Saturday, March 23, 2013

Fantastic Ending to Quarter Three! Spring Break Ahead!

Happy Spring to you!  The last week of Quarter Three was a fantastic week to end on right before our Spring Break!  First of all, a fifth grade boy, Kyle, accepted Jesus Christ as his Savior!!  And another boy in the same fifth grade section, Justin, is asking many questions.  I had the privilege of sharing with both boys.  Please join me as I celebrate with Kyle!  I would also appreciate your prayers for Justin.  He is almost ready to make a commitment, but he is struggling with the issue that "I am not good enough and I have done bad things."  On Friday God brought both boys into my path so that I could spend time with them and encourage them.

This is a picture of some of the fifth grade boys on Pajama Day during our Read-A-Thon.  It shows both Kyle and Justin.  Justin is in the second row on the far left.  Kyle is in the same row; third from the left.  Just wanted to give you a picture of these two awesome boys!

Wednesday was the beginning of online registration for Quarter Four After School Activities!  All of the technology went so well!  I had taken time to work with our IT person, Carol Pitts, several days before activating the registration so that we could work out any bugs!  It went so well and now during Spring break I will be relaxing as well as a little work on getting all of the necessary communications out to parents and instructors as well as all of forms, etc. for the Business Office and our Facilities Staff!  Thank you for your prayers.

Wednesday was also Hat Day in the Elementary School at YISS!  Kids love that day and so many fun hats were worn.  Mr. Lazor and I wore our new hats to conceal our shaved heads for at least one day.  I am actually liking my shaved head and my two new hats.  My Daddy is smiling from heaven!  He always wanted me to wear a hat and I always refused unless I was coaching or going to a ball game.  But with the loss of my hair, I have realized how my hair had kept my head warm! :-)  So now I am wearing hats!  Thank you, Daddy! :-)

Above I am with Mr. Lazor, our principal, on Hat Day!
We both have very interesting expressions! :-)  Mr.
Lazor wanted me to wear a similar hat as he is wearing
but we couldn't locate another. So I wore one of my new

Here I am my buddy in 4A, Dante!  We decided to 
exchange hats during lunch!  The kids went crazy 
when they saw me with Dante's hat on! :-)  I am 
reminded of a couple lines from Alice in Wonderland:
The Mad Hatter: Have I gone mad?
Alice:  I'm afraid so.  You're entirely bonkers!  But
I'll tell you a secret.  All the best people are!          

Thursday was a special day!  The Elementary Office staff took Mrs. Baek, our secretary, and me out for a birthday celebration lunch!  Mrs. Baek actually was supposed to go for he birthday lunch in December, but because of the weather and a number of sick teachers, we had to postpone her celebration.  We went to a very yummy wood grill pizza place near the school and I was so into the tasty lunch and celebration that I forgot to get any pictures!  I know you think I must be sick or something, but no pics of the special lunch.  You will just have to imagine a group of three very delicious pizzas and then a dessert pizza!!  Oh, soooooooo good!!!

Thursday, right after school, we had a surprise celebration for two beautiful and amazing ladies who are leaving to give birth in March and April.  Mrs. Baek, the elementary secretary had her last day on Friday and is due in April with her second son.  Mrs. Oh (Grace), the attendance guru (she probably knows all 900 + kids in YISS) and a lady, who is a HUGE help to me with the After School Activities, will leave on April 1.  She is due any day!  I wanted her to give birth to her first son on Sunday and name him Gregg, but she doesn't agree! :-)  Both of these ladies are so amazing, so intelligent, so dedicated, so caring and so much fun!  They will both be greatly missed at YISS!  I know they would value your prayers.

It is my great privilege and pleasure to be in this picture with two very beautiful and amazing women!  They represent the heart and soul of YISS and are keys to the smooth operation of YISS!  I am so grateful for Grace (on the left) and Ji Young (on the right) and all they have done for me at YISS!  Please pray for these fantastic ladies!

