Saturday, March 2, 2013

A Short, but Exciting Week Highlighted by SLC!!!

This past week was short because we had off on Friday for Samil Day, a national holiday in Korea, which celebrates the beginning of the Independence Movement of Korea from Japan.  The first three days were very busy with normal classes and lots of preparations for one of my favorite days at YISS!  Thursday students had off but elementary teachers have been planning with their students for the Student-Led Conferences (SLC) on Thursday!  The elementary school instituted these conferences last year and parents, students, and teachers love them!  This year's conferences were even more exciting because teachers had more time to prepare and students were even more excited to share what they have been learning with their parents.  If you would have been here on Thursday, you would have seen several conferences being conducted in each classroom all at one time.  Each grade level team, along with their students, had prepared so many creative ways to demonstrate what students have been learning and how they had progressed throughout the year.  I am always delighted to see many Dads coming with the Moms to take part in these conferences! I wish you could come over and witness this special day.  I will share some pictures that will hopefully give you a little idea of what happens on this special day!

This is what greeted parents as they came with their
son/daughter to Grade 2!

 Grade 2C had this in the classroom to welcome parents.  It was so neat to see students going to this and sharing their picture as well as how they have been working on being an image-bearer!

 Ms. Stair in 2C also had students use Glogster on their 
computers to prepare a poster on Glogster to share what
they have been learning in Science.   I loved seeing 
parents as they interacted with their child during this!

A first grade student and his Dad.  I loved listening to this first grader communicate what he has been learning with his Dad!

One fourth grade teacher has her children
do lots of writing.  She has them write a 
letter to the South Korean President each
year.  This past week was the inauguration
of President Park as Korea's first woman
President.  The kids are hoping that 
President Park will respond to their letters!

3B students did a Science experiment with their parents!  Here is Brianna showing one of her Science experiments!

 Above is what greeted 4A parents when they arrived
with their son/daughter.  They do blogs and include
on their blogs books they have been reading + their
reflections and interactions about the books they read.

 Above is Mrs. Roll, 4A teacher, facilitating the student-led conferences in her room.  You can see several families participating at the same time with their children!  

Dante (4A) is interacting with his entire family as 
he demonstrates what he has been learning!

 Joshua in 4B is playing a Math game with his mother.  Joshua is very competitive and when he gets passionate about his learning, he usually has to stand to make his point!  I loved watching them interact with his mother.  Dad was also present but had to take their youngest out during this picture. (Please pray Joshua's mother, as you think of her, on March 19 and 20. She will be going into the hospital for some surgery.)

A new student to YISS this year, Daniel is sharing
his book review via his blog in 4B.  Mom is listening
on the headset as well as looking at some of Daniel's work.

Grade 2 student, Paul, is at his desk (with his self portrait on his chair) explaining some of his growth areas in Math and Writing!

I loved that many parents went to the Elementary Gym 
to have their son/daughter lead a conference with them
there.  Above is one of our new families this year, the
Ratiers!  Hugo is giving a "high five" to our Phys. Ed.
teacher, Mr. Resende.  Hugo has grown SO MUCH in 
so many ways this year!  The parents are smiling with 

Balint in 5A arrived at YISS in January.  Here is with his mother following their student-led conference.  Balint and I are developing a wonderful relationship!

The family above is so wonderful!  I call the boys 
"The Fiocchi Brothers!"  Joey on the right is in 5C and
the entire family was playing the interactive game that 
each fifth grade student created to demonstrate their
learning this year.  I loved seeing the competitive spirits
of the parents as they tried to win, but usually the kids
won.  This is a favorite picture of mine because Mr.
Fiocchi is a single Dad and quite busy but he ALWAYS
makes time to come to the events of his three boys!

Phillip in 5B was delighted to tell me that he was winning in his game with his parents!  I said that he should let them win.  He replied with the look and body language above, "No way!" :-)

We were treated to a surprise visit of Mr. Lazor's new daughter, Lucy, this past week.  Both Mother and Dad (Papi) came to school and everyone was so excited to see Lucy!  She is a cutie!

Here is Lucy sleeping soundly as many of us look on! She is a real sweetie!

I still have to look at the calendar to really believe that March is here already!  That means Spring Break will be here soon which also means that I need to have everything organized and ready for Quarter Four After School Activities in the next two weeks.  Preparing for each quarter is an ongoing adventure but I am continuing to learn more about technology and how to use it effectively for education.  I would appreciate your prayers as I still have some complications to work out - particularly with room locations.  I will be so delighted when our expansion construction is completed!  I thought I would highlight two of the newest After School Activities this week.  One started in Quarter Two and is called Praize by Kidz, led by one of our elementary music teachers, Dr. Harding.  This is a group of 2nd and 3rd graders who are learning how to lead worship in their Chapels.  They are having so much fun!  The other one, Music for Ensemble, just started in Quarter Three.  A violinist who teaches at a local Korean university teaches this group of 3rd and 4th grade students.  The desire is to teach them how to play in an ensemble.  There were four who were brave enough to register and they are loving it.  Hopefully, there will be more next quarter.

Praize by Kidz preparing some of their songs for use
in YISS Chapels for 2nd and 3rd grade students!

 Ms. Han working with four 4th grade students in Music for Ensemble!  At the point when I took the picture, the cellist was playing his special part.  It was so much fun.  He and his violin buddy next to him were enjoying the moment!

Another picture of the Music for Ensemble group!

Before I finish, I want to ask your prayer for two items:

1)  We are still in need of an Elementary Principal for the 2013-14 school year at YISS.  This past week we interviewed a gentleman from Oregon, but after the interview he indicated that he thinks it would be better for him to be at a school that is smaller.  At this point there are no candidates for the position.  Finding an administrator to come to an international school is always a challenge.  Thank you for praying for the right person for this position.

2)  I have mentioned a sophomore young man, Matthew, often.  I have been greatly encouraged by our recent talks.  he has been opening up more to me about his family background.  This past week he shared that his mother who left him when he was younger has remarried and Matthew is quite upset about this.  Even with this news, he has not been as depressed during our last few conversations.  This week he even mentioned some of the things he has been thinking about because of his Bible class.  I am going to include a picture of Matthew so that you have a picture of the young man for whom you are praying.

Here I am with Matthew outside the elementary offices!

This Sunday is going to be a busy time with Choir and the small group I am in at church!  Our small group is serving on the hospitality team this Sunday + I have choir rehearsal and we will sing in the worship service.  Then the small group will have lunch together and then see a performance of Aida, the musical, followed by dinner together.  Should be a busy and fun Sunday!

Saturday evening my wonderful friend and former student at SYME, Yeongmin, will take me to see The Phantom of the Opera!  He knew that I liked this musical so he purchased tickets back in December as a Christmas gift to me.  We had a great evening together at dinner and then the show.  As always we had some great discussions.  Thanks for continuing to pray for his salvation.

GGG and Yeongmin at a new restaurant I discovered
called The Flying Pan Blue!  Yummy food and fellowship
before seeing the musical, Phantom of the Opera.

Here we are at the Blue Square Theater right across
from YISS.  An Australian cast performed a very good
rendition of the Phantom.  We had a wonderful evening!

Please enjoy a great month of March!  Thank you very much for your encouragement, your prayers, your love, your emails, and your support!

Love, Gregg

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