Saturday, March 30, 2013

Relaxation, Reflection and Refreshment + a Little YISS Work

You will receive this installment on Easter Sunday in most places! :-) I trust that you will spend some time reflecting on the suffering, death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ during this weekend.  During the past week I have thought about all (I am sure not "all" but as much as I can) that He did for me.  Last Sunday our little choir sang a song I had never heard before we started practicing it.  As we practiced Eli, Eli!! (composer is Gyorgy Deak Bardos), and then as we sang it, I was reflecting on what Jesus Christ endured for me - someone created by Him to bring glory to Him but often do not.  BUT He suffered and died for me when I was a filthy and unrighteous man; He didn't wait until I was perfect or even good!  Knowing my filth and nastiness, He gave His life for me!  I am so grateful that He did not wait until I was a good person; I would be hopelessly lost and doomed Hell forever.  But He is risen!  He has conquered sin and death and taken away ALL my sin!  When God looks at me, He sees me through the eyes of Jesus Christ - forgiven and redeemed!  I know that I included the Eli, Eli!! anthem last week in my email but I thought I would post it in my blog and perhaps you will have an opportunity to reflect on what He did for you!  Here is the link to the song: .

It was a week of sleeping in late, reading, relaxing, walking, and refreshing!  I also spent a little time on the After School Activities for Quarter Four since there was no one at school and I could work undisturbed! :-) The weather was beautiful and I was able to get out and enjoy walking.  I completed one of my little fun projects: getting pictures of all of the coffee shops between the two arches of the main street of Itaewon.  I continually am amazed at the number of coffee shops.  The distance between the two arches is about a 15-20 minute walk.  Just on the main street I took pictures of 21 coffee shops, including two different Starbucks and two different Caffe Bene coffee shops!  If you wish to see all of them, you will have to check out my facebook page.  I think on my next extended walk, I will take pictures of all the skin care shops; there may be a similar total. :-)

Last Sunday evening I had a special birthday dinner with my dear friends, Gunmo and Chang Yong and then enjoyed a FREE stay at the WWalkerhill-Seoul Hotel that included a free yummy buffet breakfast in "The Kitchen" in the hotel overlooking the Han River.  I had won this Lodging Certificate at last year's International Bazaar at YISS.  It was so good to be with these two wonderful young men. I would really appreciate your prayers for both of them.  Gunmo has done such an excellent job in his position at his company that they have asked him to go to their office about 2 hours from Seoul.  Gunmo began that position this past week.  He has asked prayer for a smooth adjustment as well as traveling back to Seoul on the weekends to be involved with his ministry at church.  Chang Yong is such a great employee at his company, and is such a willing and humble servant, that he is becoming a bit stressed with how he is treated at the company.  Chang Yong is working MANY hours and is so eager to be able to be involved with ministry as well as trying to find the right lady for a future wife.  Please pray for him during this time.

My yummy duck birthday dinner with Gunmo and 
Chang Yong in Seoul!

Gunmo and Chang Yong and I preparing to eat our very delicious duck birthday dinner!

Breakfast in "The Kitchen" at the WWalkerhill-Seoul
overlooking the Han River!  It was a very special birthday!

On Thursday evening a former SYME student, Young Kwang (Dennis), came for a visit.  It was so good to see him and spend some time together.  He brought me samples of the skin care products his company sells.  One in particular indicated it was for "anti-aging".  :-)  I told him it was too late for me! :-)  I did tell him about my nasty dry skin on my feet.  He said he will bring me a new product that will come out in April that is supposed to work wonders on dry feet!  We shall see! :-)

Here I am with Young Kwang at Suji's after our tasty dinner!  It was Young Kwang's choice!  I love Young Kwang's beautiful smile!

During the week many of our students were on GWAM (Guardians With a Message) trips.  Some of the places they went to include Taebaek, South Korea (working at the Mirea Special Needs School), Hong Kong, Yanji (China), Baguio (The Philippines), Manila (The Philippines), and Malaysia.  I will be excited to hear more specifics of each of the trips but initial reports indicate that some exciting things were happening as our YISS middle school and high school kids shared!  Thanks for praying for them!