On Friday, our fifth grade sections had the culmination of their poetry study with Fifth Grade Literature and Writing teacher, Ms. Hughes.  One of the parents was able to secure the third floor of Holly's Coffee near the school.  During three different times each fifth grade section traveled to Holly's and presented the poem they had memorized (some even wrote an original poem) in a Coffee shop atmosphere.  Many parents attended as well!  It was an amazing morning!  The kids presented so well!  I was crying tears of joy as I watched ones, who would not initiate a conversation with me 2 years ago, stand in front of their peers and adults and present some amazing poems with great expression!  Ms. Hughes has done a superb job not only teaching poetry, but also getting the kids to think about the meanings of them and be able to interact with each other about some of our great poets and their works.  I wish you could have been present as kids and parents sat on the third floor of Holly's Coffee sharing their poems and drinking hot chocolate and sharing their poetry portfolios with parents and administrators!  I will share a few pictures from the amazing morning with these fifth graders!

Grade 5B teacher, Ms. Hughes welcoming parents to the Fifth Grade Poetry Review at Holly's Coffee on Friday!  What a gifted teacher!

Some of the audience on the third floor of Holly's!

Mr. and Mrs. Lazor with their 5th child, Karina Rose, + a couple other parents at the Poetry Review!

This young man, Madhav, gave one of the best readings
of Rudyard Kipling's If that I ever heard!  He did an amazing
job!  When he first came to YISS, he was this quiet boy who
was afraid of his shadow!  I was so proud of him!

I cannot begin to tell you the transformation in this fifth grader, Ben! Ben came to YISS in third grade.  He would NEVER get up in front of his class to say anything!  He had to be prompted to say hello to me.  Now he initiates conversations with me.  I had many tears of joy as I watched Ben share his poem in front of not only his classmates, but many adults!!  Ben has Asperger's Syndrome and has become quite a fine young man!

Another great interpretation was done by
Jean!  She even got into costume!

Here I am with two young men I am so proud of!  Madhav and Majid did superb jobs.  Majid and I have this special relationship now that has grown since he arrived in third grade.  He went home crying most days in third grade because he didn't understand anyone and they didn't understand him.  Now he is such a delight and has so much fun interacting with his peers and with adults.  he is one of the 8 fifth grade students involved in the Scratch Computer Programming (from MIT) after school activity!

Madeleine and her mother right after she did her
reading!  Another excellent job!

This is Ben with his mother!  Can you tell how proud Mother is of her young man?  Just so you know, both of them are standing and Ben's mother is a tall lady, but as you can see, Ben is taller than his mother!! :-)

One of my Discipleship buddies, Paul
with delightful smile.  He wrote his own
poem, Light, for Friday's Poetry Review!
So proud of him!

One of my other buddies, Francis!  He also wrote his own poem today.  His poem was a very thought provoking one entitled I Dreamed a Dream; Dreaming with God.  Soooo good!

It is Saturday as I write this and it is a great beginning to a relaxing weekend and then a week of Spring Break!  Last May I won a free night and breakfast in "The Kitchen" at the WWalker Hill Hotel in Seoul.  It is a very nice hotel and the food is delicious!  The father of one of our fourth grade students is the head person in the Culinary Department at WWalker Hill and I am excited about celebrating my birthday with my wonderful friend and brother, Gunmo, at the WWalker Hill on Sunday evening and Monday morning!  It will be a great time of fellowship and relaxation for both of us.  Oh yes, Gunmo has been given a new appointment at the company where he is working.  I know he would value your prayers for this added responsibility and his studies + his Sunday School class of 5th grade boys!

A couple weeks ago as I was observing some classrooms, I came across the following poster outside the classroom of Grade 2A!  I love it!  It shows the 2A students and what their future plans are (at least at this time in their young lives).  Enjoy!  Maybe use it as a reminder to prayer for the precious children with whom we have the privilege of teaching at YISS!


Today, Sunday, during rehearsal the NHM Choir had a little lunch and birthday cake in honor of my 64th birthday!  What a nice time!  Here are a few pictures of the special time!

Here are members of the NHM Choir enjoying some yummy lunch of Cham Chi Kim Bob and Korean Dumplings!!  So good!

Enjoying the birthday lunch with Conductor Suh and
In Cheol, a bass!

After the lunch, I was presented with a most delicious strawberry cake - made by Rebecca (Coffeebean Lee)!  She had to miss Choir today but sent the cake!  It was soooo good!

After I finished cutting the cake, I cleaned the knife to
the delight of Conductor Suh!  Sooooo tasty!!

Thanks so much, as always, for your faithful love, encouragement, prayers, and support!  Enjoy this last week of March!

Love, Gregg

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