Saturday, March 9, 2013

Warm Weather Returns; Read-A-Thon Goal....

It was another busy and exciting week at YISS!  Warm weather returned for which we are grateful!  In fact Saturday reached almost 20 Degrees Celsius (about 68 Degrees Fahrenheit!  I am hoping that the warm weather remains!

My week was very full and quite busy as I make final preparations for Quarter Four After School Activities.  Still lots to do, but I got a big chunk of it completed on Saturday.  I was hoping to do a lot throughout the week, but in addition to regular duties, I need to substitute teach in Grade 2D and an afternoon of teaching music to two of the fifth grade sections.  Both were quite enjoyable!

Throughout the week students continued to come up to Mr. Lazor and me and tell us we were going to have to shave our hair!  They have been so excited about reading and getting to witness the shaving of our heads.  On Friday morning, the PTO Read-A-Thon posted the new total:

Shortly after the students saw this in the morning, Mr. Lazor erased the top part of the "7" and it read "108,061"!  It was so much fun to see students ask Mr. Lazor and me throughout the day what happened! :-)  They did reach the goal, but Mr. Lazor wanted to have a little fun!

The kids were so excited and are having a difficult time waiting until Wednesday morning, March 13, around 8:15 in the morning for the Read-A-Thon Wrap Up Assembly.  They will witness the two heads of hair being shaved + learn the winners of various awesome prizes.  Each child could put his name in the drawing one or more times depending on the number of minutes she/he read.  The teachers and administrators in the elementary have also prepared a surprise Flash Mob Dance for them.  It should be quite exciting and I am sure many videos and pictures will be taken of the "terrible" event! :-)

One fourth grade girl, Brooke, came up to me last week out of the blue and asked me a question. Brooke is very shy and has never initiated a conversation with me.  Her question: "Mr. Garman, why do you keep your hair white?"  I told her I did not "keep" it white; God kept it white.  She didn't seem to understand so asked, "So then you dye your hair?"  I still smile thinking about it.

A high school student, Alex, is our aid in the elementary office several times a week.  He is a great young man and enjoys having fun with the secretaries and the office staff.  Last week he celebrated his birthday and we gave him some goodies.  I got him his favorite Starbucks on Friday.

Above is our Office Aid, Alex, on his birthday.  We had prepared some goodies for him!  He is such a great young man!

Another new food item I learned about this past week was in a box of Valentine treats that I have been working on.  I finally got to this new food treat.  I love chocolate covered pretzels and chocolate covered strawberries.  I have tried chocolate covered chips, raisins, nuts, etc. BUT have never had the opportunity to try Korean chocolate covered Kim (sea weed) until this week.  I have had chocolate covered Kim Chi (nasty) so I wasn't sure about this.  I actually liked it.  It is not my favorite, but I was expecting much worse.  Maybe I will bring some home for some of you to try.


I thought I would share a few pictures of two more of the After School Activities kids have been enjoying in Quarter Three.

Quarter Three's Taekwondo Class! Ella, the only 
girl this quarter is amazing!!

Three of the boys going through their routines with Master Kim!  The two in the back are in Grade 1 and they are doing so well!

One of the activities the kids enjoy is Board Games!
Here Mrs. Pallesen, one of the teachers who facilitates
 this activity is playing Qwirkle with two boys!

Two young men very intent on their Chess game!

Here are three having fun playing Apples to Apples!

Saturday I was able to enjoy a wonderful brunch and a great time of conversation with my excellent friend, Gunmo!  I introduced him to Tartine's Brunch in Itaewon!  I discovered Tartine's a week ago and they have the best French Toast (almost as good as my sister, Gae's recipe) and Sage Sausage!  Please continue praying for Gunmo.  He is back studying for his business degree while he works full time.  Sunday he begins teaching a Sunday School class for fifth grade students!  He is a little nervous, but I know he will do a great job!

Gunmo selected the Scrambled Eggs,
Hash Browns, Bratwurst Sausage, and
Corn Bread!  Very tasty!

 I selected the French Toast, Scrambled Eggs, and Sage Sausage!  Yummy!!
This is a picture Gunmo took before we 
went to eat Brunch.  While I waited for
him, these two university students asked
if they could interview me.  I seem to be
selected often for these experiences.  They
usually say it is because I looked kind and 
friendly!  They always video the interview!

Last Sunday after the worship service at church, the small group that I am in planned an outing together.  It was a great time of fun and fellowship as we got to know each other better!
After church we went to a quaint Korean restaurant
to have lunch together!

This is what I had for my lunch: Chung Guk Jang (the stinky soup)!!  I really like this and it is supposed to be very healthy for you!

Here is our small group after the performance of Aida.
It was performed by Korean actors and actresses in Korean
and I really enjoyed their performance!  After the show we
went to have coffee and tea at a coffee shop!  A great Sunday!

I would appreciate your prayers during this next week. It is going to be another busy week and I have much to do to complete all of the necessary material for Quarter Four After School Activities.  I need to also get prepared to lose my hair and be able to adjust to a look I haven't had since childhood! :-)  Thanks for your continued prayers, encouragement, love, and support!  I trust you will enjoy a great week as well!  

Love, Gregg

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