I would also appreciate prayers for my wonderful friend, JiSang who is studying at Liberty University.  He has about 4 more weeks in this semester and he has some decisions to make concerning returning to Korea for the summer and finding an internship.  I know he would value your prayers.  I do a lot of grammar checking for him and I love seeing how he has grown in his English.  Another great Korean friend studying at Liberty is Jay Chae.  He is also looking for an internship in marketing for the summer.  If you know of any possibilities, please let me know.  Thanks for praying for Jay, too.  As a reminder for prayer I will post a picture of these two young men when I went to see them at Word of Life Ranch several summers ago.  They were being very "bad." :-)

JiSang on the left and Jay Chae on the right.  They seem to be enjoying placing me in the stocks at the Ranch! 

You are very special to me!  I would appreciate your prayers for this coming week as we begin Quarter Four.  So much will be happening this first week back to YISS after Spring Break.  Thanks so much for your love, prayers, encouragement, emails, snail mail, and support.

Love, Gregg

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Fantastic Ending to Quarter Three! Spring Break Ahead!

Happy Spring to you!  The last week of Quarter Three was a fantastic week to end on right before our Spring Break!  First of all, a fifth grade boy, Kyle, accepted Jesus Christ as his Savior!!  And another boy in the same fifth grade section, Justin, is asking many questions.  I had the privilege of sharing with both boys.  Please join me as I celebrate with Kyle!  I would also appreciate your prayers for Justin.  He is almost ready to make a commitment, but he is struggling with the issue that "I am not good enough and I have done bad things."  On Friday God brought both boys into my path so that I could spend time with them and encourage them.

This is a picture of some of the fifth grade boys on Pajama Day during our Read-A-Thon.  It shows both Kyle and Justin.  Justin is in the second row on the far left.  Kyle is in the same row; third from the left.  Just wanted to give you a picture of these two awesome boys!

Wednesday was the beginning of online registration for Quarter Four After School Activities!  All of the technology went so well!  I had taken time to work with our IT person, Carol Pitts, several days before activating the registration so that we could work out any bugs!  It went so well and now during Spring break I will be relaxing as well as a little work on getting all of the necessary communications out to parents and instructors as well as all of forms, etc. for the Business Office and our Facilities Staff!  Thank you for your prayers.

Wednesday was also Hat Day in the Elementary School at YISS!  Kids love that day and so many fun hats were worn.  Mr. Lazor and I wore our new hats to conceal our shaved heads for at least one day.  I am actually liking my shaved head and my two new hats.  My Daddy is smiling from heaven!  He always wanted me to wear a hat and I always refused unless I was coaching or going to a ball game.  But with the loss of my hair, I have realized how my hair had kept my head warm! :-)  So now I am wearing hats!  Thank you, Daddy! :-)

Above I am with Mr. Lazor, our principal, on Hat Day!
We both have very interesting expressions! :-)  Mr.
Lazor wanted me to wear a similar hat as he is wearing
but we couldn't locate another. So I wore one of my new

Here I am my buddy in 4A, Dante!  We decided to 
exchange hats during lunch!  The kids went crazy 
when they saw me with Dante's hat on! :-)  I am 
reminded of a couple lines from Alice in Wonderland:
The Mad Hatter: Have I gone mad?
Alice:  I'm afraid so.  You're entirely bonkers!  But
I'll tell you a secret.  All the best people are!          

Thursday was a special day!  The Elementary Office staff took Mrs. Baek, our secretary, and me out for a birthday celebration lunch!  Mrs. Baek actually was supposed to go for he birthday lunch in December, but because of the weather and a number of sick teachers, we had to postpone her celebration.  We went to a very yummy wood grill pizza place near the school and I was so into the tasty lunch and celebration that I forgot to get any pictures!  I know you think I must be sick or something, but no pics of the special lunch.  You will just have to imagine a group of three very delicious pizzas and then a dessert pizza!!  Oh, soooooooo good!!!

Thursday, right after school, we had a surprise celebration for two beautiful and amazing ladies who are leaving to give birth in March and April.  Mrs. Baek, the elementary secretary had her last day on Friday and is due in April with her second son.  Mrs. Oh (Grace), the attendance guru (she probably knows all 900 + kids in YISS) and a lady, who is a HUGE help to me with the After School Activities, will leave on April 1.  She is due any day!  I wanted her to give birth to her first son on Sunday and name him Gregg, but she doesn't agree! :-)  Both of these ladies are so amazing, so intelligent, so dedicated, so caring and so much fun!  They will both be greatly missed at YISS!  I know they would value your prayers.

