictures of this walk I enjoy each morning around 5:45 AM coming to school and then as I leave around 5:30 or so.  Enjoy!  Actually, come and visit!! :-)


Throughout the entire school, this week was our annual "Celebrate Korea Week," where we celebrate the culture of our host country, South Korea.  Our elementary students enjoyed field trips to three different Korean museums.  All classes did not go to three museums, but based on the age group, each class went to one of the three and enjoyed some hands-on activities to learn about the culture and history of this amazing host country.

Our Grade 1 classes also had a Culture Day on Wednesday!  The teachers had this great idea of having children in their classrooms from various cultures, including Korea, share a display of their home country's culture.  It was such a beautiful thing to witness on Wednesday.  Students with their parents presented many interesting facts about their specific country.  Many included food, games, special events, etc. from their country.  When a student visited a display, she/he would receive a sticker from that country to post in her/his "Passport."  The New Multi-Purpose room was buzzing with all sorts of activity!  It was a great time of learning and fun!

   Mrs. Thomas, one of our Grade 1 teachers, with 
   one of our first grade cherubs at the Culture Day!

On Thursday, students were encouraged to dress in Korean Hanboks or wear a shirt or jersey of their favorite Korean sports' team.  What a special time!  It is always so much fun to see the children wearing Hanboks and everyone seemed to really get into it.  Here are a few of the pictures from that special day.


Two special highlights this week included the following:

1 - Wednesday was an especially busy day of going from one event to another and taking care of meeting with some parents about some situations about the PTO's International Bazaar on May 9.  I was running from the Grade 1 Culture Day to a session I was helping two teachers with our Grade 5 boys.  I was running late but I thought I should stop at my office to see if Mrs. Yoo had any urgent needs.  She told me to look at my computer.  Immediately, I was thinking the worst.  I went into the office and on top of my keyboard was the following note from three young girls in Grade 4A.  It was just what I needed.  I left my office smiling and refreshed!


2 - After school I went to the Teachers' Room to check for any mail.  On the table was the May edition of SEOUL magazine.  This is a publication in English published mainly for those foreigners living and working in Seoul.  It is read by many (both foreign and Korean) and many of the international schools in Seoul advertise in the magazine.  One of the main articles this month was about the GWAM (Guardians with a Message) program at YISS.  It was exciting to see our students and teachers highlighted in this magazine for the great ministry they do in many countries during our Spring Break.  I have included the article in this post.  Hopefully, you can read it.

        Title of the SEOUL magazine article about YISS students!

A couple of the pictures in the article!

Page one of the article!

Page 2 of the article!

Last Sunday I had the pleasure of traveling with my delightful friend, "son", and former SYME student, JiSang.  JiSang celebrated his birthday last Sunday and we went to a town just outside of Seoul called Ilsan.  This is where JiSang's cousin, Mingoo, lives with his parents.  JiSang asked if it would be OK for Mingoo to come with us to celebrate his birthday.  Mingoo had been questioning Christianity and during a 2-month trip to Europe, he began to ask many questions about God and Christianity. JiSang said he wanted to come and get to know me and then begin asking me questions. We went to this delightful Korean family restaurant called "Canaan Duck."  We enjoyed some very delicious grilled duck and some wonderful conversation. After our dinner, we went back to the apartment of Mingoo and his parents. We had a wonderful time together and they want me to return to visit in their home soon.  Please pray for Mingoo as he seeks to know more about God and Jesus Christ.

JiSang, GGG, and Mingoo at the "Canaan Duck" restaurant last Sunday.

Mingoo and I invited these two boys to play this Korean game with
us while we waited for JiSang.  It is so nice that the restaurant  
owners have many Korean games and activities for families to play
while they wait to enjoy their grilled duck feast!            

Here is our grilled duck being grilled along with grilled garlic and
                        grilled Kim Chi!!  So delicious!!

Mingoo, JiSang, and GGG enjoying our most delicious feast and some excellent conversation!!

Yesterday I met two former SYME students I had not seen for some time!  I was delighted to meet with Sung Jin (Kevin) and Young Bin (Len) for lunch.  What a great time we had!  Sung Jin wanted to let me know that he is getting married on May 30 and wanted me to attend this special event.  We enjoyed a great lunch at Los Amigos; they wanted to try Mexican!  After a great lunch with excellent conversation, we stopped at Coffeesmith in Itaewon and enjoyed some Snow Shakes. Sung Jin enjoyed a Mango one, Young Bin had the Green Tea one, and I enjoyed a Strawberry Snow Shake!

Sung Jin has a great job with Samsung and will be heading on a business trip to Vietnam for 10 days just right before the wedding.  Young Bin loves his job directing and creating videos for commercials and promotional videos for companies and organizations at CEGO.  He would love to get married but needs to be able to have a position that pays a bit more so he has sufficient funds.  Thanks for praying for both of these young men as they seek to follow God as they serve Him in the market place. 

   GGG with Sung Jin and Young Bin eating our tasty Mexican
                                  lunches at Los Amigos!

As a service gift, August brought us some ice cream with these    
warm churros!  Very delicious!!                        

I would really appreciate your prayers for this coming week.  My former Cairn University student, Chris Palladino and his daughter, Bella, are coming to YISS to share a number of teachers development sessions on biblical worldview integration and interdisciplinary teaching!  I am so excited!  Chris is now a professor at Cairn and has been a great friend ever since I met him at the former Philadelphia Biblical University.

Early Sunday morning at Incheon Airport!  Chris and Bella, two
tired travelers (almost 30 hours) coming through the exit doors at
        Customs and Immigration!  So glad they arrived safely!

After checking into their hotel room, we went on a walking tour of Itaewon and had some breakfast at Suji's.  Then I gave them the experience of riding the public bus to YISS.  There we enjoyed a walking tour of YISS so that Chris would be acquainted with the facilities for his sessions on Tuesday and Wednesday with the YISS faculty!  It is soooo great to have Chris here in Seoul presenting on "Biblical Worldview Integration and Interdisciplinary Teaching!"

I also need to make final preparations for all of my responsibilities at YISS from May 7 through May 12.  I will be traveling to Los Angeles to participate in the joyous celebration of the wedding of my nephew, Adam Huss and his wife-to-be, Wendy Suguitan!  Your prayers for safe travel and a great time with family in Los Angeles will be greatly appreciated.

Things seem to be moving along for a possible larger apartment at about the same expense as my current small apartment.  Keep praying as these details are worked out.  If this happens, that means I would be able to have a bit more space to house some of you should you come to visit Seoul. :-)

Thanks so much for your encouragement, love, emails, notes, packages, prayers, and support.  God continues to meet all of my needs.

Love, Gregg

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