Sunday, March 17, 2013

The Week of the Lazor Razor!!

Well, it happened!  The elementary cherubs reached their reading goal.  The goal was set for 700,000 minutes of reading during the Read-A-Thon and it was announced on Wednesday morning that they exceeded the goal - almost 725,000 minutes!  You may have heard the cheering in your home city!  If you didn't hear the cheering when the announcement was made, I am sure you could have heard the chant from these delightful "cherubs" when the PTO President asked me to come forward to have my head shaved on Wednesday morning in the YISS cafeteria!  Immediately they began chanting, "Shave your head!  Shave your head!!  Shave your head!!!"  Each time it got louder and louder!  Such naughty children!! :-)  Here are some pictures to share some of that morning with you!

As I entered the Cafeteria on Wednesday morning at 8:00 this is what greeted me.  It looked rather daunting - almost like I was going to the electric chair! :-)

Above Mr. Lazor and I chat right before we lose our 
hair!  Why did we agree to such a deed? :-)

Some of the students watching as I am about to get the first shaving from Mr. Lazor.  They had just finished their "Shave your head!!" chant!!

Mr. Lazor begins his first swipe of the razor
through my hair!!  I am having second thoughts!

As soon as I had my head shaved, I had to shave Mr. Lazor's!  Taking that first swipe was very difficult!  I have never cut someone's hair and I was a bit worried, but no bleeding! :-)

Here are three shaved heads for your enjoyment! Mr.
Simmons was a co-chair of the Read-A-Thon! He told
me that "I had a good head for shaving!" :-)

OK, now you can let me know. What do you think?  I am thinking I may keep the look!

A side view for your enjoyment!  Hope I haven't
frightened too many of you with my new look! :-)

That same evening I attended the YISS Orchestra Concert that included orchestras from Grade 5 through High School!  I am so impressed with what Mrs. Harding, our orchestra instructor, can do in such a short time with our elementary students.  The fifth graders in the orchestra were tremendous performing selections from Soon Hee Newbold, Sean O'Loughlin and Richard Meyer!

My buddy, Joseph from 5A, performing
at the Orchestra Concert! What a delight
this young man is!  He and his mother were
thrilled that I came to see him perform!

The very gifted Mrs. Harding conducting the fifth grade strings!!  Awesome!

Above are the cellists in the 5th grade strings! Mr.
Lazor's oldest child, Isabelle, is second from the
left!  I love it that she is a musician, an athlete, and
an avid reader!!

Some more of the violinists of the fifth grade strings!

The week was extremely busy!  In addition to the Wrap-Up Assembly for Read-A-Thon and the Orchestra Concert, fourth grades had their annual Geography Projects for parents, involvement in Chapels and OASIS Assembly, and taking care of final preparations for the online registration for Quarter Four After School Activities!  I also had a surprise visit from one of our former students, Andrew Mah!  Andrew is now in 7th grade at Cardigan Mountain School in New Hampshire.  Andrew and I had developed a great relationship when he was in 5th grade at YISS.  I was happy to write him a recommendation - although I did not want him to leave - and it has been good to keep in contact.  He said he was on Spring Break and wanted especially to come and see me and chat.  Andrew is such a fine young man and I want him to come to believe in Jesus.  Thanks for continuing to pray for this fine young man!

Here I am with Andrew!  What a great time we had together.  He hopes to come back and see me before he returns to Cardigan Mountain School in a couple weeks.
One of the 4A students with his project
on the K2 Mountain!

This is Lily with her Geography Project.  Oh, how she has grown!  When I subbed in 4A in October, Lily had to have one of the students translate most of the time for her.  Now she is always smiling and understands almost everything I say and she is able to speak with me!

One of my Discipleship boys, Ethan
with his Tokyo Towers project!  He was 
even using technology in a story book
style to explain about his project!  So good!

And one more of the young fourth grade girls with her project!  They all did a super job!  Wish I could show you more.

On Friday in the Chapels and OASIS Assembly, I was thrilled with two young ladies (one in grade 4 and one in grade 5) who performed the puppet skit on the gentleness, a fruit of the Spirit. They were outstanding!  Even the kindergarten children understood their words.  Their skit led right into a book I was reading to the OASIS kids about diligence and gentleness in our words! The story is My Mouth is a Volcano! (author is Julia Cook) and children could relate very well to the story and how we need to practice diligence in our words!

Two delightful young ladies who have been in Discipleship ASA as well as the Puppet Ministry ASA!  They did a superb job with the puppet skit in Chapels and OASIS on Friday!!

This past week I heard from one of my former SYME students, Youngbin (Len).  Youngbin will graduate from Liberty University this May and is looking for a position in marketing and advertising using his skills in the area of video production and all of the other areas connected with that.  He is quite a talented young man!  I miss him and was so happy to hear from him.  He wanted me to check his resume and cover letter before he begins sending them out to various organizations and businesses.  I know he would value your prayers!

Saturday I had the pleasure of having dinner with Yeongmin and two of his (and my) friends, Soohee and Sungmin!  What a wonderful time we had together.  It was the first Soohee and Sungmin had seen me since my hair shaving!  They couldn't believe it!  Yeongmin had seen pictures and videos on Facebook.  I think they like the new look! :-)

Sorry, but the lighting in the Blooming Garden (a new restaurant where Soohee just got a job) was not the greatest.  But here we are after enjoying a very scrumptious dinner.  Yeongmin and I are on the left and Soohee and Sungmin on the right. 

One of our starters: Bacon and Asparagus topped with
poached eggs!

Another starter, which was brought to us as a service
gift: Rice and Veggie Balls with salad.

One of the delicious main courses: Gorgonzola
and Tenderloin with Mushrooms Pasta!

After our very tasty dinner, I asked them to go help me find a new cap for my new hair look.  They all liked this one for casual use.  I got another one that I will use for work.  I tried to pay but Yeongmin gave them to me for a birthday gift!  I wore it to church on Sunday and everyone liked my new hair and the new look with the cap!

Please enjoy a great week.  This coming week will be online registration for Quarter Four After School Activities and then we begin a week of Spring Break.  Many of our students will be involved with one of the numerous GWAM (Guardians with a Message) trips.  I know they, as well as the teachers going with them, would value your prayers.  I will be spending time in Seoul and surrounding areas relaxing as well as working on Quarter Four ASA material.  Thanks so much for your prayers, your love, your encouragement, and your support!  You are so important to me!

Love, Gregg


  1. Now you really do look like me....except with a mustache! Jared

  2. I think it makes you look younger!