It is my great privilege and pleasure to be in this picture with two very beautiful and amazing women!  They represent the heart and soul of YISS and are keys to the smooth operation of YISS!  I am so grateful for Grace (on the left) and Ji Young (on the right) and all they have done for me at YISS!  Please pray for these fantastic ladies!

On Friday, our fifth grade sections had the culmination of their poetry study with Fifth Grade Literature and Writing teacher, Ms. Hughes.  One of the parents was able to secure the third floor of Holly's Coffee near the school.  During three different times each fifth grade section traveled to Holly's and presented the poem they had memorized (some even wrote an original poem) in a Coffee shop atmosphere.  Many parents attended as well!  It was an amazing morning!  The kids presented so well!  I was crying tears of joy as I watched ones, who would not initiate a conversation with me 2 years ago, stand in front of their peers and adults and present some amazing poems with great expression!  Ms. Hughes has done a superb job not only teaching poetry, but also getting the kids to think about the meanings of them and be able to interact with each other about some of our great poets and their works.  I wish you could have been present as kids and parents sat on the third floor of Holly's Coffee sharing their poems and drinking hot chocolate and sharing their poetry portfolios with parents and administrators!  I will share a few pictures from the amazing morning with these fifth graders!

Grade 5B teacher, Ms. Hughes welcoming parents to the Fifth Grade Poetry Review at Holly's Coffee on Friday!  What a gifted teacher!

Some of the audience on the third floor of Holly's!

Mr. and Mrs. Lazor with their 5th child, Karina Rose, + a couple other parents at the Poetry Review!

This young man, Madhav, gave one of the best readings
of Rudyard Kipling's If that I ever heard!  He did an amazing
job!  When he first came to YISS, he was this quiet boy who
was afraid of his shadow!  I was so proud of him!

I cannot begin to tell you the transformation in this fifth grader, Ben! Ben came to YISS in third grade.  He would NEVER get up in front of his class to say anything!  He had to be prompted to say hello to me.  Now he initiates conversations with me.  I had many tears of joy as I watched Ben share his poem in front of not only his classmates, but many adults!!  Ben has Asperger's Syndrome and has become quite a fine young man!

Another great interpretation was done by
Jean!  She even got into costume!

Here I am with two young men I am so proud of!  Madhav and Majid did superb jobs.  Majid and I have this special relationship now that has grown since he arrived in third grade.  He went home crying most days in third grade because he didn't understand anyone and they didn't understand him.  Now he is such a delight and has so much fun interacting with his peers and with adults.  he is one of the 8 fifth grade students involved in the Scratch Computer Programming (from MIT) after school activity!

Madeleine and her mother right after she did her
reading!  Another excellent job!

This is Ben with his mother!  Can you tell how proud Mother is of her young man?  Just so you know, both of them are standing and Ben's mother is a tall lady, but as you can see, Ben is taller than his mother!! :-)

One of my Discipleship buddies, Paul
with delightful smile.  He wrote his own
poem, Light, for Friday's Poetry Review!
So proud of him!

One of my other buddies, Francis!  He also wrote his own poem today.  His poem was a very thought provoking one entitled I Dreamed a Dream; Dreaming with God.  Soooo good!

It is Saturday as I write this and it is a great beginning to a relaxing weekend and then a week of Spring Break!  Last May I won a free night and breakfast in "The Kitchen" at the WWalker Hill Hotel in Seoul.  It is a very nice hotel and the food is delicious!  The father of one of our fourth grade students is the head person in the Culinary Department at WWalker Hill and I am excited about celebrating my birthday with my wonderful friend and brother, Gunmo, at the WWalker Hill on Sunday evening and Monday morning!  It will be a great time of fellowship and relaxation for both of us.  Oh yes, Gunmo has been given a new appointment at the company where he is working.  I know he would value your prayers for this added responsibility and his studies + his Sunday School class of 5th grade boys!

A couple weeks ago as I was observing some classrooms, I came across the following poster outside the classroom of Grade 2A!  I love it!  It shows the 2A students and what their future plans are (at least at this time in their young lives).  Enjoy!  Maybe use it as a reminder to prayer for the precious children with whom we have the privilege of teaching at YISS!


Today, Sunday, during rehearsal the NHM Choir had a little lunch and birthday cake in honor of my 64th birthday!  What a nice time!  Here are a few pictures of the special time!

Here are members of the NHM Choir enjoying some yummy lunch of Cham Chi Kim Bob and Korean Dumplings!!  So good!

Enjoying the birthday lunch with Conductor Suh and
In Cheol, a bass!

After the lunch, I was presented with a most delicious strawberry cake - made by Rebecca (Coffeebean Lee)!  She had to miss Choir today but sent the cake!  It was soooo good!

After I finished cutting the cake, I cleaned the knife to
the delight of Conductor Suh!  Sooooo tasty!!

Thanks so much, as always, for your faithful love, encouragement, prayers, and support!  Enjoy this last week of March!

Love, Gregg

Sunday, March 17, 2013

The Week of the Lazor Razor!!

Well, it happened!  The elementary cherubs reached their reading goal.  The goal was set for 700,000 minutes of reading during the Read-A-Thon and it was announced on Wednesday morning that they exceeded the goal - almost 725,000 minutes!  You may have heard the cheering in your home city!  If you didn't hear the cheering when the announcement was made, I am sure you could have heard the chant from these delightful "cherubs" when the PTO President asked me to come forward to have my head shaved on Wednesday morning in the YISS cafeteria!  Immediately they began chanting, "Shave your head!  Shave your head!!  Shave your head!!!"  Each time it got louder and louder!  Such naughty children!! :-)  Here are some pictures to share some of that morning with you!

As I entered the Cafeteria on Wednesday morning at 8:00 this is what greeted me.  It looked rather daunting - almost like I was going to the electric chair! :-)

Above Mr. Lazor and I chat right before we lose our 
hair!  Why did we agree to such a deed? :-)

Some of the students watching as I am about to get the first shaving from Mr. Lazor.  They had just finished their "Shave your head!!" chant!!

Mr. Lazor begins his first swipe of the razor
through my hair!!  I am having second thoughts!

As soon as I had my head shaved, I had to shave Mr. Lazor's!  Taking that first swipe was very difficult!  I have never cut someone's hair and I was a bit worried, but no bleeding! :-)

Here are three shaved heads for your enjoyment! Mr.
Simmons was a co-chair of the Read-A-Thon! He told
me that "I had a good head for shaving!" :-)

OK, now you can let me know. What do you think?  I am thinking I may keep the look!

A side view for your enjoyment!  Hope I haven't
frightened too many of you with my new look! :-)

That same evening I attended the YISS Orchestra Concert that included orchestras from Grade 5 through High School!  I am so impressed with what Mrs. Harding, our orchestra instructor, can do in such a short time with our elementary students.  The fifth graders in the orchestra were tremendous performing selections from Soon Hee Newbold, Sean O'Loughlin and Richard Meyer!

My buddy, Joseph from 5A, performing
at the Orchestra Concert! What a delight
this young man is!  He and his mother were
thrilled that I came to see him perform!

The very gifted Mrs. Harding conducting the fifth grade strings!!  Awesome!

Above are the cellists in the 5th grade strings! Mr.
Lazor's oldest child, Isabelle, is second from the
left!  I love it that she is a musician, an athlete, and
an avid reader!!

Some more of the violinists of the fifth grade strings!

The week was extremely busy!  In addition to the Wrap-Up Assembly for Read-A-Thon and the Orchestra Concert, fourth grades had their annual Geography Projects for parents, involvement in Chapels and OASIS Assembly, and taking care of final preparations for the online registration for Quarter Four After School Activities!  I also had a surprise visit from one of our former students, Andrew Mah!  Andrew is now in 7th grade at Cardigan Mountain School in New Hampshire.  Andrew and I had developed a great relationship when he was in 5th grade at YISS.  I was happy to write him a recommendation - although I did not want him to leave - and it has been good to keep in contact.  He said he was on Spring Break and wanted especially to come and see me and chat.  Andrew is such a fine young man and I want him to come to believe in Jesus.  Thanks for continuing to pray for this fine young man!

Here I am with Andrew!  What a great time we had together.  He hopes to come back and see me before he returns to Cardigan Mountain School in a couple weeks.
One of the 4A students with his project
on the K2 Mountain!

This is Lily with her Geography Project.  Oh, how she has grown!  When I subbed in 4A in October, Lily had to have one of the students translate most of the time for her.  Now she is always smiling and understands almost everything I say and she is able to speak with me!

One of my Discipleship boys, Ethan
with his Tokyo Towers project!  He was 
even using technology in a story book
style to explain about his project!  So good!

And one more of the young fourth grade girls with her project!  They all did a super job!  Wish I could show you more.

On Friday in the Chapels and OASIS Assembly, I was thrilled with two young ladies (one in grade 4 and one in grade 5) who performed the puppet skit on the gentleness, a fruit of the Spirit. They were outstanding!  Even the kindergarten children understood their words.  Their skit led right into a book I was reading to the OASIS kids about diligence and gentleness in our words! The story is My Mouth is a Volcano! (author is Julia Cook) and children could relate very well to the story and how we need to practice diligence in our words!

Two delightful young ladies who have been in Discipleship ASA as well as the Puppet Ministry ASA!  They did a superb job with the puppet skit in Chapels and OASIS on Friday!!

This past week I heard from one of my former SYME students, Youngbin (Len).  Youngbin will graduate from Liberty University this May and is looking for a position in marketing and advertising using his skills in the area of video production and all of the other areas connected with that.  He is quite a talented young man!  I miss him and was so happy to hear from him.  He wanted me to check his resume and cover letter before he begins sending them out to various organizations and businesses.  I know he would value your prayers!

Saturday I had the pleasure of having dinner with Yeongmin and two of his (and my) friends, Soohee and Sungmin!  What a wonderful time we had together.  It was the first Soohee and Sungmin had seen me since my hair shaving!  They couldn't believe it!  Yeongmin had seen pictures and videos on Facebook.  I think they like the new look! :-)

Sorry, but the lighting in the Blooming Garden (a new restaurant where Soohee just got a job) was not the greatest.  But here we are after enjoying a very scrumptious dinner.  Yeongmin and I are on the left and Soohee and Sungmin on the right. 

One of our starters: Bacon and Asparagus topped with
poached eggs!

Another starter, which was brought to us as a service
gift: Rice and Veggie Balls with salad.

One of the delicious main courses: Gorgonzola
and Tenderloin with Mushrooms Pasta!

After our very tasty dinner, I asked them to go help me find a new cap for my new hair look.  They all liked this one for casual use.  I got another one that I will use for work.  I tried to pay but Yeongmin gave them to me for a birthday gift!  I wore it to church on Sunday and everyone liked my new hair and the new look with the cap!

Please enjoy a great week.  This coming week will be online registration for Quarter Four After School Activities and then we begin a week of Spring Break.  Many of our students will be involved with one of the numerous GWAM (Guardians with a Message) trips.  I know they, as well as the teachers going with them, would value your prayers.  I will be spending time in Seoul and surrounding areas relaxing as well as working on Quarter Four ASA material.  Thanks so much for your prayers, your love, your encouragement, and your support!  You are so important to me!

Love, Gregg

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Warm Weather Returns; Read-A-Thon Goal....

It was another busy and exciting week at YISS!  Warm weather returned for which we are grateful!  In fact Saturday reached almost 20 Degrees Celsius (about 68 Degrees Fahrenheit!  I am hoping that the warm weather remains!

My week was very full and quite busy as I make final preparations for Quarter Four After School Activities.  Still lots to do, but I got a big chunk of it completed on Saturday.  I was hoping to do a lot throughout the week, but in addition to regular duties, I need to substitute teach in Grade 2D and an afternoon of teaching music to two of the fifth grade sections.  Both were quite enjoyable!

Throughout the week students continued to come up to Mr. Lazor and me and tell us we were going to have to shave our hair!  They have been so excited about reading and getting to witness the shaving of our heads.  On Friday morning, the PTO Read-A-Thon posted the new total:

Shortly after the students saw this in the morning, Mr. Lazor erased the top part of the "7" and it read "108,061"!  It was so much fun to see students ask Mr. Lazor and me throughout the day what happened! :-)  They did reach the goal, but Mr. Lazor wanted to have a little fun!

The kids were so excited and are having a difficult time waiting until Wednesday morning, March 13, around 8:15 in the morning for the Read-A-Thon Wrap Up Assembly.  They will witness the two heads of hair being shaved + learn the winners of various awesome prizes.  Each child could put his name in the drawing one or more times depending on the number of minutes she/he read.  The teachers and administrators in the elementary have also prepared a surprise Flash Mob Dance for them.  It should be quite exciting and I am sure many videos and pictures will be taken of the "terrible" event! :-)

One fourth grade girl, Brooke, came up to me last week out of the blue and asked me a question. Brooke is very shy and has never initiated a conversation with me.  Her question: "Mr. Garman, why do you keep your hair white?"  I told her I did not "keep" it white; God kept it white.  She didn't seem to understand so asked, "So then you dye your hair?"  I still smile thinking about it.

A high school student, Alex, is our aid in the elementary office several times a week.  He is a great young man and enjoys having fun with the secretaries and the office staff.  Last week he celebrated his birthday and we gave him some goodies.  I got him his favorite Starbucks on Friday.

Above is our Office Aid, Alex, on his birthday.  We had prepared some goodies for him!  He is such a great young man!

Another new food item I learned about this past week was in a box of Valentine treats that I have been working on.  I finally got to this new food treat.  I love chocolate covered pretzels and chocolate covered strawberries.  I have tried chocolate covered chips, raisins, nuts, etc. BUT have never had the opportunity to try Korean chocolate covered Kim (sea weed) until this week.  I have had chocolate covered Kim Chi (nasty) so I wasn't sure about this.  I actually liked it.  It is not my favorite, but I was expecting much worse.  Maybe I will bring some home for some of you to try.


I thought I would share a few pictures of two more of the After School Activities kids have been enjoying in Quarter Three.

Quarter Three's Taekwondo Class! Ella, the only 
girl this quarter is amazing!!

Three of the boys going through their routines with Master Kim!  The two in the back are in Grade 1 and they are doing so well!

One of the activities the kids enjoy is Board Games!
Here Mrs. Pallesen, one of the teachers who facilitates
 this activity is playing Qwirkle with two boys!

Two young men very intent on their Chess game!

Here are three having fun playing Apples to Apples!

Saturday I was able to enjoy a wonderful brunch and a great time of conversation with my excellent friend, Gunmo!  I introduced him to Tartine's Brunch in Itaewon!  I discovered Tartine's a week ago and they have the best French Toast (almost as good as my sister, Gae's recipe) and Sage Sausage!  Please continue praying for Gunmo.  He is back studying for his business degree while he works full time.  Sunday he begins teaching a Sunday School class for fifth grade students!  He is a little nervous, but I know he will do a great job!

Gunmo selected the Scrambled Eggs,
Hash Browns, Bratwurst Sausage, and
Corn Bread!  Very tasty!

 I selected the French Toast, Scrambled Eggs, and Sage Sausage!  Yummy!!
This is a picture Gunmo took before we 
went to eat Brunch.  While I waited for
him, these two university students asked
if they could interview me.  I seem to be
selected often for these experiences.  They
usually say it is because I looked kind and 
friendly!  They always video the interview!

Last Sunday after the worship service at church, the small group that I am in planned an outing together.  It was a great time of fun and fellowship as we got to know each other better!
After church we went to a quaint Korean restaurant
to have lunch together!

This is what I had for my lunch: Chung Guk Jang (the stinky soup)!!  I really like this and it is supposed to be very healthy for you!

Here is our small group after the performance of Aida.
It was performed by Korean actors and actresses in Korean
and I really enjoyed their performance!  After the show we
went to have coffee and tea at a coffee shop!  A great Sunday!

I would appreciate your prayers during this next week. It is going to be another busy week and I have much to do to complete all of the necessary material for Quarter Four After School Activities.  I need to also get prepared to lose my hair and be able to adjust to a look I haven't had since childhood! :-)  Thanks for your continued prayers, encouragement, love, and support!  I trust you will enjoy a great week as well!  

Love, Gregg